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California voters approve gay-marriage ban!!



"Voters put a stop to same-sex marriage in California, dealing a crushing defeat to gay-rights activists in a state they hoped would be a vanguard, and putting in doubt as many as 18,000 same-sex marriages conducted since a court ruling made them legal this year." - Associated Press

Although I moved away from California almost ten years ago, I've been following Proposition 8 closely, to see how this would play out for friends and family. From the reading of gay propaganda books to pre-schoolers, to grade school students being taken on a field trip to attend their lesbian teacher's "wedding", to the most recent Hayward teacher having her kindergarten class fill out "gay pledge cards", I believe the many side-effects of promoting gay marriages in California had the opposite effect than intended by the gay activists. In any event, we need to continue to pray for our nation! What almost happened there could happen anywhere, if only we let down our guard.
Hi all, I have been watching the gay marriage thing and though I do not hold with gay marriage I am not sure if the ban on such unions is a good turn of events for those who wish to have more than one spouse.


Erasmus said:
I am not sure if the ban on such unions is a good turn of events for those who wish to have more than one spouse.
Yeah, I can see the implications both ways. If I recall correctly, the wording on the California Constitutional amendment says that they will only recognize marriage defined as between a man and a woman, which technically is correct regardless of one's views of polygyny. The only problem for polygyny comes about when it is assumed to mean "ONE man and ONE woman only". Yet, even so, each marriage with the man and each of his wives is between one man and one woman. The women are certainly not married to each other through polygyny, so either definition is accurate.

Obviously, one cannot successfully legislate morality, and people are going to continue doing what they do, regardless whether society at large calls it a marriage, a civil union or an abomination. I know I can take multiple wives without needing or desiring state recognition, so I'm unconcerned whether Caesar recognizes my marriages or not. But I do care when the sodomite activists indoctrinate our pre-school children, trying to make acceptance of an abomination MANDATORY.

Love in Him,
You said it DJ, you guys averted a disaster there. We already have mandatory 'tolerance' here, it's a very, very bad thing.

I would say it's a poly nuteral proposition. No one is thinking of poly there, and it doesn't really have anything to do with it larger scale.