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Cool Polygamy T-Shirts and Gifts


New Member
Hi Guys and Gals,

Some of you know that my first wife and I have been in "full time" ministry for over 15 years. A year and a half ago, we added my second wife to the family.

Being part of a typical evangelical organization, we have had to keep our family life very private, therefore only a few very trusted folks know about us.

At this point, we have no idea how long we will be able to continue under the pressure that we live under and are looking for alternate forms of ministry as well as alternate forms of income.

Recently I put together some T-shirt designs that we are hoping many Poly families will want to buy.

My family and I only make ten percent off of each sale (because we want to keep the prices low), but we figure if enough folks buy them we can begin to save a bit of money to eat off of on once my current ministry position goes away (which could be just over the horizon) and as we take steps to plant a polygamy friendly fellowship.

Please give the shirts a look and order one if the LORD leads.


I like the "It's Biblical" one 8)

*Edit* I would have put the man in the middle though, myself.