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Content Creation as Insurance

I have been documenting many different aspects of my life over the last couple years, but haven't had the bandwidth to follow through with publishing the content. Mostly because there's always a lot going on, but also because happenings that are out of my control.

I was feeling pressed to get the content published as currently I am not getting an ROI on the extra work that I have put into equipment/documenting, and was struggling with whether or not I should continue.

It occurred to me today that unpublished content is potential future revenue, and if you store up enough of it, it becomes insurance, is easily transported and can be published from just about anywhere.

If you have any specialty knowledge, skills, or stories, it might be of value to record those in practice, in real time, even if you don't have the time or skills to edit or publish any videos now, so long as the content itself is something that remains relevant over time, it should retain its educational/entertainment value.

Should I find myself without a job or disabled or otherwise, that footage can be published and bring in revenue, and may also be of value to others in my household as teaching/reference material. It is a way to preserve and pass on knowledge to the next generations, in a level of ease and detail that was not available to past generations.
I have been documenting many different aspects of my life over the last couple years, but haven't had the bandwidth to follow through with publishing the content. Mostly because there's always a lot going on, but also because happenings that are out of my control.

I was feeling pressed to get the content published as currently I am not getting an ROI on the extra work that I have put into equipment/documenting, and was struggling with whether or not I should continue.

It occurred to me today that unpublished content is potential future revenue, and if you store up enough of it, it becomes insurance, is easily transported and can be published from just about anywhere.

If you have any specialty knowledge, skills, or stories, it might be of value to record those in practice, in real time, even if you don't have the time or skills to edit or publish any videos now, so long as the content itself is something that remains relevant over time, it should retain its educational/entertainment value.

Should I find myself without a job or disabled or otherwise, that footage can be published and bring in revenue, and may also be of value to others in my household as teaching/reference material. It is a way to preserve and pass on knowledge to the next generations, in a level of ease and detail that was not available to past generations.
That's a great point, especially if you have experience monetizing content.
Maybe, but there's a strong chance that by the time you published it it would no longer be valuable as someone else would have already filled that niche. If it has value now I think it would be better to publish it now, if you have the ability, and convert the returns into something of more tangible value.
Love the idea of putting mu own nonsense to paper or perhaps instructional videos but there always seems to be so little time.
I am currently focused on rather a lot of content collection.
What’s valuable about content is the audience. That has to be built over time.
This is true and people love stories. "Man creates video biography of life over X years". A good title, thumbnail, and some relatability can go along way.
Maybe, but there's a strong chance that by the time you published it it would no longer be valuable as someone else would have already filled that niche. If it has value now I think it would be better to publish it now, if you have the ability, and convert the returns into something of more tangible value.
Idk about you but when I consume media, it is often the same niche from multiple sources. The differing of experience and paths is what is interesting. How many camping channels are there, how many adventure channels, car building channels, homesteading, finance, etc.
This is true and people love stories. "Man creates video biography of life over X years". A good title, thumbnail, and some relatability can go along way
They can. I don't know anyone who has built a following overnight though and I know some bigger content creators. If it were easy a lot more people would be doing it. You're better off launching your outlet now and start building a following over time.
Listen to the man with experience @BiblicalLiteralist (and I mean @The Revolting Man, not myself). But I'll add some comments too:

In practice, you can't monetise anything on YouTube etc until you have a certain number of followers - I think 1000, or some high number like that. You have to be actively posting content and drawing followers for a long time before you can even start earning a cent. It's a really big commitment. It's not easy money by any stretch of the imagination.

In other words, your plan simply won't work the way these things are structured.

Also, if you're not actively posting things and getting experience and feedback on what is good and what audiences like, your content you are creating all by yourself that only you see is probably, to be honest, going to be low quality from the perspective of a viewer. You might think it's great, but there's a high chance few other people will. You may spend years accumulating a massive archive of content that you personally treasure but which has zero value other than showing your grandchildren what grandad used to do.
Listen to the man with experience @BiblicalLiteralist (and I mean @The Revolting Man, not myself). But I'll add some comments too:

In practice, you can't monetise anything on YouTube etc until you have a certain number of followers - I think 1000, or some high number like that. You have to be actively posting content and drawing followers for a long time before you can even start earning a cent. It's a really big commitment. It's not easy money by any stretch of the imagination.

In other words, your plan simply won't work the way these things are structured.

Also, if you're not actively posting things and getting experience and feedback on what is good and what audiences like, your content you are creating all by yourself that only you see is probably, to be honest, going to be low quality from the perspective of a viewer. You might think it's great, but there's a high chance few other people will. You may spend years accumulating a massive archive of content that you personally treasure but which has zero value other than showing your grandchildren what grandad used to do.
Yikes. I forgot about that. It’s not a subscriber number anymore. You have to have so much watch time before you can monetize through YouTube. I believe it’s 1,000 hours but it could be more. For some reason 10,000 hours is sticking in my mind. For comparison, I have 19.5k subscribers and my channel is 7 years old.

That is a small, slow growing channel to be sure, and I have a total of 158,000 hours of watch time. Watch time is the actual amount of time people have spent watching your content.

If you post a two minute video and people watch half of it on average (pretty standard) then you need 60 views to get an hour of watch time. You can extrapolate the math from there.

Now the real money is made through Patreon these days and you can do that no matter what but it’s hard to role people over from free content to memberships. I know channels with close to 200k subscribers who have 3k patrons. Your average patron gives between 3-4 dollars and lasts 3-4 months. There is a churn there.

The upshot of it all being, start building now if you want to make money from content creation.
Note the trend. For many reasons, it is getting harder and harder to get significant money from content creation online. As more and more people do it, policies shift to have higher subscriber / viewer requirements before you can start monetising, and the payout per viewer has also dropped substantially over time. It's basic supply and demand - the more supply of video content, the lower the value of that content. In such an economic situation, the longer you wait, the less it is worth. So archived videos are not gaining value, or even holding value, but actually losing value.

Go for it for your own personal records @BiblicalLiteralist, it's a great project, but don't expect to ever earn anything from it. You might, and if you do that will be a bonus, but if you expect to make money you'll almost certainly be bitterly disappointed. Don't treat it as an investment in anything but your own family history.
I do not focus on monetization at all (I’m too lazy to be consistent) so my numbers could be better Han they are but I make $35 a month most months.
YT last I saw was 1000 subs + 4000 hours watch time... cat video and boob/Lycra grows the fastest... most people prefer entertainment over truth or real thought....

W 7k, my YT is about $100/mo... it is a labor of live and passion for King and Kingdom. Patreon earns a bit more, but requires constant feeding... it's more about fostering community.
I don't think publishing your life is good move ofr move, @BiblicalLiteralist.


Your idea is to start even move activities. You already don't have time, now plan to put even more squeeze on time. It sounds unworkable because it is. You would have to spend time editing and preparing videos and then analysing data.

What is current bottleneck stopping you now from earning more money? What is constraint now? Here is your answer.

Goal is always to earn most least activities. Why least? Competitive advantage, leverage etc.

You need mass simplification and cutting activities with machette (forget scalpel!).
YT last I saw was 1000 subs + 4000 hours watch time... cat video and boob/Lycra grows the fastest... most people prefer entertainment over truth or real thought....

W 7k, my YT is about $100/mo... it is a labor of live and passion for King and Kingdom. Patreon earns a bit more, but requires constant feeding... it's more about fostering community.
Yeah, you’ve done better per subscriber than anyone I know.
The original intent was just to use as a broll repository for other content creators. The stuff I have been recording is broad and the genres overlap, but each is different enough to have its own channel so theres plenty of niches to pursue, I could probably do 6-7 different channels. I have like 6TBs of footage. I've always got stuff going on so theres no shortage of stuff to film.

Most of it is problem/solution build type videos (How I fixed this, how I solved that), but also adventure experiences and some cinematic stuff, self reliance content as well. Then I figured might as well publish, and use any proceeds to fund some of the projects I have. Thought others could benefit and be inspired from the different skillsets being practiced, and that it might help promote masculine development for others (not that Im some manly man or anything).

Was working on a way to try to protect anonynmity, because its to easy to lose freedoms these days, especially when your posting contested content (anything man). Then drive got corrupted, computer died, needed better hardware to do the anonymity techniques I wanted, other tehcnical issues, kept getting more setbacks.

Since it had become routine I just kept recording figuring I'll get back around around to fixing/funding the computer eventually as I enjoy the photography/videography/cinematography aspect of it.

Much of it is shot with the intent of being able to be made cinematic. So now I am just storing up a bunch of footage, but still havent figured out a good formula to anonymize while still be engaging, but the information is all good and is general enough to be future proof for the most part.

I know it takes time to build rep for monetization, youtube monies wasn't really the goal was more looking to develop sponsorhips and product relations. Figured I was going to buy the stuff anyways, might as well show it in use.
The original intent was just to use as a broll repository for other content creators. The stuff I have been recording is broad and the genres overlap, but each is different enough to have its own channel so theres plenty of niches to pursue, I could probably do 6-7 different channels. I have like 6TBs of footage. I've always got stuff going on so theres no shortage of stuff to film.

Most of it is problem/solution build type videos (How I fixed this, how I solved that), but also adventure experiences and some cinematic stuff, self reliance content as well. Then I figured might as well publish, and use any proceeds to fund some of the projects I have. Thought others could benefit and be inspired from the different skillsets being practiced, and that it might help promote masculine development for others (not that Im some manly man or anything).

Was working on a way to try to protect anonynmity, because its to easy to lose freedoms these days, especially when your posting contested content (anything man). Then drive got corrupted, computer died, needed better hardware to do the anonymity techniques I wanted, other tehcnical issues, kept getting more setbacks.

Since it had become routine I just kept recording figuring I'll get back around around to fixing/funding the computer eventually as I enjoy the photography/videography/cinematography aspect of it.

Much of it is shot with the intent of being able to be made cinematic. So now I am just storing up a bunch of footage, but still havent figured out a good formula to anonymize while still be engaging, but the information is all good and is general enough to be future proof for the most part.

I know it takes time to build rep for monetization, youtube monies wasn't really the goal was more looking to develop sponsorhips and product relations. Figured I was going to buy the stuff anyways, might as well show it in use.
Well it sounds like you have some good content. You should go for it.
I agree, don't archive it, just start publishing.

If your face is on it, you can't really anonymise it these days. You can still anonymise it enough to protect you from casual nutters (so someone who doesn't like your channel can't easily turn up at your place with violent intent), but you cannot anonymise it enough to protect yourself from government agencies if that is what you're worried about when you say "contested content". Someone will figure out who you are. In practice, don't expect to be able to talk about anything but be anonymous. Rather, expect to talk as yourself about all content that you would be happy with your family / neighbours / government etc knowing you are talking about. Just drop those topics you would require anonymity for, they're not for public consumption. Talk about those ones in private.