• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Arranged marriages *between adults*

This is an attempt to restart our discussion on arranged marriages without delving into child-brides, etc. We will not discuss marriages to anyone under the age of 18, though I suppose the subject of actually arranging the marriages of pre-adults might be permissible. Agreed, everyone? Good.
Incidentally, we can also discuss arranged marriages at http://arrangedmarriagesforum.yuku.com, though anyone interested in joining those conversations must have a yuku account and go through the formality of asking the administrator for posting and reading access.
The subject actually might broaden to include the main idea of outside help in choosing and finding a mate. We have all heard that left to oneself a person will find another identical problem relationship, or marry someone just like their mother or father. Most people quickly ask their long time friends as to what their impression of a new person is. This is normal and for a Christian it is seeking the counsel of other Christians for advice.
Anyone interested should go to a retreat before they attempt a serious internet relationship. After reading emails and even perhaps viewing pictures, the doubts arise. At retreats, you can actually meet a person in a supervised Christian environment, and acquire impressions on other things besides marriage, and see how this person relates to others. And of course everything should be life style for "Adults Only".
For me God will do the arranged marriage and no one else. The girl I was to marry was brought to me twice. The first time I was not looking for a girlfriend, but decided to date her anyhow. After time I thought I was to busy flying, riding motorcycles, working and school to have a girl. So I broke up with her, then about two months later he brought her almost to my doorstep. Then I finally figured out this was the girl he wanted for me. I sure am glad I listened! If there is to be more, he will have to bring them to me. God did such a wonderful job with the first one, he has to do the second.

Can't argue with what you say. But it does validate my point about retreats as the presence of God's Spirit often is there to guide.