• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.


  1. Keith Martin


    or 21st Century Schizoid Mannerisms (originally published 9/4/23 on Substack) (slightly abridged for Biblical Families) “Nothing he’s got he really needs: “Twentieth Century Schizoid Man.” King Crimson, from In the Court of the Crimson King (1969) [Just hearing the first few...
  2. H

    Meat Living in Marriage/Covenant or Fornication? - Real world situation/problem

    Hello All, I have been reading all of the discussion threads which relate to what constitutes a marriage that are currently happening. They are all blurring together a bit for me, so instead of this getting buried on a comments section I decided to create a new post. I wanted to propose a real...
  3. Keith Martin

    WOMEN-ONLY POLL, or How Deep Does Being on Board Go?

    This poll is for women only, and please, men, do not presume to answer for your women. Let them vote for themselves. This poll is open to women of any age or marital status: single, married, divorced, widowed; young, middle-aged or senior citizens. The poll has been set up so that the only...
  4. Keith Martin

    GENDER RATIOS AND THE FISHERS OF WOMEN, or Why Does Polygamy Remain Viable?

    And, no, I did not misspell 'fissures' . . . [As promised in a 1/21/20 post in the "HOW TO BEST ATTRACT POLY-POTENTIAL WOMEN, or Does My Breath Stink or What?" thread . . . . . . I did seek and receive permission from @Clyde Pilkington to post to bibfam.com a debate between Michael Anderson...
  5. Keith Martin

    HOW MUCH DOES SHE OWE YOU?, or Isn’t Bi-Directional Due-Benevolence a Monogamy-Only Imperative?

    On August 27, 2019, I made a decision to take what I thought would be either a couple-months break from posting on the forums or perhaps a permanent one with a commitment to restricting my Biblical Families interactions to only retreats and private messages. That temporary-break length has now...