"The World Economic Forum (WEF) and billionaire Bill Gates have been working together in the background to rewrite the Holy Bible using artificial intelligence and release a new version that will to usher in a new universal spirituality to fit within their vision of a transhumanistic world.
The new plan, which has already received the blessing of Pope Francis, aims to reconstruct the core teachings of Christianity with a new AI “fact-checked” version that will force the masses to accept as their new God."
The new plan, which has already received the blessing of Pope Francis, aims to reconstruct the core teachings of Christianity with a new AI “fact-checked” version that will force the masses to accept as their new God."
WEF Working with Bill Gates to 'Debunk' the Bible Using AI, Usher in Universal 'One World Religion'
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and billionaire Bill Gates have been working together to rewrite the Holy Bible using artificial intelligence