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Batteling the gay church


The other day I told you that we are in the piles and piles of the paperwork stage to get this church. Today I go out to talk to the current owners of the property. They tell me that they may need to reconsider their choice because I had told them all sinners would be welcomed, but yet when I was apporached by a homosexual lady that calles her self a pastor about preaching at our church I told her that I didn't believe having a woman pastor or homosexual run church was biblically sound. Well now the lady is causing all kinds of an uproar with the current owners. I have decided to leave it in Gods hands. I can't help but wander how ever if there is any thing I could say to change their hearts. I have shown them scripture that shows them what I am talking about, but still they are not sure what to do. Maybe yall can pray that Gods' will be done and not mine or the people that own the property, but God and God alone! I really don't know what else to say. So yall have a good day and hopefully either way I will hear some thing soon.
Your promise was to welcome all sinners of whatever stripe to the foot of the cross to receive salvation FROM their sin, correct?

That is a far cry from inviting those living ooenly IN their sin to take leadership and teaching positions in the church.

If these folks want to open their own church, teaching their own doctrine on their own property, let 'em.

But if they want to turn it over to you to run on the above basis, then they had better take their hands off of the controls, and let the Word lead the way.

If they can't DO that, you will have never-ending trouble with them coming to you to tell you what you can and can't do.

And they're likely to say things like, "Well!!! I never envisioned you using our property to teach THAT!!! You need to be an upright man and give it BACK (with all your built in imoprovements, of course) if you can't compromise on THIS issue.

If they're going to be this wishy washy over this sort of an issue, please consider carefully whether you want to deal with them further. Gill, this particular property just may be a venus flytrap.
Well once the paper work is done I would legally own the property. So if every thing is signed over then I wouldn't have to worry about dealing with any one but God. I like dealing with God cause he's always correct!
Hi Gill
Do the current owners have the legal right to refuse to sell the property to you because of doctrinal differences ? It sounds like discrimination to me.

I completely support your decision to welcome all sinners, as well as not allowing them free reign to preach ungodly beliefs or to hold positions of leadership. Stand your ground !
That sounds like a rough one, the 'gay church' wouldn't be such a threat if it wasn't so determined to destroy anyone who disagreed with it, I'm not surprised so much trouble was raised.
Fairlight said:
Do the current owners have the legal right to refuse to sell the property to you because of doctrinal differences ?

I think its a donation, Fairlight, in which case they can donate or not or keep strings attached ... *sigh*

Legally, you're right, Gill. Practically, if they have expectations that you'll be beholden and have to listen to them and you don't? Easy to whisper poisonous gossip, true or otherwise, seasoned with bitterness and words like "ungrateful" all over the community.

I'll keep you in prayer, my friend.
My view would be that welcoming all sinners does not equal letting them teach doctrine. They would be welcome in the congregation although not in positions of leadership. Even then, you would have to watch carefully that their views are not introducing stumbling blocks for newer or less mature Christians. Tough call brother. I'll pray for you.

Well after what I thought was a lost cause was acually them just testing my faith they said they were sorry but they didn't want to give the property away to some one who would fold on true Christian doctrin. So we have a meeting set up with the lawyers next week and the property is ours. Thanks for all the prayers. :D
I'll be SWITCHED!!! The STINKERS!!! :eek:

But PTL it's going through. :D