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Banished! City forbids Bible studies in homes

The Duke Of Marshall

Real Person
Posted: March 13, 2010
12:20 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

The city of Gilbert, Ariz., has ordered a group of seven adults to stop gathering for Bible studies in a private home because such meetings are forbidden by the city's zoning codes.

The issue was brought to a head when city officials wrote a letter to a pastor and his wife informing them they had 10 days to quit having the meetings in their private home.

The ban, however, prompted a response from the Alliance Defense Fund, which filed an appeal with the city as the first step in its campaign to overturn a provision it describes as illegal.

"The interpretation and enforcement of the town's code is clearly unconstitutional, " said Daniel Blomberg, a member of the litigation team for ADF. "It bans 200,000 Gilbert residents from meeting in their private homes for organized religious purposes – an activity encouraged in the Bible, practiced for thousands of years, and protected by the First Amendment."

Yes, the Bible is completely true, but you may never have heard the spectacular, ultimate destiny God has in store for you. It's far more glorious than just floating around on clouds in heaven! Find out what you've never been told, direct from your very own Bible!

The appeal was filed on behalf of the members, all seven, of the Oasis of Truth Church.

Pastor Joe Sutherland had been told in a letter from code compliance officer Steve Wallace that the people were not allowed to meet in a home for church activities under the city's Land Development Code.

There had been no complaints about the meetings, which had been rotating among members' homes before the officer wrote the letter and ordered the group to "terminate all religious meetings … regardless of their size, nature or frequency," because he noticed signs about the meetings.

The town interprets its law so that "churches within its borders cannot have any home meetings of any size, including Bible studies, three-person church leadership meetings and potluck dinners," ADF said.

A city letter confirmed, "Given that the church is considered to be religious assembly, and given the LDC provisions prohibiting that use on Local streets without Use Permits and prohibiting it in single family residential structures, it follows that the church meetings cannot be held in the home."

"The assembly activities associated with the church, including Bible studies, church leadership meetings and church fellowship activities are not permitted," wrote Mike Milillo, the city's senior planner.

"This ban is defended based upon traffic, parking, and building safety concerns. However, nothing in its zoning code prevents weekly Cub Scouts meetings, Monday Night Football parties with numerous attendees or large business parties from being held on a regular basis in private homes," the ADF said.

The few adults in the church had met for a few hours weekly in members' homes.

The ADF argues such bans violate the Constitution's free-exercise clause, and even the state's Free Exercise of Religion Act protects such meetings.

Further, the restrictions imposed by the city violate the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which grants significant authority for churches to pursue their ministry goals.

Finally, Blomberg said, "the First Amendment's free-speech clause prevents the town from stopping the church from holding its meetings on the public sidewalk outside the pastor's home, yet the town won't allow him to hold the same meetings just a few feet away in the privacy of his own living room."

The small church has been forced to halt its regular meetings. It meets now in a local school but only can afford the rental once a week.

A spokeswoman for the city of Gilbert told WND city officials were aware of the concern and planned to address it.

Vice Mayor Linda Abbott told WND the code apparently was adopted years earlier, and there was considerable concern on the city council because of the current issues.

"I'm not in favor of that code. That is something we would want revisited," she said.

WND reported a similar situation in San Diego County. In that case, officials eventually withdrew a warning letter and a cease-and-desist order they had issued against a pastor who had been holding a weekly Bible study in his home.

"I want to offer my apology to you, your wife and your congregation for the unfortunate events of the past several weeks," said the letter from Walter F. Ekard, chief officer of the county. "My review of the situation shows that no administrative citation warning should have been issued and that a major use permit is not required for the Bible study you have in your home."

Yup, it's trend. Freedom of Religion, as long as it's in the appropriate box.
Gilbert, AZ is a city that has had massive growth in the last 15-20 years. Every planned development in the city has at least one Mormon church building. Mormons are a growing force in the community of upscale homes and families. I live near there and expect that the city will revamp the code with some freedom and restrictions.
Two comments --

1) The "velvet glove has come off of the iron fist". The Almighty City has just informed those people who REALLY owns what they thought was THEIR property. (And if this church is incorporated "under the laws of the State of Arizona", they need to review what restrictions that creator has placed on them, and whether or not those rules are consistent with His.)

2) Some abominations are intolerable to those who choose to serve Him. A blunt refusal to submit to evil may be appropriate.
This is partly also due to the "Church" organizing itself as an institutional business with paid staff and the like. I would highly recommend the both the book "Pagan Christianity" by Frank Viola and "Fossilized Customs" by Lew White. The model which is currently viewed as the Church is not the "Ekklesia" spoken of by the Messiah.

The people of Yah were regularly brought into physical captivity to reveal to them the fact that they already are in spiritual captivity. This revelation tends to help as many as possible of them to repent and enter back into freedom. Perhaps trials of this nature in the article will help.

Religious freedom is often physically lost because there is no spiritual freedom. May true Freedom reign.


P.S. Ekklesia is the "called out ones of Yah"
I loved "Fossilized Customs". That's really the book that started opening my eyes. Didn't really like the way it was formatted/edited, but great information all the same.

Still haven't been able to verify his claim of the name "Gött".
The Duke Of Marshall said:
I loved "Fossilized Customs". That's really the book that started opening my eyes. Didn't really like the way it was formatted/edited, but great information all the same...

Agreed, Todd. I usually recommend the book to people along with the warning that "it's a lot like trying to drink from a fire hose."

Another similar, and probably more cogently-assembled book is Richard Rives' Too Long in the Sun. I recently have heard Richard speak (on-line) a couple of times, and seen a new book that he has out, called Time Is the Ally of Deceit . This one looks excellent, and I'm looking forward to having a chance to read it.

I'll post a link to his stuff as well:


http://www.amazon.com/Time-Ally-Deceit- ... 0982284403

Good stuff for your home Bible study.

PS> I do see that Gilbert, Arizona has felt the heat, and may have seen a bit of light --


That doesn't change the fact that they tried, and that the spirit which motivated them can be expected to continue working against YHVH's people. Note, for example, that they have changed the TACTIC, but not the assumption:
that the people who live there, on what they think is their property, still are Caesar's to command.
I can see it now. "Hey friend what are you in for?" a guy answers "Murder". He ask "what are you in for?" preacher says "having church in my home" funny but not! I would still have church jail or not! I am a Ron Paul voter what do you expect? Give me Liberty or give me death!