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Decent arguments against polygyny

Most of those spring directly from documents like the Westminster Confession of Faith and theologians such as Matthew Henry (among others). Matthew Henry's commentary on the whole Bible is still used today though it contains a lot of bad theology (IMHO) completely apart from the issue of marriage.

The Westminster Confession was written in a hothouse environment when certain theological views could get you killed for simple advocacy. Groups like the "non conformists" couldn't gather in certain sizes of non family members and couldn't enter cities to teach. It is nonetheless a great document.

American adherents to the WCF are often adherents to the "American Version" which deletes portions having to do with allegiance to government (having to do with the monarchy) and portions having to do with "consanguinity" (the closeness of family relationships) in marriage. Interestingly enough, it is the marriage portion of WCF that the colonies (USA) first chose to tamper with only 143 years later. This shows that the "sanctity" of that portion of the WCF is suspect since the first nation free of crown interference and guaranteed religious freedom chose to alter it the first chance they got.
There are quite a few flaws in the arguments, including the obvious initial one -- which is just simply bad logic. ("polygyny was not common". So what?)

More important, however, is the central flaw of ALL of the remaining claims:

They DENY the character of God (YHVH) and His Word!

They deny the central theme of the "Torah and the prophets" -- that He "changes not" (Mal. 3:6, Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 89, etc). They deny the clear warnings of the entire chapter Deuteronomy 13, and Yeshua's own statement that He came not to change "one yod or tiddle" of His own teaching and instruction, so long as "heaven and earth" still exist!

It was "marriage" before, but NOW it's adultery? It was a Covenant before, but now it's a sin? Why did He bother to Write anything down for us? Why declare Himself though His servants, the prophets, if the very Foundation was to be 'done away with'? Why did He bother to consistently say "It is Written", if IT DIDN'T MATTER! This capricious, UNtrustworthy, two-faced impersonator sounds a LOT more like a pagan Greek "deity" than the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!

If He cannot be trusted to keep His Word, then "he is a liar and the Truth is not in Him". (He is an adulterer, too, of course, for those who bother to read prophets like Jer. 3 and Ezek. 23. ;) )

Those authors clearly preach "another Jesus", that those who KNOW His Word "did not preach"!

Such men, who take it upon THEMSELVES, just like those He called "Hypocrites!", to "add to" and "subtract from" His Word, change His appointed times, rewrite His ordinances, put THEMSELVES in His place, and "by their traditions", attempt to "make the commandments of YHVH of no effect" are the liars. (Matthew 15:7-9, all of Matthew 23, John 14-16, etc.)

Those who believe that "Jesus" came to "do away with" things that the Bible clearly says He WOULD NOT and did NOT have a problem. Which lies do we believe? If he changes and revokes and denies his own promises, his own covenants, his own "rules" about the very thing that represents so clearly the MOST important example of relationship in all His Word - why trust such a god?

"If the Foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"

I have, on occasion, been observed to be somewhat "zealous" when defending His character...the accusation that the Creator, Redeemer, and King that I serve cannot be trusted...because He lies, He changes His mind, He re-writes His Word, He is no longer the same, "yesterday, today, and tomorrow". Pardon me, but that is pure BS, from the pit of you-know-where.

What if some people who write such things do not believe Him? (Romans 3:3-4)

..."shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in Thy sayings, and mightest overcome when Thou art judged.

The evidence of Scripture, from Bereshiet (the Beginning) to Revelation is consistent. The "burden of proof" must ALWAYS be placed squarely where it belongs: on those who would deny Him, His character, and His Word - in order to claim that He cannot be trusted, and that what He once called "marriage" He now somehow calls "adultery".

Why would anyone want to be the "bride" of a husband who changes his own written rules?

The Savior I know, Who said He will have Brides from two houses, twelve tribes, seven churches, and multiple branches (netzir), is the One in Whom I trust


I'm not a scholar by any stretch of the imagination, and even I saw through most of it. What I thought was effective was how the document didn't really try to deny the scriptures but instead attacked the practice, especially the historical prevelance of polygyny. Although I thought it was counterproductive to their arguments to say that the elite Jews of Jesus time didn't practice it. It seems we wouldn't want to emulate them in anything. Still, considering how weak most of the attacks against the doctrine are, I thought this one worth sharing.
Not much could be more counter-productive than using Hillel as a source... He said very clearly that if you find a woman you like better than your wife you should divorce your wife and take the new girl. It seems to me that that Jesus himself directly addressed the "prestigious school of Hillel " when he was discussing divorce with the pharisees. My goodness, these arguments are horrible in the worst way, they bank heavily on their audience not knowing the details of their reference. Its academic snobbery at its worst. Look at some of their statements like "Morality within marriage was strict." In the Grecio-Roman Societies of Jesus day? Do I even need to give references to point out how absurd this statement is?

The three NT examples have been re-hashed to death on these boards. The post NT examples are much less material to the question of weather the Bible allows it or not.

So far the only good argument against polygamy has been that no woman would want it, and my wife proved that wrong years ago.