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Changing how you think about a wife joining your family


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Real Person
Reprinted here, from the April newsletter:

Look At What the Cat Dragged In...
By ‘cbv3123’

“Honey, look at what the cat dragged in! Hurry sweep it out now!” “No babe, that’s my new wife.” As a future first wife, I imagined this being the scenario. I imagined all the piercing pains in my heart and all of the tormenting thoughts that might be present in my head when a new woman walked into our lives. I spent time in study and in prayer over the potential emotions that might arise. The longer I spent talking with God, the less she looked like something the cat just dragged in. Pro. 18:22 “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” He didn’t specify first wife, second wife… just wife. Second wife is just as much a wife as the first. She is not something to look upon with disgust or disdain, but a precious gift from God, entrusted to your husband. This says that she is a good thing - If you two are truly ‘one’ then it should not be possible that she is a ‘good thing’ for him, and not for you. Embrace her, welcome her into the home and enjoy the favor of the Lord. Teach her what you know, learn what she knows. Try to see it as God sees it. She is a good thing and a blessing to your family. If we open our hearts and truly give her the opportunity, we might find out that this scripture is just as true as the rest!

Testimony of a Shifted Paradigm
By ‘wifeone’

I thought I knew something about life and then sudden upheaval occurred. You may most likely be reading this because the area of your life in which you have experienced upheaval probably involved your marriage or a shaking of your Christian doctrine. I can only speak from my personal experience and as a woman, about how I had to shift a major paradigm in my life. A paradigm shift is when you make a change in your thought patterns. It is a radical change in personal beliefs and complex systems or organizations. You have to replace the former way of thinking or organizing, with a radically different way of thinking or organizing. This is not something that just happens. It is a choice that you have to make. It is a difficult thing to do. And you have to be very honest with yourself. You have to grab all of the scripts that you were taught throughout life. These scripts taught you what to do in certain situations and circumstances throughout life. You learned them from family, friends, culture, society, church, school, TV, books, and anything in the world around you. These scripts tell you what emotions you should feel, and how you should react to things happening in life. But have you ever pulled these scripts out and examined them, to see if they are backed by truth or not?

Many people have gained a knowledge and understanding of what true, biblical marriage really is and isn’t. But that doesn’t mean that they have shifted their paradigm. I came to a knowledge and understanding of polygyny a little over a year ago. But I was still using the old scripts that I had been taught and that had been reinforced over and over all throughout my life. I fully understood polygyny. Yet I was still reacting to things as if I did not understand it. The emotions I displayed and the pain that I felt, where symptoms of the things that did not line up with truth. I had to dig deep within myself to pull out the strongholds, which were built upon lies. Lies were holding up strongholds of information that I had thought were facts about how I was supposed to function in marriage, within our cultural and religious beliefs. These false facts were the backing and inspiration for the scripts that I was living and acting out daily.

Oh! So much pain was felt seeing my husband with another woman and then understanding that God did not disapprove of it. This did not line up with anything I had in my reference book of things I had learned throughout life. I thumbed through the glossary pages of my heart to try to find the emotion that I was supposed to feel concerning this. But I found nothing helpful. Nothing was written on that subject within my heart. So I resorted to the old scripts and information that I had learned in the past. Thus, my husband and I didn’t understand why I was experiencing so many negative feelings, despite fully understanding the truth.

I prayed for wisdom. Then God taught me that I have to shift my paradigm. I threw away the old scripts filled with negative emotions and fears of a failed marriage. I threw away all of the commentary that would roll into my head referencing how, “normal women” would act in a situation like this. I threw away the culture and the tradition of marriage that has been morphed from its originality, into a remix, straight from the hands of Roman men, with a dash of this and a hint of that, along the way; finally to end up in my lap, handled way too much and unrecognizable, even by God Himself. I had to sift through all of the clutter and throw away the junk. I took a risk. I chose to move forward in a new thought process, even though everything around me said that I was moving backwards by choosing to share my husband. I shifted my paradigm. It is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life. And, I am still working on it. But, I had to begin by building a new stronghold. It is built upon truth this time. It is built upon the word of God. The world told me I was losing my marriage. God told me otherwise:
-Luke 17:33 (King James Version) “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”
Thank you Nathan for sharing this!

I believe this could help allot of women! I know for me God used this to help me realize that what He is leading us to is truth, and His plan not ours!
Both of these ladies thoughts are encouraging. Thanks for posting this.

-Luke 17:33 (King James Version) “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.”

That's a verse I've always prayed about and asked the LORD, "What does that look like for me?" Well, I can say that living PM has to be one of the toughest things for an American woman to accept - at least for me. It is losing your life in so many ways and yet I also see how it will be a blessing too...like cbv3123 shared as far as a second wife being a good thing for the first wife too. What a beautiful thought?!?
Amen to a shifting paradigm! I have found that what I used to base my thinking on was roman mythology, which brought confusion and failure. Now I view it through biblical theology and it has brought clarity and success to my marriage and life.
I have known that plural marriage was of YHVH for about 6 years but YHVH did not call us to practice it until this last year. When it became a reality that we would probably be in a plural marriage I reacted in a way that surprised my husband completely. There were whole days in which I could not stop crying..... I came to the end of my rope emotionally and about as close to a breakdown as I can imagine. My husband had no idea what to do one night, but seeing how distraught I was just held me. I was able to confess in prayer how evil I was to not have emotions that agreed with YHVH's word. I remember simply saying "Please help me." to YHVH. The next day was an open door to really being at peace with what YHVH had told us to do. It was a miraculous change. The same thing happened when I told YHVH that I felt pain every time I thought of my husband being with another woman. I told Him I couldn't deal with that and that I needed Him to take away the pain because I couldn't do it on my own. I had tried.... believe me.

This walk is about resting in Him and walking each moment with Him. When I try to do it on my own I totally fail. When I rest in trusting Him all is well. One more thought, He gives the grace to be able to go through something or live a certain way only when we need it. He doesn't give you the grace to die until that moment. He doesn't give you the grace to birth your child until the moment it is needed. If we choose to not worry about yesterday or tomorrow (after all that is what the Messiah said the pagans do) then we will be able to dwell in His provision for us today.

7 months into this walk, I will say I am far from perfect but I am learning so much and so thankful that He has put us in this kind of marriage. It has been a blessing, and when it seems like it isn't, that is when I have to remember He works "all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Every trial is for His purpose in my life, to train me into what He has always wanted me to be. If I don't see it as blessing it is my problem. My focus has to be put back on the walk I have with Yahushua.
I need to "count it all joy" and when I do, it really is joy.

Thank you for sharing. I am learning more and more that Yeshua's ways are not always our ways. It defintinely a shift in thinking and living. It makes life and family less of me and more on the other person and how can I be Yeshua to them, ministering to them and meeting their needs. Blessings, -D
Beth said:
I have known that plural marriage was of YHVH for about 6 years but YHVH did not call us to practice it until this last year. When it became a reality that we would probably be in a plural marriage I reacted in a way that surprised my husband completely. There were whole days in which I could not stop crying..... I came to the end of my rope emotionally and about as close to a breakdown as I can imagine. My husband had no idea what to do one night, but seeing how distraught I was just held me. I was able to confess in prayer how evil I was to not have emotions that agreed with YHVH's word. I remember simply saying "Please help me." to YHVH. The next day was an open door to really being at peace with what YHVH had told us to do. It was a miraculous change. The same thing happened when I told YHVH that I felt pain every time I thought of my husband being with another woman. I told Him I couldn't deal with that and that I needed Him to take away the pain because I couldn't do it on my own. I had tried.... believe me.

This walk is about resting in Him and walking each moment with Him. When I try to do it on my own I totally fail. When I rest in trusting Him all is well. One more thought, He gives the grace to be able to go through something or live a certain way only when we need it. He doesn't give you the grace to die until that moment. He doesn't give you the grace to birth your child until the moment it is needed. If we choose to not worry about yesterday or tomorrow (after all that is what the Messiah said the pagans do) then we will be able to dwell in His provision for us today.

7 months into this walk, I will say I am far from perfect but I am learning so much and so thankful that He has put us in this kind of marriage. It has been a blessing, and when it seems like it isn't, that is when I have to remember He works "all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Every trial is for His purpose in my life, to train me into what He has always wanted me to be. If I don't see it as blessing it is my problem. My focus has to be put back on the walk I have with Yahushua.
I need to "count it all joy" and when I do, it really is joy.


Thanks for sharing, Beth. I think it interesting that you had to go through the same death to self/wrestling through the pain of accepting PM for your family. I have wondered about women in families where PM came about more properly, if they still went through the same things. It sounds like you have. Wow - I really enjoyed hearing what you had to say especially the part about it being my problem if I don't see it as a blessing and that we should count it all joy b/c it really is. And I totally agree...I, too, am learning this is about resting in the LORD --- trusting Him all the way and learning how true it is that He does give us the grace when we need it. I have been so blessed to see where I have failed miserably, but the following day or week, He will pick me up and carry me and give me strength I know I do not have in and of myself.
Thanks so much for posting this Nathan! I really like how 'wifeone' talks about the way society wants to convince us having another wife for our husbands will cause us to lose our marriage. Not true! It really makes me sick how this modern society wants to convince women that we must be jealous, conniving and mean-spirited when it comes to 'keeping' our man away from others. You hear it everywhere..tv talk shows, music, and magazines. The message is always, if monogamy is not practiced your husband is horrible and you are just as bad for staying with him, no matter what your beliefs are. I think Julie talked a bit about this at the retreat, and I myself have personally struggled with these feelings over the past year. It does take a lot of time and scripture to get over what has been pumped into women's heads their entire lives, but I believe it can be done. I would say at this point I am on the journey to a new way of thinking and trying to filter out criticisms and thoughts that don't agree with what is in my heart, and I am learning to trust more and more in my Heavenly Father and less and less in others who have different ideas on the way things should be. Again, thanks for sharing this! It was very helpful to me.
:) Kacy