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Cecil's in the Emergency Room...

Splinters: There does seem to be a practical point, doesn't there? Eating itself could be considered either a minor or major medical procedure. Yet we are expected to feed ourselves.

I have a lifetime in a denomination which is very strong on healing through medicine, and in which a disproportionate quantity of young people enter the healing professions. Yet ...

I can find no record of Jesus sending folks to herbalists or physicians, saying "It is your duty to bear this illness cheerfully for a greater good", or even praying for their healing. Instead, He commanded the illness or other demonic manifestation to go!

It follows logically that when He gave His disciples power over demons and sickness, and told them to go heal folks, they did what they had seen Jesus do. And found it effective.

I can find no place where He said to stop. To the contrary, I find instructions for us to continue, with the prediction of equal success.

Yet, what I contemplate is a huge step. I personally know no-one who has done so, though I know OF a few folks. In consequence, it feels a bit like I imagine it would to jump out of a perfectly good airplane at 3000' for the first time.

I understand and appreciate the logic of those who opine that many years of ministry with but one foot sounds better than dying. You are right. It does. But ministering from what foundation? One which believes that all the promises of God are yea in Christ Jesus, or one which denies the Word, teaching that they are all "yabuts"?

Acts 10:38 says Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. Do we get that? Jesus saw illness as simply demonic oppression, to be treated the same way as any other demonic involvement in a human life. As His disciple, it seems appropriate to follow His example.
my heart is with you, bro
It has been 4 weeks. ;)

Reports of my imminent demise have so far proven incorrect. Yay! :D

For those who think I'm looking much worse than in August (which I can't gainsay), ya shoulda seen me 4 weeks ago! I'm looking GREAT by comparison! *chuckle*

I've had no antibiotics. Yet my foot IS healing.

I've had no insulin for most of this time, yet I'm functioning better and better rather than deteriorating, so far as I can tell. Even got some work in last Friday for the first time since early September, and am doing it, despite the fact that I didn't used to be able to work unless I used LOTS of insulin to fight my blood sugars down!

Even took a road trip this past weekend! First road trip of any major duration in a couple of years. Drove 931 miles to Dallas, Tx to visit the headquarters of John G. Lake Ministries. Participated in their Sunday morning church service, had hands laid upon me for healing, etc. Got back in the car and drove another 1038 or so home. (Different route. Stopped to see some BF family. Was wonderful.) Guess which foot did the bulk of the driving? The one which refused to be cut off!

Here's what I keep thinking: The condition of my body is variable, right? Better today, worse tomorrow, better the day after, blah, blah, blah. The Word of God, however, is unchangeable. Forever it is established!

So which should I cling to and put my faith in? That which shifts around and can change at any time? Or that which is Rock solid? :?

That Rock solid Word says that by the Rock's stripes I have been and am (present continuous tense) healed! (Isa 53:4,5; 1Pe 2:24) Guess I'd best believe and act on that decree! If doing so brings me to the Pearly Gates in an untimely fashion, I'll tell St Peter to tell Jesus & the Father "Hi", but he (St Peter)'s gotta send me back. The Word says so.

My conclusion so far? Jesus WINS! What an ADVENTURE! :D
Have been, and will continue, to pray for complete healing. I have experienced healing in my legs, know that it is possible and a good thing.

Sorry to hear about Cecil. I have only joined for a few days, but he is so active. I will join your prayers.
Thank you, Federic. All prayers gratefully appreciated.

Update: It has been about 10 weeks since I left the hospital and the world of medicine behind in favor of ACTING on the Biblical pronouncement that by His stripes I have been healed (1Pe 2:24).

I'm still here (and so is my foot), and growing healthier and feistier by the day.

Got a ways to go yet, but God is faithful, and it IS happening.

The thing which puzzles me, is why when Jesus commanded healing, the person either was healed instantly, whether present or at a distance, 100% of the time, or the visible manifestation of healing occurred within a short period of time (say 24 hours at the outside), but when I and others of my acquaintance do so, the results are so unreliable. Sometimes healing occurs on the spot, sometimes slowly over a long period, sometimes seemingly not at all.

I know that this question puzzles and disturbs others on this forum as well. I and they are actively seeking the answer. Especially since Jesus specifically stated that we, His followers down through the ages, would do the SAME works (and greater) that He did -- not a poor subset.

This particularly disturbs me, a lifelong wordsmith, ever since really noticing for the first time that the Apostle Paul specifically said that the kingdom of God is NOT a matter of words, but of power (1Co 4:20), whereas my life experience of religion has been ALL about words with very little evidence of power.

My quest at this time in life is (NOT to have, 1000, er, um, 7, er, um any more, well, actually ANY wives :lol: , despite my continued active involvement here, but) to do a religious U-turn and establish a relationship with God and man that DOES become more a conduit for power than for words. Power to change lives, to heal, deliver, etc.

Anyone with insight is welcome to chime in. This here bedraggled body, while still here and holding on, NEEDS a complete healing, not a slow, barely perceptible, process of improvement.

Anyway, thanks again for all y'all's prayers.
oh come on - we just figured out how to do the 1000 wife thing. Apartment complex in Detroit, tukey baster IVF to impregnate the "wives", video conferencing bible teaching of wives and children.....we got it covered!
Dear Cecil:
It was compelling to read about your struggle with the question of why Jesus could heal instantly and we many times can't.
I have much respect and compassion for all Christians who like you are bold and brave to refuse "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof..." (2Tim3:5) I admire your faith for turning away from such. One should consider Rev 3:16 warning "...because thou art lukewarm I shall spue thee out of my mouth" Its not easy! I struggle with such questions myself. BUT: would you be praying and pondering and inviting God's presence if you were not in pain? I wonder if your ailment could be a blessing. I know in my case many sufferings have been. If God does not heal us immediately, it is not because he can't or is unwilling. It is most probably because of some obstruction within ourselves. You might find enlightment in Derek Prince's many sermons on the subject of healing (they are found in yourtube) also, look for "the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence.
Blessings to you,
Write some more on the subject, please anyone?
Here's the scoop ...

This week marks 4 months since I walked out on the world of Medicine, choosing to put my life in God's hands instead, and in the face of the dire predictions about my imminent demise issuing from the medical profession.

I've remained alive, and my problem foot has appeared visibly better. That said ...

This last weekend, I got pretty ill. Unpleasant graphic details available if you REALLY must have them. :lol: I tried using OTC remedies and made it worse to the point that by Monday noon, pain completely overwhelmed me and JulieB took me to the hospital, where I currently, um, repose. :roll:

Did I mention that I'm in Orlando and have been staying with the Benders? A truly magnificent family! :D Anyway ...

Doctors addressed the pain, then got all excited about my feet. Yup. Both of 'em. I've created problems with my left foot as well. *sigh* Making a long sad story short, and skipping more graphic details ...

The current plan seems to be to remove the front part of my right foot sometime in the next day or two. Afterwards they think I will heal up fine and hopefully have no more problem with my feet, be able to walk normally, etc. From the medical point of view this sounds good.

How does this fit with my stance on God's healing? Dunno, in some ways. Still puzzled. But it seems like the right and responsible way to go. Truth is, God can restore and heal post amputation as well as pre-. He can even heal post-death&burial -- witness Lazarus! *shrug* Trying to make responsible choices, not wild-eyed crazy idealism.

So my courage and outlook remain good. A bit miffed at God -- He's not performing to MY specs, but He's wiser than me and apparently has something else up His Divine Sleeve! :D So ultimately more curious than miffed.

Mostly, I'm very, very thankful for all my wonderful friends on BibFam. As the word has been quietly spreading even before I was able to write this, the love and support and prayers have been overwhelming. Thank you all.

Can't wait to see what happens next! WHEEEE! :eek:
Cecil, we have been praying for you daily and continue to do so. This is a very difficult thing you are going through, but ultimately God is in charge. He doesn't do what we expect, but He does what is best. As C.S. Lewis said of Aslan - "He's not a tame lion"...

And thankyou to the Benders for the much needed support you are for Cecil at this time, most of us are too far away to be able to help so it is very good to know someone is there.
Sir Gimpy von BumbleBery here.

Cecil's sleeping. I'm bouncing up and down on his tummy while I write. :D He looks so cute snoring with his mouth open! I'd like to drop in a coupla jelly beans just to see what would happen, :lol: but can't seem to persuade the nurses to give me any! It's outrageous! Surely, they've got some stashed. Doesn't everybody?

Well, Cecil doesn't these days. He's been eating so healthy it is positively NAUSEATING! Would you believe he ordered TWO (2) salads for dinner? :eek: Like one was just not ENOUGH already? Disgusting!

Anyway, the operation happened today. I know this because one foot is no longer 12 inches.

Presumably it went ok. Don't really know. We got hold of some good drugs and didn't have to share! :cool: :twisted: So we don't really remember.

Anyway, feeling no pain. Cecil would be resting comfortably if I wasn't bouncing... HEY, I wonder if I could get away with SPURS?! Yee-HAW! Ride 'em, Cow-Gnome! :lol:

Oh. Cecil's foot. Right. Pretty boring, really. Most of it actually got saved, and the frog-nose-sis ... *pause* ... well, however you spell it ... is supposed to be good for a total recovery.

Cecil was giving thanks all afternoon when he wasn't answering calls and texts and tormenting the nursing staff.

One BF friend actually had the gall to suggest that Cecil be known henceforth as "The Toe", or "Cecil the Toe", as in "You don't wanna MESS with The Toe!" Works for me! ;)

Oops! I mighta bounced too hard. He's stirring. Gotta scoot. :roll:
Cecil, you crazy lunatic! I think you must have a specific measure of craziness in your body, and now that your body is that little bit smaller, the craziness is just that little bit more concentrated... I pity the nurses! :D

I'm glad you've got Sir Bumbleberry to keep you company. You remind me of my grandfather. He has a pocket-sized teddy bear, called "Ted" (can't imagine how he thought of that). He must have had it for nearly 20 years now, and it goes everywhere with him, in his top pocket. Whenever he goes to hospital (which is fairly frequently these days!) Ted gets bandaged the same and spends the hospital visit cheering up children. Ted's even written books, about his adventures, including photos of Ted in different amusing locations.

So, what you need, is a pocket-sized garden gnome. When Sir Bumbleberry wishes to inhabit an object outside your own head, he can go and inhabit that. Then he can REALLY bounce up and down on your tummy, and he'd have so many more opportunities to freak out the nurses... Maybe I shouldn't suggest anything like that! :shock:

Still praying, keep looking up, Sir Toe-berry.
FollowingHim said:
So, what you need, is a pocket-sized garden gnome.

Actually, I was thinking of a big colorful parrot, like a Macaw perhaps. Have him ride around on my shoulder everywhere -- store, work, restaurants, church, preaching ...

Name him Sir BumbleBerry, and teach him to give outrageous compliments to women...

Think it'd work? Walk through Target, and attract a following of fascinated females? Poly thru ornithology, or perhaps (as a traditional parrot name is "Poly") poly thru Poly! :eek: :lol:

I could feed him sunflower seeds but call them jelly beans.

Hey, if Yankee Doodle got himself immortalized in song for sticking a feather in his cap and calling it macaroni, and if gays can call their relationship "marriage" ...
Okay, so a young man walks into a bar and this old man is staring at his multi colored hair. The young man insults the older man and asks him what he is staring at. "well sonny, i once had a female parrot and I got really drunk, I didnt know if you might be my kid?"

Glad you are recovering.

To the end of God healing. I have learned a lot about faith since I started working in gold mines. If you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. I used to think that it meant miracles. Now maybe it is the faith and then the strength to carry out the actions that can be the miracles? Just because God used a human to speak to me doesnt mean it wasnt a miracle that He spoke to me. Just because it was a doctor doesnt mean it wasnt the Great Physician healing you through the doctors hands.