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Seasoned Member
I think poly wife must have something of disagreeableness. Otherwise how she will stand looks of people around?

You can't share man? That's insane for welcome his lover at your home? What, she slept in YOUR bed? You are totally insane.

Strong disagreeableness would deflect such opinions of people around. After all, they are all WRONG.

By the way, such altitude toward husband would be very unwelcome by husband.

That said, I legit thought based on the title of the post that you were calling me out. Got on the balls of my feet, started bobbing and weeving round and....oh, woman...yeah, fair enough

You are good one.

Cheers. I am at least not boring

Re the disagreeable nature needed for plural marriage I agree though and would expand it to a willingness to abandon the authority or credentials fallacy which is and has been so pervasive. Men and woman both.

I obviously come to polygamy from a different perspective than everyone else here and I like to think that while we reached the same conclusion, that my conclusion was based on being willing to question dogma and norms. Not unlike those who have learned that plural marriage is in fact biblical marriage. Questioning authority and the pervasive narrative. In point of fact, finding that the narrative is frequently wrong or based upon factors that most people never know, even if they are...well, quite dogmatic in their adherence.