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Biblical social order


Seasoned Member
I was reading good old Berean patriot. I have found this gem of article. He isn't aware what he has written.

So basically he claims word(s) used to describe relationship between church authorities and rest imply voluntarism. In another words, church authorites aren't allowed to compel anybody. They can only be example and wise men whom rest will follow out of rest's free will.

Then he says same word is also used in Roman 13. So, by by government. 😘 And inventing laws we have to follow. 😘

So basically, family is only social relationship where Lord has put someone in charge (man). With exception of family, rest of social relationships are therefore voluntary which implies anarchistic society.

And since humans like hierachies, well medieval Christendom is closest, we Christians, have come to God-liking social order.
Here is a little clip from pastor John MacArthur on the subject of the authority of the pastor over the church member.

If you don't know him, MacArthur is a very famous pastor in Calvinist Evangelical circles.

I think his comments here are right on.
Unfortunately, MacArthur isn't helpful on the topic of polygamy. 🙄

John MacArthur

In deferring authority to God the good Pastor MacArthur is establishing his credibility and in doing so he establishes true and Godly authority that wise men and women will freely follow.
Pastor MacArthur gets it. He is someone I would call A Man. :)
Pastor MacArthur gets it. He is someone I would call A Man. :)
He is right on here!
He is often right on and very helpful!
I really appreciate him.

But, I have also heard him say a few things that are badly wrong. For example, he referred to the relationship of Abraham and Hagar as being "adulterous". That is totally wrong.
He is right on here!
He is often right on and very helpful!
I really appreciate him.

But, I have also heard him say a few things that are badly wrong. For example, he referred to the relationship of Abraham and Hagar as being "adulterous". That is totally wrong.
And another is he preaches against drinking alcohol, including wine. But I have been to 14 of the Shepherds Conferences and appreciate his insights into preaching. He's an excellent teacher.
And another is he preaches against drinking alcohol, including wine. But I have been to 14 of the Shepherds Conferences and appreciate his insights into preaching. He's an excellent teacher.
Yep, wrong on alcohol too.
I still regard him highly.

MacArthur is also good on the issue of "tithing" (where most pastors wrongly try to force 10% giving to the local church). He doesn't