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Dynamically Different!


New Member
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

This speaks of God's designed difference of men and women. Yes, we are created equal in essence, but equal doesn’t mean same. You see, God created us different (Male and Female) in our physiology and psychology. It is the differences that enable us to be a functional unit. If we were the same we would be competition to each other but being different we can cooperate and complement each other. The designed differences are for cooperation. Some women compete with their husbands, all of us know a few of them. Some of us do it ourselves from time to time. If we were the same, one of us would be obsolete in the plan and purposes of God. The difference is what makes us equally important in Gods plan. We are interdependent on each other. Ladies, let us realize the dynamics of the difference in Gods design and not let the cries of feminists about equality rob us of our significance. Yes we are equal, but it is our differences that distinguish us. Sameness makes for a miserable marriage. He is best suited for his role based on his design; we are best suited for our role based on our design. Ladies, if we want to stand out in our marriages and propel our families to their God given goal, it will be by us living in light of the dynamic difference that distinguishes us.