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A Commentary on Marriage in the Bible

jay c

New Member
Those of you who know me might remember that I have been working on a book for...well...longer than you've known me. I first became interested in the Christian pro-poly movement in 1998 when I read one of my friend James Stivers' books. (I think it might have been Biblical Midwifery or The Mother-Heart of God. I'm really not sure now, it was so long ago.) I felt challenged to confirm or deny his assertion that polygyny was an acceptable choice before God. That sent me down a very deep rabbit hole that completely transformed my life and theology. Ever since, I have been working on fleshing out my notes into a useful format for other believers who are concerned about what has happened to marriage and the family since God first set us in motion. The book has gone through a couple of overhauls in format and content as my own understanding evolved, and now Volume I is finally complete and ready to go to the printers. You can read the draft cover blurb plus my introduction here.

Volume I contains my comments on the Torah, aka the Pentateuch. Later volumes will contain my comments on the remainder of the Bible and possibly an analysis of other ancient Christian and Jewish writings.

I haven't settled on a price yet, but I will offer trade paperbacks and electronic versions. The e-books will be much cheaper, of course. If anyone has an opinion on what the price should be, I'm open to suggestions. Some of the material is available for free on my blog, and I'll add more as time goes by. As soon as I settle on pricing, I'll post info for pre-ordering.

A Commentary on Marriage in the Bible, Volume I will be marked at $30 plus shipping. Less for the electronic version, probably $10. It will be around 250 - 270 pages. The pagination will change somewhat before printing, so I can't be more precise than that yet. To secure one of the first copies to come off the press at a discount, mail your request with one of these two payments included:

1. $2 face value worth of pre-1965 United States silver coinage (dimes, quarters, etc). I believe that amounts to just under 1.5 ounces of silver. When I checked earlier today, spot price was around $12.60/oz and bullion (Maple Leafs and Eagles) was selling for around $16.50/oz, which is a significant discount on the cover price and shipping. You might want to insure it because I can't guarantee the security of any shipping method.
2. $28 check or money order. Of course I prefer money orders. Books will ship only after the check clears, and I will charge for bounces. Including shipping, that's a $6 discount.

Mail requests to:

Jay Carper
PO Box 1045
Brenham, TX 77834

Include your name and return address. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within a week, send an email to books at historycarper dot com. Or send an email anyway if you want, just to let me know your order is in the mail.

I realize that sending money to a stranger you meet on the Internet is rarely a good idea. A few people here (Nathan, Welltan, and others) have met me in person, and some of them (Mark C and Andrew, for instance) know me well enough to vouch for my character.
Yaakov is a good guy. ;)

And - all kidding aside - I have seen his efforts on this volume for a long time, and am happy to recommend not only his character, but his very fine work.

Blessings in Him,


Jay Carper, Author

New Book Examines Marriage in the Bible

April 22, 2009 -- Gay marriage and fundamentalist Mormon polygamy are in the news almost daily. Islam is spreading across traditionally Christian lands. Ministers are defrocked for adultery or homosexual liaisons, divorce is rampant, and many people refuse to marry at all due to ever higher financial and social risks. The landscape of marriage and family is changing dramatically.

In A Commentary on Marriage in the Bible, Volume 1: the Torah, Jay Carper returns to the roots of Christianity and Judaism to discover what the Bible actually says about marriage and family. He examines almost every verse that has anything to do with male/female relationships, inheritance, family roles, and marriage traditions. This first volume covers the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Future volumes will cover the remainder of the Old Testament, the New Testament, and perhaps survey other ancient Judeo-Christian writings.

Although this is topic has been covered many times before in many volumes, Carper's findings will probably surprise you. He began researching in 1997 in response to a polygamy-friendly statement by a Christian writer. The process revolutionized his own relationships to God and the Bible, and it became important to get this important information out to the rest of the world. Over the course of several more years, Carper fleshed out and transformed his notes into a Bible commentary.

Carper approaches the topic from a generally Messianic Jewish point of view, but members of other Christian and Jewish denominations, Mormons, and even Muslims will find the material useful. However, the reader should not be surprised if he is offended by Carper's unapologetic advocacy of some unpopular ideas. In the introduction, he wrote, "...virtually everyone who picks up this volume will find something with which to disagree intensely, myself included."

Ordering Information: Printed by Third Millenium Publishing, PO Box 14026, Tempe, AZ 85284-0068. ISBN 1-934805-24-6. The cost is $29.85 plus shipping and handling for the paperback edition and $9.85 for the ebook in PDF, PalmPilot, Microsoft Reader, or Amazon Kindle formats. Order at http://3mpub.com/carper, directly from the author, or on Amazon.com.

For more information contact Jay Carper at books@historycarper.com.
