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Don't know why it took so long


New Member
I'm a newcomer to this forum and I've just now noticed this section where you can introduce yourself so i'm using the opportunity. Most of my church brothers & sisters and secular friends who I've confided in about my beliefs in the scriptural authority on marriage, plural marriage to be more specific, think that I'm crazy & going down the path to hell. So you can imagine what a comfort it is to me to finally hear the views of others who have not put a veil over their eyes concerning this.

Unique circumstances in my life have caused me to look for answers from the word of GOD to address this situation that I have found myself in which I will not disclose at this time. I searched diligently and the Holy Spirit has shown me that polygamy is not a sin as my brethren are trying to convince me that it is.

I've been wrestling with this for almost two years but now I know the TRUTH & am now free. I enjoy reading the topics that are posted. I especially like sweetlissa's advise to women on concerns they have, she seems to be spiritually mature and very caring; she has a lucky husband. I only hope by the grace of GOD that I find a godly wife like her one day.
I especially like sweetlissa's advise to women on concerns they have, she seems to be spiritually mature and very caring; she has a lucky husband. I only hope by the grace of GOD that I find a godly wife like her one day.

All I can say is thank you for the vote of confidence. I am truly blessed with my family and a God who loves me no matter how I fail.

Thanks a lot for welcoming me. I will try my best to make positive contributions to this forum. I'm also looking forward to learning a lot from you guys.
Lionking said:
I'm a newcomer to this forum and I've just now noticed this section where you can introduce yourself so i'm using the opportunity. Most of my church brothers & sisters and secular friends who I've confided in about my beliefs in the scriptural authority on marriage, plural marriage to be more specific, think that I'm crazy & going down the path to hell. So you can imagine what a comfort it is to me to finally hear the views of others who have not put a veil over their eyes concerning this.

Unique circumstances in my life have caused me to look for answers from the word of GOD to address this situation that I have found myself in which I will not disclose at this time. I searched diligently and the Holy Spirit has shown me that polygamy is not a sin as my brethren are trying to convince me that it is.

I've been wrestling with this for almost two years but now I know the TRUTH & am now free. I enjoy reading the topics that are posted. I especially like sweetlissa's advise to women on concerns they have, she seems to be spiritually mature and very caring; she has a lucky husband. I only hope by the grace of GOD that I find a godly wife like her one day.

I'm pretty much new here myself, Lionking. Welcome to the forum.

I've also experienced the same reaction from many Christians when I tell them that polygamy is not sinful. To me their reactions made me feel as if I was coming out of the closet with some unmentionable or horrible thing. I don't talk about it much except here now, but I've only strengthened my views by reading some helpful posts from this forum and from other websites that I've visited that deal with Christian polygamy.
Chaplains Rose and I would like to welcome you to the board. May the Lord bless you while here.
Thank you all for welcoming me. I've spent many hours reading various topics on this forum & I must say that i'm very impressed & satisfied that many honest seekers of not only information on polygyny, but also people who are seeking GOD will benefit enormously from the vast information & advice that are posted on this site.
