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Direction For A Relocation


New Member
Please pray for my husband (PrayerWarrior) to receive direction from the Lord about where we should go from where we currently are. We have been on a long journey and now we have come to a cross road of decision. Everything seems to be up in the air right now and we need to know where to go. We need to move out of our current residence in the month of January because our lease is ending and the building has been obtained by a new owner who is changing everything.

It just seems that the Lord is closing the door here and we need to relocate. We need a new place to live, as well as another source of income. We do business from home, but we also need another outside job to meet our needs. So it seems that it is overwhelming because we could just search for jobs anywhere and move where ever we find a job and a good place to live. But we want to put it into God's hands. We don't want to just blindly go anywhere. We really need direction from the Lord so that we can make the right decisions and be in His will.

Thanks so much in advance! :)

Can you PM me about what kind of job you are looking for? There may be opportunities in central Florida.
wifeone said:
...Thanks so much in advance!

If you were moving to NC I would be more than happy to give one of you my milk route job. NC's terrible for taxes and stuff though.