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Better an unmarried single mother...

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Monogamania is really a pernicious thing. Forget white picket fences and happily ever after. It really IS surprising, and disconcerting, to see just how complete the idolatry of monogamy -- at the expense of what God actually has to say in the Bible -- has become.

An example has recently made that clear to me.

I have a friend, a wonderful woman with a love for God, and an interest in studying His Word, who has come to understand that a number of things she was brought up to believe, both at home and in "Sunday school", are simply not true. Jeremiah 16:19 sums it up nicely:

"O YHVH, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and [things] wherein [there is] no profit.
...Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they [are] no gods?

We have talked about a number of such things - from what the Bible says about divorce, to the way in which His Perfect Sacrifice for us as the Passover Lamb has been (to put it mildly) paganized by being re-named after a fertility goddess. She demonstrated a "zeal" for the Word, and found the same Berean-like excitement that I had at "searching the Scriptures" for the Truth.

That is - up to a point. In spite of having told me that there were no traditions that she held which would supersede the Word of God, the truth was otherwise. Exposed to the fact that God "permits" a man to have more than one wife, she decided to ask other MEN who claimed to be "Messianic" what they believed - but did not want to ask which Scriptures to read for herself. Better not to know. The emotions ran too deep. That particular idol -- one which she did not even know she worshipped! -- proved untouchable. Remember what Paul said about "itching ears"?

For my part, I was not, and AM not, trying to "convert" anyone to a particular viewpoint**. I believe that Scripture speaks for itself. If God's Word is not ALLOWED to witness to someone, who am I to try to force them? (Unlike a wife, she has not submitted to my authority. I will answer questions when asked.)

I do believe that His Word is consistent, however! I became a Believer when I realized that "not one yod nor tiddle" had been changed; like a tapestry woven by the Hand of the Creator, the Bible is a complete Whole - and every part matters. One certainly cannot understand His plan for marriage, for example, without reading ALL of it in context.

Whether she, or any individual woman or man, would WANT to be a second wife, is not the question. After all, as Paul notes, not everyone should even marry at all! It is an individual choice. But what He WROTE about it is True - whether we personally like it or not, or even understand it.

All of which leads up to the question which I never asked her -- simply because it IS so important, and so compelling. But I will ask it here, so that others may think about it:

What about your daughter?

Would you rather she be an unmarried mother, unloved and without covering? Would you rather she "burn" in lust as Paul discussed, engage in the modern practice of a series of meaningless affairs, or participate in the many other practices God condemns as fornication? (So long as they're serial -- "one at a time", of course.)

How about marrying an unbeliever? An abuser? An alchoholic, or a drug abuser? Those choices abound - as many such single mothers are painfully aware.

Would you rather that she be alone, or the single wife to a "husband" of which society approves, but God does not? Or would you choose to close off to her, and others like her, an acceptable option which God made available for blessing and covering?
(And, of course, for other women as well - from widows, to rape victims, to others who simply know a good thing when they see one.)

Is it really better for your daughter to be a unwed mother than the plural wife of a man who, by his fruit, has shown that He loves God and understands His Word?

Do the math. And then read the Book.

Blessings in His Name,


** ;) Lest you smile at me on this one...

It is one thing to teach, and to give effective account of what we believe and why, and another to "force" someone not under our authority. What I love about both Biblical Families, and doing a radio talk show, was that people come here, or tune in, of their own free will!
Of course, you're preaching to the choir, Bro.

I have a daughter who I'd LOVE to toss in the virgin daughter pool (or whatever) with our Loquacious Lonely Moor, Sadan.

Unfortunately, she's very proud of her mom for leaving me over PM, no Bible verses nor scraps of logic need apply, since God is only recorded as having swiped ONE rib from old Adam.

Go figure.
So our prayer must remain, Cecil, that BOTH of our wives, who are still in rebellion against God, and their Covenants with us, will have "eyes to see".

My wife B doesn't have a daughter, and she (intellectually anyway) knows full well what the Word says. And, on one level at least, she knows that what the world is trying to teach our sons is a lie. But it is emotion and fear that Satan uses to rule over them -- to "lead captive silly women" never able to "come to the knowledge of the truth". ( II Tim. 2) Somehow they have chosen "friendship with the world" over their word, and His. But they can still remain under our covering, if we retain that Authority in Him, in His Covenant, and in ours.

As for the choir - it's important not only that they learn to put on God's "full armor", but that they be armed.


I'd like to see my daughter grow up a lot like her mom, if that is the case she will prefer a poly marriage to a mono one anyway.

But yeah, preaching too the choir.
And a great choir it is. This forum is somewhat like choir and singing practice. Hopefully when your friends, family, and "preachers" want you to sing solo in front of them, you will have some material to work with. Since Christian plural is a mostly new topic in todays society, the questions you may be asked in your world are basic and have been asked and answered somewhere on this forum. The harder questions are also answered somewhere on this forum, but the people asking the harder questions are also members of this forum.
You make great points, Mark, but it is often difficult for people to leave traditions and paradigms they have grown up believing to be wholesome and true. Unfortunately the hurdle is too high for some. Justified or not, there is a stigma on polygamy because of the multitude of examples of child abuse, welfare fraud, and downtrodden plural wives being consistently highlighted in the media whenever polygamy is discussed. So in a sense, it's hard to blame her. I mean, who wants to confront the fact that slavery was never outlawed? It just seems so barbaric -- that is, until you really meditate on God's word and realize it's His word that is perfect, not our "enlightened" society. The fact that God allowed polygamy was more than a concession, it reflects His heart of love. Sadly, many women will never figure out that polygamy actually benefits them and their children more than it benefits men.
As if there were no child abuse, welfare fraud, downtrodden wives or incest in any monogamous households.

That's perfectly fine if some would want to believe that they would be better off unwed than to share a man, but that's no license to make a rule out of an exception. There are single women out there, even if it's a small percentage, who would rather share a Godly Christian man than to have none at all or settle for a sluggard. It's very sad that the option of PM is not given to them.
Thanks, all, for the responses.

And Welltan is correct - almost every question that people have here HAS been asked, many times, literally over and over again.

And they have been answered, in our lives, and in Scripture as well.

Preaching to the choir is what this site is in large part about. That, and providing Scriptural, spiritual, and intellectual support to the choir - and to those who will, in the times we know are to come, choose to join in with it!

One of the things I am attempting to do over the next few days or weeks is to go back through the threads here and organize a synopsis for people who continually find us, and ask the same good, necessary, and yes, repetitive, questions. Often, as the example I posted shows, the first question is "why?" - and it's an emotional one, rather than Biblical.

DeeAnn is correct as well. We have been propagandized for centuries to accept a lie in place of God's Word -- and not just in the area of marriage, of course!

The first battle IS emotional. People will not even begin to honestly "search out the Truth" for themselves until they understand why a loving God gave them a set of instructions that they may not - especially at first - want to accept. I have seen that it may be easier for many people to accept that truth when they think in terms of their children, and what is best for them.

But it's important that ALL of the choir be "ready always to [give] an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you".
DeeAnn wrote: There are single women out there, even if it's a small percentage, who would rather share a Godly Christian man than to have none at all or settle for a sluggard. It's very sad that the option of PM is not given to them.

My Dear sister.....I could not agree with you more. This is the very argument that I brought to "J" ( my wife's best friend and hopeful ) as a means to get her to understand one of the many reasons why I offered her to join me / us in a Covenant relationship.