• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Awesome web site with free books!


I am so pumped about this web site and the people of this ministry that I can hardly contain myself! :D I have been praying that God would link me with people who know the same stuff that He has shown me but are already operating in the principles. Well He did and here they are...


Start by reading the book 'Sovereign God' and then 'Hidden Manna'. They are free for download or you can order them, (I think they will provide them free if you cannot pay). Though David Eells the leader of the group states that he still has things to learn, (for example I do not believe they have received the revelation about polygyny yet) but the vast majority of what I have read is right on, especially in the first book. These books will help set people free from the bondage that religion has placed on them and open the door for the power of God to work in their lives and get ready for these end-times. He also has a chapter in 'Sovereign God' on healing that says exactly the same things that God completely independently showed me about the subject. The books are on this page...


Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Thanks so much for the links! I know that it was posted over a year ago, but I wanted to say thanks anyway! Is Dr. Ray still around???
dr ray,
been missin ya.
thanx for the links