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A friend in need.

I have been trying my hardest and praying daily for a friend of mine to find God. He is a nice guy, and it seems like he is almost there. I have discussions here and there with him.. but it doesn't really seem to get through. I made a comment today about how get frustrated that I am not as well scriptured as some people are so I feel like I cant provide him with good enough answers. He then told me that it wouldn't matter how much I knew about the bible... he still would need proof outside of it, and that he doesnt know if he could ever trust something written by man. Please help me find the words and knowledge to give to him. Pray for me to help him and please mostly just pray for him. Id hate to see his soul sent to hell... Like I said.. he is right on the edge of believing.. I wish I could just push him over :p!
Thank you friends.
God Bless!
No one knows everything about scripture. Just tell him why you believe, and then show him by your life and your love that you do truly believe. The holy spirit will do the rest.
Will be praying for him and for you to have guidance. May the Holy spirit speak to him and may he hear and believe.

If you need an "equipping book" to help you better answer his questions I would suggest "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell. Over the years, however, I have foud that there are two kind sof searchers: 1. Hard boiled, and 2. Soft boiled. Hard boiled searchers are those who are really not searching at all. They use the "evidence argument" as an excuse not to follow God. Soft boiled searchers are true searchers but just do not know where to find the answers. An easy way to distinguish between the two is by asking this question: "For hypothetical purposes, if I were to give you all the evidence you need to convince you that God is real, would you follow Him?" If the person says "no", then he is not a true searcher. For a true searcher will desire more information. Josh McDowell's book will answer all of his questions if he is a true searcher. However, if he is unwilling to read it, he may not be a true searcher afterall, but a man using the "evidence argument" as an excuse to be unaccountable to God for his life.

Keep in mind that just because he may turn out to be a "hard boiled searcher", this does not mean that all hope is lost. It means it will just take more prayer. May I suggest taking two or three days to fast and pray for him? Sometimes fasting breaks the "yokes" ;) , but many believers neglect this option.
only the Holy Spirit can reveal scripture to your friends heart. The Holy spirit is the one who draws men to the Father and Son. Your friend has the knowledge to become a believer. What he needs is conviction of the truth. i have found that fasting and praying is the way for that to happen. i also believe there is a time to stop talking to someone about God. That way its not like they are dissing you and your words when the nudge happens, they know they are fighting with their own conscience and with God.
I'm praying for your friend.
Another great book to suggest for him to read in addition to the one dapastor posted is "20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists" by Boa and Bowman.

Praying for you and your friend!
Still another good book that I have found helpful in convincing agnostics -- especially those who have been deceived by the pseudo-science of 'evolution' -- is Tornado in a Junkyard by James Perloff. It is "proof outside the Bible", if you will...as an engineer, I have found that the FACT that the Universe absolutely could NOT have arisen by chance, not in a quadrillion quadrillion years, is the clincher in many cases.

(In my own case, only after I was able to see the Hand of the Creator in His creation was I able to recognize the perfection, and thus the Author, in His Word.)

You are in our prayers as well for your efforts.

ashleyconsidering said:
I have been trying my hardest and praying daily for a friend of mine to find God. He is a nice guy, and it seems like he is almost there. I have discussions here and there with him.. but it doesn't really seem to get through. I made a comment today about how get frustrated that I am not as well scriptured as some people are so I feel like I cant provide him with good enough answers. He then told me that it wouldn't matter how much I knew about the bible... he still would need proof outside of it, and that he doesnt know if he could ever trust something written by man. Please help me find the words and knowledge to give to him. Pray for me to help him and please mostly just pray for him. Id hate to see his soul sent to hell... Like I said.. he is right on the edge of believing.. I wish I could just push him over :p!
Thank you friends.
God Bless!

I'm an agnostic as well as a Christian so I can relate a little to your friend's mindset. I'll readily admit that I don't believe that the Bible is infallible or without errors, but because of my supernatural experiences, I believe in the parts that aren't problematic ( as in having inconsistencies/errors). Some times, it may not only take reasoning with words but it may take experience, like you living your life as a light that the NT mentions and your friend being touched by that. Other things that may do it is God taking your friend through an experience, whether it be anything from touching his heart to a more extraordinary experience.
You have my prayers as well.
DaPastor said:
......I have foud that there are two kinds of searchers: 1. Hard boiled, and 2. Soft boiled.....

Funny way of putting it, but oh so true!
I have seen more people saved over the years by the way they see a person live. I was saved due to some one showing me love no matter how much of a bad person I was. He impressed me so much I finally got saved and was like wow I want the happiness he has! Although it's been a bumpy ride I am glad it is a decision that I have made. Now I am hoping to lead others for God by my attitude of never giving up on them. Not by beating them over the head with a bible. but just being there when they need me. Telling them a story that is similar to what's going on with them and telling them how God got me out of it!
Revgill87123 said:
I have seen more people saved over the years by the way they see a person live. I was saved due to some one showing me love no matter how much of a bad person I was. He impressed me so much I finally got saved and was like wow I want the happiness he has! Although it's been a bumpy ride I am glad it is a decision that I have made. Now I am hoping to lead others for God by my attitude of never giving up on them. Not by beating them over the head with a bible. but just being there when they need me. Telling them a story that is similar to what's going on with them and telling them how God got me out of it!

How you live and show love is a powerful tool for non-believers so I share the same thoughts with you there. It can mean more than just trying to win someone over through intellectual (reason, theology, and scientifically based arguments,etc.) ways. I know if it weren't for my supernatural experiences and me being shown by other Christians the love that Christ talks about, I would've remained an agnostic only. Of course, I'll always remain a Christian even if I do encounter those Christians who set a bad example for the Christian faith.