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A Jewess' POV


I am engaged in a discussion on a Facebook group that is full of Jews. They have been gracious enough to allow me to contribute - presumably because I honour Torah also. One Jewess, in response to anther Jewess, made the following comment and I think it might be interesting to some - I know it was to me:
For me personally, I would like to marry polygamously for several reasons:
1. Because I was not raised Jewish, I'd like another woman to help raise my children.
2. We need more Jews in the world and polygamy is the easiest way to ensure that your family has the maximum number of kids possible.
3. I'd like to have hands-on practice raising Jewish children without the sole responsibility for doing so. Also, I am afraid if holy Rivka were tainted by her few years in the house of Lavan, I am tainted too and I don't want that reflecting on my children. I'd like them to have another woman around to teach them properly.
4. Who better to bitch to when my husband's being a jerk than his wife? ;)


So I would agree to be someone's second wife as long as the first wife agreed to it.
Everything can be taken in a good way or a bad way. The less experienced wife can feel less important for knowing less and thus being given less responsibility, or she can rely on the more experienced to help her as they all grow together. It all depends on how you look at the life and opportunities God has provided you with.
When I heard this lady's comments I thought it was a fresh look at the topic for me. That's what I love about good discussions - they open you up to things you didn't realise. Some ladies are unsure about being a good Jewish momma and they want to do it right. So, I can understand how she could be attracted to the idea of having a lady friend who would help her.
Here is what a different lady had to say in reply to a man who started a group she joined:
i was pretty offended when you started the Jewish Polygamy discussion group. i assumed it was just another way for men to excuse behaving badly. Over the months my head has completely changed about it. It became quickly clear that i am much more influenced by exile thinking than i cared to admit, and this issue was no exception. It has caused me to reevaluate everything i think i know about everything so that my mind can conform to Hashem's mind, not The Romans', Greeks', Christians', feminists', etc. It's an excruciating process which i am thankful to be undertaking.
So where am i at with it now? It's clear to me that my whole concept of love, marriage, family has nothing to do with G-d's and everything to do with indoctrination. The bottom line is that polygyny is ok with G-d, so it has to be ok with me. It's pretty simple. i am open to it now conceptually and, given the right situation, i would be a part of a polygynous marriage.