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Democrat Reddit Bots

Just wanted to share something a little interesting. As I'm sure you have noticed, the democrats have attached themselves to using the word "weird" to describe anyone on the right. Which, other than being hilarious considering who it's coming from, they must have surveyed that it would be helpful in some way.

Since then, reddit's bots have all fallen in line. Check out the following:

Unfold the comments and search for "weird". Anomalous, don't you think?

And yes, I know...Reddit. But still, interesting how they are controlling so much of the content on the platform through pretty well done/coordinated bots.

In my defense, the r/singularity subreddit is informative.
Just wanted to share something a little interesting. As I'm sure you have noticed, the democrats have attached themselves to using the word "weird" to describe anyone on the right. Which, other than being hilarious considering who it's coming from, they must have surveyed that it would be helpful in some way.

Since then, reddit's bots have all fallen in line. Check out the following:

Unfold the comments and search for "weird". Anomalous, don't you think?

And yes, I know...Reddit. But still, interesting how they are controlling so much of the content on the platform through pretty well done/coordinated bots.

In my defense, the r/singularity subreddit is informative.
Only ever been on it based on your recommendation with respect to their polly forum being useful...hard disagree by the way... so I can't comment on bots on the platform. I can comment on the bots in the comments section of just a massive swath of supposed news sites.
They are bloody rife with transparent bullshit that has supposedly been upvoted and positively replied to by hundreds of other "people" within moments of publication. Frequently the initial remark will be short, mindless and consist of several emoticons.

I don't do any of the big social media sites so I can't comment directly but I would be shocked if they were not all driven in a similar fashion. Open eyes can see.
More is the shame how blind or disinterested and non critical how many of our fellow Americans are with respect to political and cultural manipulation