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A modern-day case of "virginity fraud"



Here's an interesting case of modern-day "virginity fraud" that recently appeared in the French courts...


It's interesting how the courts initially sided with Scripture regarding the annulment of the fraudulent marriage, yet the public backlash ended up causing them to change their verdict: "French law now holds that a groom receives no warranty as to his bride's chastity."


In His love,
Hi David
Yes, it is amazing. I didn't agree with all the decisions of the French court; particularly, the statement regarding that lying about one's past affairs isn't essential to a future marriage. Also, some of the decisions seemed contradictory.
Whatever a person's history is, God can make a marriage successful. However, if certain subjects come up then by all means be truthful. Allowing a mate to think falsely of you seems easy at first, but we all need to be loved just as we are. If you are not who you say you are then how can you feel loved and how can love based in the imaginary grow?