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All about me!


Morning everyone...I was thinking on the way home from work last night that I'd like to let everyone know something about myself...

I'm sorry if I ever come off in print like I'm a big 'B" (and believe me, I've been called that and worse!), and I don't ever intend to be critical of anyone. We all make decisions and choices based on the best information we have at the time and sometimes it goes well and sometimes not. I try really hard to always be understanding...and here's my story...

I work for a global company and write contracts all day long...SO, I'm forever trying to read between the lines and decipher what someone is 'trying' to say and correspond in a very straightforward way that doesn't allow for any 'wiggle room' for anyone. Contracts have to be clear and concise and to the point, and I tend to read that way too...in a social setting that can be misunderstood as being picky....I assure you that I'm NOT!!!!

I really enjoy reading everyone's posts and 'examining' the point, content, and how things are expressed but I try to understand context and intent mostly. It helps me improve myself more than anything and I like that.

SOOO, please if I ever come across as being overly critical...I apologize!!!

Well I don't think so....

Mind you....I am probably not the best judge!! :lol:


I enjoy reading your posts. Straightforward is good as long as it is loving and gently. However, I hate when people are over the top sugary and fake. :lol: Example is when someone is quoting Scripture to you, but inside they really want to tell you to kiss off--that to me is just wrong.