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Blessing of TABOR


Seasoned Member
TABOR (Taxpayer Bill of Rights) is Colorado constitutional amendment proven very effective at fixing politician's overspending habits.

More here:

Switzerlands also has something similar:

Only thing which works in fiscal policy is hardcore limit on government spending. Because even if somebody fixes economony and state finances, in long run only result will be way more money to spend for his inheritors creating bigger fiscal crisis in future.

That happened with Ireland. They cut corporate income taxes, become EU HQ for American corporates and what did they do with mountain of cash? Cut taxes for their people or spending binge? Latter of course.

If only politicians were loving spending like Ebenezer Scrooge.
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Sadly, when Colorado was overthrown by the Left, much of TABOR was thrown out along with the state Constitution and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

But most of us here in the Hinterlands recognize that what Denver, some of the Front Range, and Aspen want to force down our throats is NOT shared by most of the state.