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Being Called to PM


Real Person
While acknowledging that some men will claim to have been “called” to PM as a mere technique of spiritual abuse, by which they hope to forcibly silence the opposition of their wives, and justify the sexual exploits / affairs of which they are already guilty …

[highlight=#FFFF00]Can and does God call some men to PM? [/highlight]

[highlight=#FFFF00]Has He created differences in men, such that some men “naturally” welcome, even crave, the responsibility and rewards of PM, while others find it inconceivable, and monogamy the best they can imagine?[/highlight]

When first seriously studying this topic, in my enthusiasm I presented it to my younger brothers. Same Mom, same Dad. BOTH looked at me aghast, and said, “Why on earth would you wanna do THAT?”

Further discussion revealed that I looked inward, referenced my existing marriage, and thought, “Why wouldn’t a man want MORE of this?!!!”, while they looked inward, referenced other marriages and thought, “Sheez! One is BAD ENOUGH!!!”

Let’s up the ante …

[highlight=#FFFF00]Does God call some men to PM over the objections of their wives? Or without calling the wife?[/highlight] (Uh-oh! Have I quit preaching and commenced to meddling?)

This question is frequently raised with an implied answer of “No”, usually by an objecting wife, as a means of trying to hold a man back from moving forward on this new course.

The argument goes, “The same Holy Spirit is at work in me as in you. So if I don’t receive or refuse to accept this teaching, then you haven’t been taught by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you have no right to move forward without me consenting and being in unity with you.”

Sounds very nice, and very concerned with the preservation of the existing family unit. But is it? Let’s switch it up …

A common church teaching is that your priorities need to be God, then family, business, church, friends/neighbors, then finally self. (With some minor variance in order, perhaps.)

But as the teaching progresses, it becomes clear that what is being taught is that a man’s first responsibility is to his family, and God only has a right to what is left over. So, and this is a common occurrence, …

God calls a man to ministry. His wife objects. “I want you here at home more. Not running off to play the Big Holy Man of God to everyone else. Stay home and take care of business, before you dare to teach or preach to anyone else.”

Or maybe “Move? Are you kidding? We just got settled here! The kids are doing well in school, I’ve got friends, and a garden in! NO! Your first responsibility is to your family!!!

REALLY? :eek: Show me where in the Bible you find that? :? :roll: (Keep thinking …)

Is it possible that the reason Paul offered his non-divinely-inspired (he SAID so) opinion that it was better not to marry and possibly be distracted from your calling, was that he had just such a scenario in mind? :roll:

When Jesus called the twelve disciples, and they dropped whatever they were doing, and simply walked away to follow HIM, is it anywhere recorded that He first checked with their wives to make sure it was ok with them? That it wouldn’t disrupt the family routine or finances or harmony? :roll:

I recently heard a discussion on this by a pastor whom God is using mightily all around the world.

He says that when he and his wife married, he told her, “Honey, I have a commitment to God that predates and supersedes my commitment to you. What’s more, God has a pastoral calling upon my life. So if God tells me to go here or there, and do this or that, I am going to do it.

I hope you will always move WITH me. But if not, it will NOT be a matter of me leaving you, but of you refusing to follow me.

He continues that, to her credit, she has always followed, and opines that she deserves a special place in Heaven as she’s already been through Hell following him around all these years.

But he also goes on to say that over and over he has seen men who turned back from God’s calling in an effort to “save their families.” It has NEVER ONCE, to his knowledge, worked. By and by the family splits up anyway, and the man often ceases serving God entirely. Back to PM …

A man has multiple affairs over the years, and finally decides, “You know, I really wanna KEEP this one. I don’t care about my wife so much, but don’t have a right to divorce her. Besides, if I did, she’d have a right to half my toys and maybe future income and that would be most inconvenient. Maybe PM is the answer. If I can just justify it Biblically, Whee! I’m home safe!”

Sorry, I got no respect for that, and this post is NOT addressed to that situation.

Another man has, all his life, felt a tug towards PM. Finally he delves into the Word to find answers, and the Spirit opens the subject before his eyes in beautiful clarity. All the loose ends that he has always seen flapping in the wind when monogamy was taught fit neatly together and make perfect sense when PM is presented. It is as though he has received a Ramah quickening of the Word direct to himself from God. In his exuberance, he tells his wife in one excited rush, (predictably, being a guy, at the worst possible moment).

She responds, “Not only No, but HELL NO! You do that and I’ll divorce you and destroy your reputation and spiritual influence with everyone you know. You don’t have a right to do that without my consent, and I do NOT give it. And remember, Your first responsibility is to your family!!!

Now admittedly, patience and wisdom are needed. He may have had months to study and consider, argue and counter, and adjust his thinking to a path so different than what he was raised with, while she’s had 2 minutes. He can and should give her some time and thoughtful attention and maybe space, and teaching, and … However, ultimately…

What should he do?

I propose that just as with the pastor who pulls back from God’s calling upon his life in an effort to save his family by placating his wife, yet ultimately loses both his family AND his relationship with God, …

A man who has truly been led to this point by God, (and yes, he must examine himself to decide which of his heads has led him here,) dare not draw back from the Word, the calling, and the truth of God revealed.

No matter whether the area of truth SEEMS large or small, important or not, salvation-related or not, if God’s Spirit has made the effort to open and reveal and shine light upon it to YOU personally, you CANNOT SAFELY turn your back thereon and continue to expect the blessing of God.

Certainly there is no guarantee that doing so would truly save your family. Worse, even if you stayed together, what will have become of your soul?

The next objection which is raised seems to be, “Well, then, how is the blessing of God revealed if he does move forward anyway and does lose his family?

That is a separate topic, with its own thread at When God's Blessing Looks Like Loss.
I have considered much of this at length lately due to my friend's circumstances. I don't have time for a full response yet, but when it comes I don't think it will be too far from what you are bringing up here. There are some issues that weigh heavily here, but ultimately the short response is "We ought to obey God rather than (wo)man." Grace, tact, prayer, confirmation of calling, and more are involved surely when there is challenge such as "Hath God surely said...."?

In my household, ultimately my wife already knows that if God calls me to do something, we will do it. We have been tried on this to some extent before, and by God's grace He has given strength and wisdom to discern and obey. This is NOT popular and so (like you don't already know this) be prepared to take a few hits on this one, brother.
One issue would be that men make a covenant saying "...forsaking all others....." is this binding based on one's ignorant state or does it apply unless the wife agrees to let him out of that promise? More to come, just getting the ball rolling :cool:
Cow fam said:
One issue would be that men make a covenant saying "...forsaking all others....." is this binding based on one's ignorant state or does it apply unless the wife agrees to let him out of that promise? More to come, just getting the ball rolling :cool:

Discussed extensively elsewhere. I need to pull my complete thoughts on this one together for a current thread as well.
Cecil, I found the locked thread after your post here. I see how this could get out of hand and how people could be misunderstood. On a much brighter note, my wife and I discussed this issue. We are not sure if we ever said "forsaking all others", but she told me that I was released from that. :D We walked through this study together, discussed it together, dealt with a friend who really blew it in his efforts to take another wife, and as we counsel the young lady involved (aka Jewel on the forums) we talk it all over together and agree. I will write more later on the lessons we are learning together from that situation.

I have to say that I am glad I don't have to deal with the issue of a contentious wife, or one who makes threats, or one who assaults my character and my motivation but rather sees the truth of God's Word. :) Whether we ever act on this, we are united in every stand we have ever studied in Scripture. My wife trusts me, values my leadership, and loves and understands the Lord more today than ever. Always growing in the Lord, in grace and knowledge, I have to say I am seriously blessed to not have first hand knowledge of this problem. I have, however, seen the other side. :evil:

The OP was written as if he was telling the story of my friend J. Evidently, Satan works to destroy families regarding this issue in a fairly consistent way, by subverting the authority of men and making them out to be overbearing perverts worthy of public shame and dishonor. :eek: For those brothers who have experienced the pain of having a wife who cannot see the truth and resorts to these things, I am so sorry. :cry: Maybe they would like to talk to my wife. She is willing to do that if it would help. May God give us grace, wisdom, and patience to do things in His way and His timing, that He would be glorified.
CecilW said:
Your first responsibility is to your family!!!

REALLY? :eek: Show me where in the Bible you find that? :?
Very good point. I've never thought hard enough about that one. I see God as my first responsibility, but within that I see my family as my mission field of first priority, as they have been placed directly in my care by God. But that makes is my responsibility to teach my wife, NOT the other way around. For a wife to turn this responsibility backwards and use it as a weapon against the husband's leadership is actually completely opposed to the fact that she IS his first responsibility...

Satan has an amazing ability to take God's ordained order and reverse it, while making people believe his version is actually more Godly than the original.
I am sorry I know this has little to do with me but I just want to point this out since I have been reading the thread that it just seems to be just a more elaborate version of the other thread trying to justify the idea that men should be allowed to take additional wives regardless of how their current wife feels about it.

can I also point out this line on the About us page of Biblical Families We would like to make clear that we do not condone or accept forced or coerced marriages of any kind, at any age. I would say that if there is a second marriage forced on a first wife that it is just as unethical, not to mention completely unfair to a second wife who must enter a distressed and resentful home. Loving husbands do not do that, and I do not want to revisit that breaking ones oath topic, but since it seems to be coming up again I would state again, If you make a religious vow to another person and you are not released from it but break it, you are not a man to trust.

So your thought, Bels, is that no matter WHAT changes in a man's understanding regarding his relationship or responsibility towards God, hs family, or society, he IS ultimately completely under the authority of his existing wife, who may either permit or deny him moving forward in his new knowledge. That he may not, with integrity, state that circumstances have changed, and he is obliged to change an under-term of His life commitments due to his over-riding and pre-dating commitment to follow truth and God wherever they lead him. Correct?

Hmmm. That sounds like as much a form of forced slavery and control as what you are complaining about. Whereas what I am saying is that ultimately you do what you need to do, and everyone else is free to do the same. Freedom for everyone. Freedom to stay or go, as these things change, without leveling charges of lack of integrity when someone does as mentioned.

Remember, I am NOT talking about the sort of sod who gets his shorts in a twist, or perhaps the contents of his shorts into a twist, and now is trying to legitimize and justify his affairs.

Rather, we are talking about a legitimate change in life view, thoughtfully, carefully, and prayerfully entered into and thoughtfully worked out.

To continue THIS thread of thought, please goto Integrity or Legitimate Change
No one can tell anyone how to think, but we are not talking about thinking but acting.

And, as is re-stated time and again on this forum, one does not need to live Polygamy and it is not essential to salvation. According to the home page.

I have no reason to discuss this further, I just think the direction this forum is going in, with the validation of force upsetting, anyone who really really wants something so very much can say they are being called to it, but I bet a million that none of those men have an impoverished widow on their doorstep looking for a husband, of course not, they will go searching for them....and that is essentially self delusional and if this is Christian than I am jolly well glad I am not one.

Bels, my first wife left because I refused to say PM was wrong, or issue a new promise, once info was in hand, that I would NEVER enter into it, no matter what.

My current wife entered my life, in need of a husband and without me looking for her, 2 years later.

Yes, charlatans exist. That does not prove the non-existence of those with a true calling, znymore than con-men prove the non-existence of profitable investments, or whores prove the non-existence of wives or plastic flowers prove the non-existence of true ones.
CecilW said:
Bels, my first wife left because I refused to say PM was wrong, or issue a new promise, once info was in hand, that I would NEVER enter into it, no matter what..

And I am not saying I agree with that. If I had a 45 year old coach potato husband who says he is going to be a professional ball player I am not exactly going to be imagining a life as a 'Real Basketball wife' or something.
Everyone can believe what they want to as far as I am concerned but actions are different.

My current wife entered my life, in need of a husband and without me looking for her, 2 years later.

I don't know how this is relevant because you don't know what yours or her actions may have been if you were still living with your first wife. At the end of the day ignorance is not defence under the law so they say. And a man is only so good as his word. So if you become more enlightened the onus is on you to spread your enlightenment and wait until that seed grows, risking one relationship to enter into another seems suspiciously close to serial monogamy to me.

Isabella said:
risking one relationship to enter into another seems suspiciously close to serial monogamy to me.

But I didn't, Bels. I risked one relationship to follow God's leading for me, whatever that may be. Singleness, first wife returning, a second wife while first remained away, a second and third wife, whatever. NO EXPECTATIONS, and no relationship waiting in the wings. Just a commitment to follow God, wherever He led.

The very fact of my committing to do so IF it ever came up was enough for my wife to leave. It made me a polygamist with one wife, and then a single polygamist. Years later, a polygamist with one wife, or one wife at home, depending upon one's view.

This may be incomprehensible to one who doesn't see the need for or value in Christianity as a total way of life. Sorry.
CecilW said:
Isabella said:
risking one relationship to enter into another seems suspiciously close to serial monogamy to me.

But I didn't, Bels.

I think you are personalising this when it was not actually a personal attack Cecil, it was a general statement. As I already said, I don't think belief in PM, is a good enough reason for divorce.

Isabella said:
I think you are personalising this when it was not actually a personal attack Cecil, it was a general statement.

Hah! You are so much fun, Bels!

I think you universalized it too much, so I quoted an exception with which I am absolutely familiar. :lol:

In the OP, I clearly admitted to the presence of men to whom my remarks did not apply as they came from a different angle entirely.

Also, for the record, this thread is MY OPINION, not a vetted and approved official position paper of BF.
Bels, I certainly understand your concerns, and like you tend to hold the position that the current marriage is very important, and a man should work to preserved that as hard as possible. But the issue here comes down to whether there is a God who is the authority above any man, and may issue instructions that differ from what the man initially planned, or not. If there is no overruling authority, you are correct - the man is the final authority and made a decision he must stick with. (That is of course only if he chooses to be good, which he doesn't have to if there is no God of course! :) )

But if God is the authority, He may overrule and call a man to His plans. Hopefully He will bring the wife along too. But everyone has free will, so she may decide not to accept it. I would hope this would be in a minority of situations, and through their husband's prayer and loving leadership most wives would be able to come to trust God's word also.

Discussed in much greater depth here: http://www.biblicalfamilies.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3522#p35468