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A Question to Church Leaders About Polygyny...


New Member
I am a lifelong student of the Bible, and from God’s Word, I have learned these things about marriage:
  • God created Adam, and put him in charge of the world​
  • God created Eve FROM Adam to be a helper FOR Adam​
  • God placed authority IN Adam, making Eve subject TO him​
  • God created Eve to love Adam and to bear children for him​
  • God established marriage when He presented Eve TO Adam​
  • God placed children under Eve’s authority, subject TO Adam​
  • After the fall, God told Eve that Adam would RULE OVER HER​
Our Three-in-One (Triune) God designed authority this way:
  • God the Father (Ultimate Authority, rules over ALL)​
  • God the Son, Jesus (is subject to and does His Father’s will)​
  • God the Holy Spirit (coordinates EVERYTHING to work harmoniously)​
  • Adam (is subject to God the Son, and is to do Jesus’ will)​
  • Adam is to love, protect, CHERISH, lead, and IS RESPONSIBLE for Eve​
  • Eve, as Adam’s helper (is subject to and is TO DO Adam’s will) unless it is blatantly against God's Word​
  • Children to be raised by Eve (the whole family is subject to Adam)​
I believe the Holy Bible to be the written Word of God. It is my guidebook rather than any churches “Doctrinal Statement.” Too many churches have been teaching things that are not even in the Bible, and have left many things out.

For example, did you realize that the people who descended from the men that were the leaders and founders of God’s Chosen People, commonly known as the Jews, are from the same tribes of people that after THOUSANDS OF YEARS of being scattered throughout the world, in 1948 AGAIN became the nation of Israel? This is a DIRECT, LITERAL FULFILLMENT of Bible prophecy.

Did you realize that several of the founders of God’s Chosen People were polygynists (which means many of the men had more than one wife at the same time) and God had no problem with that? God greatly blessed them! This began some 5000-6000 years ago.

Polygyny was still prevalent at the time Jesus came as a babe in Bethlehem, even though it had started to change several hundred years before when the Greco/Roman empires introduced monogamy only to comply with THEIR PAGAN PRACTICES. Even several hundred years AFTER Christ's earthly ministry, many Jewish families practiced polygyny. A few still do!

A great deal of Bible prophecy has been fulfilled in my lifetime. The men who told the world that specific future events would CERTAINLY happen have been gone for several thousand years. God’s Word has always been, and always WILL be right.

Jesus Christ, in the gospel according to Matthew chapter 5, verse 17 said “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am NOT come to destroy, but to FULFIL.” Then in the next verse he said “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle SHALL IN NO WISE pass from the law, till ALL be fulfilled.” A jot or a tittle is like placing a dot on an i or crossing a t.

Has it all been fulfilled? NO. Will it all be fulfilled? ABSOLUTELY!

I mentioned these things because the modern churches have not followed the Bible teachings very well. The Bible teaches that several men who were married to more than one woman at the same time, INCLUDING Moses and King David were inspired by the Holy Spirit to WRITE much of the Bible... WHILE they were polygynists!

Moses was the prophet who wrote the first five books of the Bible and gave God’s chosen people God’s law. Moses had at least two wives and some concubines (servants or purchased women) and spoke to God (most likely the pre-incarnate Christ) face to face.

David was called the “man after God’s own heart.” He wrote many of the Psalms. The only sin David was judged for was adultery with Bathsheba and trying to cover it up by having Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah the Hittite, murdered after David committed the adulterous act.

What was David’s sin? ADULTERY and MURDER. Adultery was having intimate relations with ANOTHER MAN’S WIFE. At that time, King David already had multiple wives plus several concubines. God did not say anything about David’s group of wives and concubines. Why not? It was God HIMSELF who GAVE King David several wives, and would have given him even more if he would have asked. Read II Samuel 12:1-9.

Then, in I Kings 15:5, the Bible says “David did that which was RIGHT in the eyes of the LORD, and turned not aside from ANY THING that He commanded him ALL THE DAYS OF HIS LIFE, SAVE ONLY in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.” That is a powerful verse supporting the fact that God does NOT frown on men having multiple wives and/or concubines. God is the same, yesterday, and today, and forever. Do you REALLY BELIEVE the Bible? I do. God DOES NOT CHANGE!

There are many other verses of scripture that tell of men that had multiple wives, yet were blessed by God. Perhaps the CHURCHES need to make a change! God says in the Bible that Abraham had two wives and several concubines. There is NO PLACE in the Bible where this is condemned as sin. I’m talking about the WHOLE Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

In fact, in the first book of the Bible, (written by Moses) God says "Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes and my laws." And he had two wives (probably at the same time) and several concubines (Genesis 25:5-6). His grandson Jacob had four wives who bore him 12 sons who became the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel. Their names will be on the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem forever (Revelation 21:10-13)!

There is a great deal of scripture that supports polygyny. There is NO scripture that condemns it. The bottom line is that since GOD DOES NOT CHANGE, we must conclude that polygyny is a lawful practice. I am NOT suggesting that EVERY Christian man MUST become a polygynist. But, there is certainly no call for the churches to condemn it!

Church Leaders? How do YOU interpret the clear teaching of God’s Holy Word? Is what you have been instructing others on for years the whole TRUTH, or do you need to HONESTLY consider the plain teaching of the scriptures, and answer these verses accordingly?
That’s quite an introduction, welcome aboard!
How do YOU interpret the clear teaching of God’s Holy Word?
As someone who was preaching and teaching the Bible, I learnt as I taught. As I used to tell the people, I was only about a week ahead of them in my knowledge of a passage because what I learnt through my study I would teach them the next week.

According to His providence, when He saved me, God blessed me with being in a place where there was no seminary (or is that, cemetery?), but rather coming into contact with men who taught me how to study the Bible. It appears the standard indoctrination processes of seminaries so clouds the men's ability to search out the truth that most are incapable of doing anything other than regurgitating the stuff they've been taught. Jesus made disciples of those He chose; He never established a seminary or Bible college, but walked and talked with His chosen disciples (cf. John 15:16).

It appears to me, the system that has been created by men is producing what it has been created for, cookie cutter leaders.