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Coming out Part 2


Real Person*
So I know I asked for advice in my "coming out" post, but I ended up doing my own thing, my own way anyway. Typical girl move, huh? Lol. Though I did decide to keep it to a very limited amount of people. People in my life I thought were FOR ME. Never would I think against me.
I told a Christian individual that warms a pew. A non Christian individual that has a wife with a very gay best friend. The best friend is a male. And a open minded "back sliding" (according to the Baptist faith) Christian in general if you will. I'm talking about what Gods will for mine and hubby's life consisted of. Plural Marriage. The reason I shared with a few close people was because of my deep trust and love I have for them. Cause they love me too. Why wouldn't I share my life journey now, so they know what is to come if or when it comes. Let's not have my close circle freak out later when they can get use to the idea now. To share my new finding about modern church doctrine and how things get so twisted to mold a congregation into what another, just human pastor teaches because he also was taught the very same. I shared because I believe that these people will want to know what I know and learn what I learned and how I got to this point of thinking. Also why I thought it was Biblical. Why I would "allow" my husband to take on another. None of these questions arised as I thought they would.

Long story short. My do anything for his little girl, because I'm his only girl, father COMPLETELY 100% stopped talking to me after telling me I must think I know better than every Baptist Pastor. My brother said "you do you, but for honestys sake, as soon as your husband finds another wife I will never respect him for cheating on you, even if it was permissible by you." And lastly the other brother and sister in law. They are the open minded lefty back sliders. They support us. As I pretty much assumed they would.

After all this went down I thought, "well for sheets and giggles why not ask another individual from my husbands past that he actually had these conversations with many years ago. Even before I came along." Guess what? He KNEW the word. He knows the scriptures. And he is in it to win it for the Kingdom. PTL. We were floored with what knowledge was spoke to us. It was God speaking through him. We needed that. Words of encouragement are very welcoming. Although on the flip side the eye opening moments, the not so kind, stab me in the heart moments I welcome as well. I know now that God only is for us not against us. And for His name sake we press on. Come hurt and trials and tribulation cause it's coming, we press on. I love my man with all my heart. He is my King. And my hearts desire is to please him alone or with whomever God brings into our future. Yes this hurts so soooo deeply. I continue to cry about it when in deep thought. Maybe I should have stayed quiet but I am actually glad I didn't. I will be stronger because of it. Makes me want to dig deeper, hold on tighter to Gods word and teach my children the truth without hesitation.
Your experiences make for an awesome testimony. :)
Praise Yah. Keep walking in faith!
We've sent out copies of the Great Omission to family members who we think might be receptive. The most interesting lesson is our assumptions about peoples reactions were definitely not reliable, were kind of learning we never know what to expect.