• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Calling all teachers, preachers, pastors and more


Real Person
I have restarted a project that was once held a lot of promise. I think it still does, but it needs the help of a LOT of people.


The Wiki BIble Project

I am looking for collaborators who can provide content, and if you are good enough, I also need EDITORS who can correct the stuff that needs to be fixed.

You don't need to know html, code or anything like that. I am actually looking for folks I trust who love the Lord, and want to build something for the Kingdom!

If you would like to help, email me at docburkhart@gmail.com



What is this project?
It looks sort of like commentary. Sort of like filler. Sort of like sermon type stuff.

What is it?
at best it look confuing
It kind of reminds me of conseripedia. What kind of articles do you want created for this anyway?