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Biblical PM Supporting Argument Repository

Does anyone know of or have a consolidated counter argument list for Patriarchy and PM? At least for the same old out of context parroted arguments, it seems like a nice thing to have as a quick reference to reprove. This would allow for easier follow up during message board/forum discussions. I have often found myself in discussions where I am strapped for time and cannot give an adequate response because I have to re-gather everything every time. I think posting articles or videos makes it to impersonal, and because of the time required to review the material, most people won't even bother. Using a reference table would allow for a shorter more tailored response, raising the chances of actually being read and anaylzed. The idea being not to promote PM or argue for it, but instead to break down the arguments being presented as against it. Leaving PM as the only viablity, sort of a Sherlock Holmes kind of approach "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." RighetousWarriors.com has a pretty good list of studies however you would still have to search through them to find the passages and counter logic.

I am thinking something searchable similiar to a Q and A list. We can call it a response repository.

For Example...
Context - PM is adultery.
Argument: Matthew 19 says its adultery.
Response: *List of all passages that help to establish adultery and its scenarios.

Context - A woman wanting to marry an already married man.
Argument: Thou shall not covet.
Response: Exodus 20:17 - There is no mention of coveting being towards a man. Only what belongs to him. Supporting passages regarding patriarchy.

Context - Desiring another woman is Lust therefore adultery.
Argument: Matthew 5:28 says Lust is adultery.
Response: Breaks down and establishes what is adultery and supporting passages. Then does the same for Lust.

Context - Men and woman are equal in authority.
Argument: Submission does not mean I have to do what my husband says.
Response: All these pasages show an established hierarchy. Gen. 3:16, Exo: 20:17, 1 Tim 2:12, ect
Does anyone know of or have a consolidated counter argument list for Patriarchy and PM?
Yes, the "Common Objections" page on this website:
If there are any important arguments missing from that, let me know.
We certainly need more voices, whether video/written/podcast, in the fray. But don't expect to make much/sell many... 😉

Nevertheless, keep slogging. I want to read y'all's thoughts.
Does anyone know of or have a consolidated counter argument list for Patriarchy and PM?...

I am thinking something searchable similiar to a Q and A list. We can call it a response repository.

For Example...
Context - PM is adultery.
Argument: Matthew 19 says its adultery.
Response: *List of all passages that help to establish adultery and its scenarios.

Interesting idea. I do think it's important to split off the arguments/counter arguments. For one, is each side arguing from a biblical standpoint, a historical one, current world order, or simple logic? Perhaps a list with each type of counter argument.

If you and a couple of other people think there is a need and want to put in the hours to build up the dataset similar to your examples, I am open to hosting it and coding the backend to make it searchable. Similarly useful would just be a core group that could submit arguments against it as they run into them online.