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Benny Hinn reveals his '2 biggest regrets' from ministry, apologizes for false prophecy


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Controversial televangelist Benny Hinn said his two “biggest regrets” in his decades-long ministry include promoting prophecies he now admits “were not accurate or from the Lord” and pushing “prosperity theology."

“The two things I regret most in ministry: I was not too wise a number of times with prophecy,” the 71-year-old charismatic preacher told Stephen Strang, host of The Strang Report, in a recent interview.

“I had guests come to the crusades that I think brought harm to not only people’s lives but also to my reputation because their prophecies were not really prophecy. They went outside the borders of redemption.”
My rule-of-thumb is that anyone who calls themselves a prophet is not a prophet.

If your prophecies are indeed prophetic then we can figure out that you're a prophet all on our own.
My rule-of-thumb is that anyone who calls themselves a prophet is not a prophet.

If your prophecies are indeed prophetic then we can figure out that you're a prophet all on our own.
True, and anyone who prophesies falsely is a false prophet.

He never actually takes responsibility for anything he’s done, in that article.
If he’s really a prophet from God, write it down, put it in a book, and add it to the end of the Bible. But since the Bible is complete, then he’s not a prophet.
If he’s really a prophet from God, write it down, put it in a book, and add it to the end of the Bible. But since the Bible is complete, then he’s not a prophet.
Are you assuming that the only words God ever says are those in the Bible, and He has never said anything other than that?

If so, consider that people "prophecying" are mentioned repeatedly in the New Testament - it's one of the spiritual gifts. Even running with the assumption that you no doubt are making that this gift was only for the time of the apostles, clearly at that time there were various people running around prophecying. Are all the words that they said written down and published in the Bible? If not - and the answer is clearly not, because most of the time the words said are not recorded - then God has spoken words other than those in the Bible.
Are you assuming that the only words God ever says are those in the Bible, and He has never said anything other than that?

If so, consider that people "prophecying" are mentioned repeatedly in the New Testament - it's one of the spiritual gifts. Even running with the assumption that you no doubt are making that this gift was only for the time of the apostles, clearly at that time there were various people running around prophecying. Are all the words that they said written down and published in the Bible? If not - and the answer is clearly not, because most of the time the words said are not recorded - then God has spoken words other than those in the Bible.

I agree. But with the caveat that anyone pronouncing a prophecy from God must be 100% inerrantly right about it.

Or it is not a prophecy from God, Who is always right.
Or it is not a prophecy from God, Who is always right.
Even if the prophecy does come to pass, but it leads people away from the living and true God (Deut. 13:1-4), that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death (v:5). Being a lying prophet was fatal. Benny and his ilk should keep that in mind.
Even if the prophecy does come to pass, but it leads people away from the living and true God (Deut. 13:1-4), that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death (v:5). Being a lying prophet was fatal. Benny and his ilk should keep that in mind.
Passage is about prophets who are right.

Doubt false prophet would be constantly right and isn't named Zhuge Liang (master Chinese strategist, regularly bet his life on his plans and still die natural death, and opposite side only hope is known genius who still regularly loses).
A lot of people believe this. Entire denominations believe this, and major ones.
And I didn't say it was wrong. I was making an entirely different point, and for the sake of logic was basing it fully upon that assumption. Please address the point I was actually making.