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10 Million Lonely Women Lobbying for Polygamy


Real Person
Men, you have been asking yourself "Where can I find another wife that embraces polygamy?" I have the answer for you - Siberia! That's right - Siberia! Men are so rare there that the women are lobbying to legalize polygamy. No kidding! Here is a summary out of the NY Times, with the orginal article linked below:

Women in Siberia are lobbying to legalize polygamy, a Cambridge University anthropologist reports in The Guardian in London. The critical issue is demography. Population is falling and there are fewer men than women. Caroline Humphrey, the anthropologist, said: “Women say that the legalization of polygamy would be a godsend: it would give them rights to a man’s financial and physical support, legitimacy for their children, and rights to state benefits.” Meanwhile, some Russian nationalists claim that introducing polygamy in the country would provide husbands for “10 million lonely women” and fill Mother Russia’s cradles.

ok men... help these women get out of the cold! lol

http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/200 ... ntral-asia
A great example of naturally occuring desire for plural marriage.
I thought some men here might want to start learning Russian.... lol