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Documentary to Support Christian Polygamy!


New Member
Hello! My name is Kristine and I am producing a very different documentary show for the TLC/Discovery Network. This show aims to repair the damage done by the media on polygamy. Unfortunately, the media has caused so much harm to the polygamous community, that we think the only way to get the masses & government to reevaluate their opinion on polygamy is to use the media to reverse the stereotype. There are 30,000 polygamous people out there whose voices and lifestyles should be recognized and respected. We would love to offer a voice to those supporting the Biblical Design of Marriage and the beautiful journey of finding another wife for the family.

I personally have followed this subject for many years, and am doing this show to help dismantle the negative stereotypes by demystifying polygamy in a true, beautiful and honest manner. We are planning to do a very different take on this show. We want to give an observational, respectful portrait of those involved in polygamy. We will not have an interviewer; we want to give the subject free reign to show us anything they want, and voice their story in their terms. We want to advocate the importance of freedom of religion and the honor of all kinds of lifestyles.

In a month, TLC will send our crew to the participant's house for up to 4 days non-consecutively and document his/her daily life and story. We would love to cover the upcoming the retreat in Orlando as well if anyone feels this would be a positive experience! Our biggest priority is to make sure this show would not negatively impact the participant in any way. Safety and confidentiality is most important to us. We want to ensure the safety of the participant's children, and to solidify that being in the documentary would only be a positive, inspirational experience.

If you are interested in this show, or may know of anyone who would be inspired to share their story in hopes of shedding a more respectful, true light on this matter, I would be honored to speak with you.

Feel free to call me at 203-219-7992, or email me at casting@pinksneakers.net. Thank you so much, for your time!

Sincerely Yours,

KRISTINE P: 407.464.2080 ext. 147
The Duggar Family documentary series is very well done and respectful. We enjoy that program very much.
Hi Kristine - let's talk about Orlando soon, I'm away from home all this week.

For everybody else, if you are considering attending the Orlando retreat, please write me at nathan@biblicalfamilies.org and tell me how you would feel about the possibility of TLC taping, with only first times (or no names given for those who wish): No way you would come? Or still willing to come, but would hesitate to participate?
How about this possibility of inviting TLC for Monday only? So you could go home on Sunday night if you didn't want to participate.

Unless the vast majority want this, we won't do it for the primary retreat days.

Thanks for giving me your input, Nathan
Hello everyone!

Thank you for all of your incredible stories! We had the idea of having a small crew follow someone who agreed to participating in the documentary to the Orlando retreat was to show others interested in polygamy that there is a wonderful community out there! If anyone is uncomfortable with the idea- or rethinking their decision to go to the retreat because of this possibility- I apologize for any concerns this may have caused. As we only want this to be a positive, safe project, we will absolutely refrain from even discussing this option if that is the case. Everyone's happiness, safety and confidentiality is very important to us. Again, we want this documentary to be a supportive, positive voice for the poly lifestyle.

Feel free to email me at casting@pinksneakers.net or call me at 407-464-2080 ext. 147 if you have any concerns!