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Dealing with the beast

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
I, too, am in need of prayer today, and over the next few days in particular.

As many here know, my second wife B departed from our Covenant a few months ago, after deciding that it was "too hard" to live in polygyny in modern Amerika.

These last few months have been the most painful and difficult of my life. That does NOT mean that I believe even for a minute that God does not have a purpose in this, nor do I doubt that He has "all things" worked out for our good. Time spent in the pit is invaluable for introspection, and repentance, and prayer, and this aspect of these trials has been a blessing.

Thanksgiving was particularly difficult this week. I was reminded by almost everything about the day that last year was a time of joy, as all my house gathered at our big table together in Bernadette's kitchen. This year, however, was a challenge, since I have been forbidden by the servants of the prince of this world from any contact whatsoever with her, I do not where she is, or even for certain if she still lives. And I am under threat of imprisonment.

This coming Monday, I am due in court to address a ridiculous, but nevertheless horribly real, charge of FELONY harassment under Colorado's insidious "domestic violence" statutes. Please understand - the following is NOT an exaggeration! I have NEVER raised a hand against ANY woman, much less her my beloved wife. I was charged with this "crime" because I am accused of persisting in sending her EMAILS, which specifically quoted the Word of God and reminded her that our Covenant was permanent! The "officers of the court" have since said that because she has said that the relationship is over, and such reminders from the Bible can cause stress, a felony charge is justified. I have a transcript in which the judge claimed that an attempt to "prolong the relationship" is a "concern", and that such speech constitutes "domestic abuse" because of the "intensity with which you hold these beliefs"!

I have tried to make this point before, but it bears repetition. We have no "license", and have been VERY careful to make it clear Who we serve - that it is God, and not mammon, or the prince of this world. I have NO marriage or "relationship" except that which was sanctified before our Creator. But this is no longer a nation under the Law of God. Our lives have been disrupted based on a charge that would have been unthinkable to those who wrote the First Amendment, or once pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to principles of Law based directly on the Word of God.

Our Savior is quoted by two witnesses saying, "What God has joined together, let not man rend asunder." We were told that we are to honor the word of our mouths, and that such a Covenant is sacred.

Not any more, in this former Republic. I have been charged with a felony, based on the claim that I honored a life-long Covenant before God, and sent emails to my helpmeet quoting His Word.

I am scheduled to be in court on Monday, December 1. I pray that the works of Satan, and his weapons, would be cast down, and that those whom our Savior has made free are "free indeed". I know that wherever He has for me to be, and whatever He asks me to do, I am His.

But I very much covet and appreciate your prayers over this time of persecution.

Love in Him,

Mark C said:
I, too, am in need of prayer today, and over the next few days in particular.

As many here know, my second wife B departed from our Covenant a few months ago, after deciding that it was "too hard" to live in polygyny in modern Amerika.

These last few months have been the most painful and difficult of my life. That does NOT mean that I believe even for a minute that God does not have a purpose in this, nor do I doubt that He has "all things" worked out for our good. Time spent in the pit is invaluable for introspection, and repentance, and prayer, and this aspect of these trials has been a blessing.

Thanksgiving was particularly difficult this week. I was reminded by almost everything about the day that last year was a time of joy, as all my house gathered at our big table together in Bernadette's kitchen. This year, however, was a challenge, since I have been forbidden by the servants of the prince of this world from any contact whatsoever with her, I do not where she is, or even for certain if she still lives. And I am under threat of imprisonment.

This coming Monday, I am due in court to address a ridiculous, but nevertheless horribly real, charge of FELONY harassment under Colorado's insidious "domestic violence" statutes. Please understand - the following is NOT an exaggeration! I have NEVER raised a hand against ANY woman, much less her my beloved wife. I was charged with this "crime" because I am accused of persisting in sending her EMAILS, which specifically quoted the Word of God and reminded her that our Covenant was permanent! The "officers of the court" have since said that because she has said that the relationship is over, and such reminders from the Bible can cause stress, a felony charge is justified. I have a transcript in which the judge claimed that an attempt to "prolong the relationship" is a "concern", and that such speech constitutes "domestic abuse" because of the "intensity with which you hold these beliefs"!

I have tried to make this point before, but it bears repetition. We have no "license", and have been VERY careful to make it clear Who we serve - that it is God, and not mammon, or the prince of this world. I have NO marriage or "relationship" except that which was sanctified before our Creator. But this is no longer a nation under the Law of God. Our lives have been disrupted based on a charge that would have been unthinkable to those who wrote the First Amendment, or once pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to principles of Law based directly on the Word of God.

Our Savior is quoted by two witnesses saying, "What God has joined together, let not man rend asunder." We were told that we are to honor the word of our mouths, and that such a Covenant is sacred.

Not any more, in this former Republic. I have been charged with a felony, based on the claim that I honored a life-long Covenant before God, and sent emails to my helpmeet quoting His Word.

I am scheduled to be in court on Monday, December 1. I pray that the works of Satan, and his weapons, would be cast down, and that those whom our Savior has made free are "free indeed". I know that wherever He has for me to be, and whatever He asks me to do, I am His.

But I very much covet and appreciate your prayers over this time of persecution.

Love in Him,


I am praying Mark
We join in prayer with you also Mark and will continue to lift you and your family up through-out the next few days.

Ray and Deanne
Brother Mark,
Did, done and still doing------the Lord has been called upon to cover you in HIS glory.
A brief update:

Yet another court appearance, which took all of two minutes, for yet another date (February now). Yet another whole lot of money, of course. And no end in sight.
Been outta touch for a day or so, finally traveling a bit, after securing Big Brother's permission.

Thanks again for your prayers.
An update, a bit more background, and a pointer...

I had a dream last night which relates to the situation in my family, and have posted a new thread under Marriage Issues, which is entitled, amazingly enough, "I had a dream last night...

Here is the pointer to that thread which I promised:


While I'm at it, I once again want to thank those who have held our family up in prayer for healing and reconciliation. I have had a conversation or two as well regarding a bit more of the background, so I will post a synopsis of some of that here very shortly.
Re: Dealing with the beast - a bit more

Several folks here have asked questions concerning my own situation, and my Covenant wives, in the process of several prayer requests that I have posted. In addition, a number of topics (such as the "Is Divorce a Sin?" thread from a while back) have explored areas that are germane to my situation, and of obvious interest to me as a result. Since many here are rightfully concerned with issues and potential pitfalls which may concern their own house, our experiences may be of value.

I'll post a few of those here, albeit with an occasional bit of sarcasm: ;)


I have been married to wife L for over 30 years, since long before I came to be a believer. My own past is littered with sin deserving of death, and my family, and no doubt my life as well, exists today only by the grace of God. I entered into Covenant with Bernadette almost ten years ago. B was used by God as part of the process by which I came to faith; even so, our biggest struggle over time has been between 'the world' and the Word. (She was raised Catholic and long ago left that religion; some of the baggage has been much harder for her to put away and forgive.)

I have made many mistakes during the course of my marriages. I have learned much, and still have much to learn.

B is divorced, having been given a civil divorce by the same government of Caesar which licensed and claimed authority over her original marriage. As many here would therefore be aware, her concerns about the validity of ANY divorce has been a matter of prayer and concern for a number of years, and a source of continued attack from 'the world' and the prince thereof.

I have written at great length in multiple of those other threads about my/our studies on the subject, and my conclusions. I will add only that they would not have been an issue had the Biblical injunction against adultery been enforced against her former husband, and that I have concluded that "what Caesar has joined" may be dissolved BY Caesar, in accordance with Caesar's authority, and Caesar's rules. B did so, and has such a certificate (a "get") from "the State". That certificate of divorce also, I believe, satisfied the conditions of Deuteronomy 24 as well.

An aside:

It continues to disturb me how a society, and The Church which it created and licensed, which ignores what God has to say about marriage in general, and polygyny in particular, will get so hung up about a few verses, and utterly ignore the "weightier matters of the Law":

  • That "Church" will claim that "divorce" is utterly Verboten (unless we just pretend it never happened, and call it "annulment) but ignore all of Paul's writings that are inconsistent OUTSIDE of an understanding of the entire Tanakh ("Old" Testament; aka "Law of Moses", etc.) What if a man whose wife deserts him (and who thus is "not under bondage") takes another, but then she repents and returns?
  • Serial polygamy: Perfectly OK. Glorified on TV, respected in locker rooms. Just don't you DARE talk about actually taking CARE of a second woman, or "covering" her as a wife!
  • Things God calls "abomination" are just fine, too (like "civil unions") -- so long as Caesar ordains and blesses them. Of COURSE, only ONE such union is acceptable! Caesar doesn't even want to give the IMPRESSION that any element of some heresy against the State like "patriarchy" could be allowed. Such a "slippery slope" could lead to people reading the Bible again!


All of us (B, L, and I) once attended a local fellowship (which shall remain nameless, as it is not my intent to sow discord, or unforgiveness - only to warn and chasten) which -- at the level of elders, pastors, and leadership -- was aware of our Covenant relationships. That organization even taught the Bible as written - and acknowledged in such teachings that a man clearly may take more than one wife.

But just not there. When B suffered a miscarriage, she was prayed over - but only privately, by the leadership, and not the congregation at large as others who lost children were. We were "welcome" to attend - but not as who we were, since "the world" is already hard enough on such ecclesia.

I do not begrudge the leadership of any congregation the ability to decide which battles they are willing to fight publicly for God, and which they are not. And I continue to pray that we have, and will, walk in forgiveness -- although I believe that this remains a stumbling block for B.

I point all of these things out to show the pitfalls which surround entering via the "strait gate" and walking the narrow way. Even among those who appear to believe, the Enemy attempts to put a minefield: MANY who rail against the "letter of the Law", which "kills" - will then legalistically rail against polygyny, which God permits, and then rail against remarriage after divorce, which He also permits. But how many divorced "Elders" can all quote Timothy and Titus to show that polygyny is wrong because "husband of one wife" is what the Greek word "mia" MUST mean.

In summary, the issue I am driving at here (and which, I give thanks to God, Biblical Families addresses) is that of what I guess I'd call "prayer support". We have found that such contradictions are more the rule than the exception, whether it's because of "itching ears" or the spirit which is already well-entrenched "in the world".

My beloved wife B has been attacked by "the world" in the same way that our old fellowship was. In every case it is a spirit of fear, and the fear of what the world can do, which drives such actions. I face criminal charges at the hand of a State which now openly denies the Word of God (and will wantonly seek to "rend asunder" that "which God has joined together" without so much as even a pretense of what was once called "due process". All it takes now is ONE PHONE CALL. Be forewarned, and "wise as serpents"!)

For my part, I am convinced that (since "those whom God loves, He chastens) all of such trials are ultimately part of the "all things" that He has worked out for our good. For He "has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." We are to "come out of her", and be not partakers of the coming plagues, and we must learn to do battle with the Adversary, and not succumb to fear.

B is a wonderful, loving woman. I know that she believes God's Word, and knows that she remains my wife - even if a spirit of fear makes it appear that she has literally been given over to another personality for a time. I continue to pray for her deliverance, her healing, and our reconciliation. "What God has joined together, let man not rend asunder" remains true - whether a godless Caesar claims otherwise or not.

It matters very much Who we serve. Thank you again for your continued prayers.

Blessings in Him,


PS> I'm due back in court again next Friday, the 13th of February - evidently for another expensive delay. I continue to pray for a miracle, and one which will also serve as a testimony for all of us in the times to come.
Thanks for the update Mark, we'll be praying for you this week - and at the Orlando homegroup on Monday night.

We continue to pray for you and lift you up. I am taking note of your situation, and considering the pitfalls that Satan puts in our way when we decide to stand on the Word of God.

Another update

Another month, another visit to the temple of the beast...
I am due again in court on the morning of the 20th.

It is difficult to write too much about what now passes for a 'system of justice' in this former Republic. We have prepared several motions for dismissal, which will probably/possibly be presented at this next expensive session early Friday morning. They are, in my own opinion, more than sufficient to show that the prosecution I am now seeing could never have happened when we were a nation of Law.

One deals specifically with what was once called the First Article of the Bill of Rights - including not only the concept of whether "free exercise" of religion still exists, as well as that of free speech. I will admit, it is very difficult to avoid cynicism in the face of what I have now seen first-hand, but I know that He has "all things" worked out according to His will, and I pray that His will be done.

I also pray that His perfect will includes both dismissal of these charges, and healing for my beloved wife B and our house. As always, your prayers are much appreciated as well.

Blessings in Him,


I'll be praying for you. You are so brave and stand so firm in your faith and convictions. Wow! I don't know if I could be as brave as you are. I'll be praying for your family as well.

In Christian Love,


Once again, standing with you and believing that God will do His will in this circumstance. You are being prayed for and lifted up!

Latest beast update

Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support. They are very much appreciated.

I had yet another interaction this morning, and -- since the charges were not dismissed -- forced to "plead not guilty" to a charge of "harassment" and "stalking" based on voluntary, two-way, email conversations with my wife...which consisted in large part of Bible study (and the obvious increasingly verbotten verses, such as "what God has joined, let not man rend asunder".)

Final motions are now due in 30 days, and they will include among others a Motion for Dismissal based on First Amendment grounds - both Free Speech and Free Exercise. (The inherent question boils down to: 'do any parts of the Bill of Rights still apply?')

[And many here will appreciate, or take warning, from the arguments in that motion. I may try to post parts of it at some point in the near future, for the benefit of others who may learn from the exchange. I have found it necessary to do quite a bit of legal research myself in this process -- outside of earlier Constitutional studies -- and discovered several interesting sources. One of these was an August 13, 1986, publication from the "Office of Legal Policy", DoJ, entitled Religious Liberty Under the Free Exercise Clause, which outlines a series of legal tests for a statute which constrains religious practice. Colorado's (and doubtless dozens of others) undeniably fails this standard, as applied in this situation -- which makes the statute "void for vagueness" as well.]

A "motions hearing" was set for early May, and, if not dismissed before then, a trial in late July.

As always, I continue to pray, and ask for prayers, for several specifics...

First, that God's will be done, and that all that occurs in this situation would be for His glory, and for His purposes.

Second, that my beloved wife B (and indeed all of us) be delivered from the attacks of the adversary, and healed; ultimately, that "no weapon" formed against us would prosper.
(She is and always has been inclined to do me "good, and not evil, all the days of her life." She would never have sought to do such evil to her husband or family in the absence of a horrible level of fear and pressure.)

And thirdly, that the charges be dropped, and that the "years which the worm has eaten" be restored.

Finally, I continue to pray that my wife B will, like L and I, "wait on the Lord", and come to hear the Truth of I Cor. 7:11-- since I cannot even pray with her, much less talk to her -- and realize that she has long been forgiven, but remains always under my love and covering.

May God bless and guide us all,
