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Meat Far more than just, "If a man have two wives..."

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
The parsha, or reading, called "Ki Tetzi," begins with the description of what is often called 'the War Bride.' And while 'modern feminism' would prefer to deny the protection that stricture provides women, the statutes, judgments, and commandments that immediately follow are even less "politically-correct." Including all of Deuteronomy chapter 22.

But in the process of exploring those Scriptures, and the midrash that follows, I can't help but suggest - as strongly as possible! - that the very fact that SO MUCH of what is contained in this set of His Instruction is SO despised by "the world," and particularly a nation that once called His Truth "self-evident," and based its Constitution on the "Common Law," but has now turned that literally on its head, is an undeniable warning.

From marriage, to elements of law like bailments, wages, and negligence , to the abomination (His word) of fiat 'money' - literally every element of the myriad understandings here have now been twisted, subverted, and finally even inverted.

And ironically, a number of them are specifically called out by Yahushua Himself, in His very first "public address" - the 'Sermon on the Mount' - as things about which "you have heard it said," but He will then point out what it turns out He actually Wrote.

Those include the infamous, mis-translated passages about divorce, and adultery, but some others as well. And, yes, some who break "the least of these commandments," have not only "taught others to do so," but now call the Messiah Himself a liar.

And the fact that this parsha is not only so utterly "NOT-PC," but even reviled by both of those two institutions Who-May-Not-Be-Named, even in the Ghetto, should speak volumes.

I wish I could simply post a link, so that those who choose could listen, and then discuss what I consider to be not only elements that are CENTRAL to His Word concerning marriage, and patriarchy, and what the Messiah taught about them, and FAR more that is vital to know NOW as the world heads into well-earned chaos - but that is Verbotten. (As least to me.) Perhaps someday BF will treat us as adults, able to let "iron sharpen iron," at least here.

Meanwhile, the audio files are available on Hebrew Nation Radio, and on my own website. Those who can navigate will be able to seek and find. I am happy to answer any questions here, until the thread is locked anyway, and ALWAYS via private message, or email (mark@markniwot.com). Please show the moderator(s) that we, at least, know what the concept of "midrash" is all about.
I remember reading a paper years ago on His laws on draft and warfare. It struck me then how thorough He was, and how much better the world would be if mankind played by His rules. I've read about women being raped by soldiers, but that is prohibited as I recall even with a "war bride." There was a period of time given for her to adjust and mourn, then he was permitted to take her to WIFE. There was so much written in scripture that protects women that I have to conclude that feminists and others who "see red' and get mad about what scripture says, are just blind to the harm caused by this modern messed up system they are familiar with.
That has always been, I contend, one of the main points of that section: His provision for women is FAR better than what feminism claims to want.

But, even more to the point - especially now - the fact that just about EVERYTHING in this reading is absolute anathema to a society that hates His Word should speak volumes.
We had quite the discussion about this topic last Shabbat. I have been quite vocal about polygyny. Which irritates some of the members of our shabbat group.

I had thought one family had left because of my protesting about how there is no prohibitions anywhere is scriptures against polygyny. The husband had chastised me about how he knew that the scriptures don't prohibit it but his wife hates it when I talk about it. Then they did not return for 3 or 4 months. Turns out they were in a financial hard ship and didn't have a vehicle. They also just had a new baby.

The family returned last Shabbat. I was going to let the plural marriage part of "Ke Tetzi" go this time and focus on patriarchy and the anti rape statutes. Also there is some major gems about the Messiah in that parasha.

Low and behold the husband decided to bring up the topic and go off on it. Apparently he had a change of heart. The last statement I made about it was that if some one speaks against polygyny they are promoting a doctrine of demons. Which is how I feel about all of his word. Shabbat, clean eating, feast and tzit tzit.

Most people don't understand what a satanic doctrine is.
I was going to let the plural marriage part of "Ke Tetzi" go this time and focus on patriarchy and the anti rape statutes. Also there is some major gems about the Messiah in that parasha.
It all fits together. And THAT is the real problem that the sun-day crowd has with what He Wrote, especially here.

This is one parsha that just lays it bare.
I don't understand being polygynist and not keeping Torah. Or on the flipside saying that you are TO and denying Torah. I was secular and came to the scriptures because that is were the science actually leads IHO. When I realized that יהוה is the Elohim/God I figured that I should do what he says. Patriarchy and polygyny is apart of what he says. Which what infuriates me about the "Torah Observant" crowd when they deny a dump truck load of scriptures that are pro-poly with examples from men that the new Testament calls "righteous." I am baffled by the non-TO crowd that is pro-poly because they tend to deny the almost everything preceding the book of Mathew, usually only quoting the letters of Paul. So, I don't know what they are basing their decision to be pro polygyny on. I pry that their eyes will be open to all of Abb's word.
I don't understand being polygynist and not keeping Torah. Or on the flipside saying that you are TO and denying Torah. I was secular and came to the scriptures because that is were the science actually leads IHO. When I realized that יהוה is the Elohim/God I figured that I should do what he says. Patriarchy and polygyny is apart of what he says. Which what infuriates me about the "Torah Observant" crowd when they deny a dump truck load of scriptures that are pro-poly with examples from men that the new Testament calls "righteous." I am baffled by the non-TO crowd that is pro-poly because they tend to deny the almost everything preceding the book of Mathew, usually only quoting the letters of Paul. So, I don't know what they are basing their decision to be pro polygyny on. I pray that their eyes will be open to all of Abb's word.
I don't understand being polygynist and not keeping Torah.

Because you're positing a non-sequitur.

Being polygynist is not conditioned on keeping Torah.

Further, asserting that one cannot be a polygynist without keeping Torah is an Appeal to Purity form of logical fallacy also known as the No True Scotsman form of logical fallacy.

Your base position is that Torah Keeping is the only correct way to believe and act. Linking polygyny to this base position yields the illogical argument that anyone who is polygynist but who does not keep Torah is somehow doing it wrong.

Where the logic falls flat is when you apply it to anything else:

  • I don't understand being English and not keeping Torah.
  • I don't understand being a motorcycle rider and not keeping Torah.
  • I don't understand being Buddhist and not keeping Torah. ;)

This is an example of where I object to some Torah Keepers as constituting a cult or quasi-cult. I say this as someone who observes and practices far more things from Torah and Judaism than do most Christians.

While there may not be a formal organization of Torah Keepers with a charismatic leader there are other indicators of cultish behavior:

1. An Us-vs-Them mentality. This is illustrated by sometimes passive aggressive claims of superiority over others because of what or how you believe and act.
2. The above item is also illustrated by a persecution complex. This is easily illustrated in Israel where Orthodox Jews act out and assault people in public and then claim 'Discrimination!" by trying to defend their criminal acts as a religious liberty they deny to everyone else. In general some TK folks will behave improperly and then blame the consequences of their behavior on imagined religious oppressors instead of reflecting upon their improper behavior.
3. Orthorexia. Claiming superiority over others because of your dietary preferences. Liberal vegetarians and vegans exemplify this form of anti-social behavior.
4. A militant pressure to recruit others. One of the readers of this topic recently engaged me in a private discussion whose aim was to sway me towards obeying TK dietary laws. The logical problem for Torah Keepers in this much is that if your views are 100% accurate then you don't need me or anyone else to validate them for you.
5. Use of Fear and Intimidation. See the Orthodox Jews in Israel. They go on rampages where they attack men and women who don't dress the way they want them to in the hopes that their tactics will intimidate others into obeying their rules. Turns out that this kind of thing just pisses people off. Myself included.
6. An Elitist Attitude. Posturing as better or superior to others because of how you believe isn't one of the ways to win friends and influence people. Turns out that this kind of thing just pisses people off. Myself included.
7. False Tolerance. Inviting questions or discussions about theological topics as a means of advancing one's own viewpoint is deceptive and quite frankly it is a lie. And then once people accept the invitation to such a discussion they are received with hostility for failing to parrot one particular view.

I don't understand being polygynist and not keeping Torah.
It's a fair question. And a statement of personal FACT. The fact that he doesn't understand someone else not being able to see what he now can't deny.

There is nothing wrong with that.

But that was not the point of this thread, says the "OP".

There is plenty in THIS particular parsha - ALONE - to convince what I would call the "average person of good faith," of what His Word says about "polygyny."

But my point is that there is far more. This parsha - Ki Tetzi - is chock-full of stuff that, simply BECAUSE it is so NOT 'politically-correct', and contrary to Wokeness in general, should prove a point.

And THAT was the point I tried to make.
It's a fair question. And a statement of personal FACT. The fact that he doesn't understand someone else not being able to see what he now can't deny.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Save for that it betrays an astounding lack of empathy and understanding. Would you be so patient and understanding were I to say something diametrically opposite?

Like, I don't understand someone being a Torah Keeper yet professing Christ.

Like, I don't understand someone being a Torah Keeper yet professing Christ.

OK - yeah, I'll bite. :)

The answer can only be given here in the Ghetto...
...but it actually comes right out of LAST week's parsha, (Shoftim, and "justice, JUSTICE, you shall pursue) and was something I addressed at greater length in the midrash. (So, this will be abbreviated; the audio goes into far more detail. For those that can find it - the link is Verbotten.)

Moses foretold a prophet "like unto Moses," and John/Yochanan the 'Baptist' was asked in John chapter one, "are you that prophet?" No, of course, was his answer.

But that "Prophet Like Unto Moses," by definition, would teach what he taught (and prepared the Way for), not "add to, nor subtract from," and meet ALL the criterion that was laid out. As Yahushua Himself said, in John 5:46-47,
"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.
“But if you do not believe his Writings, how will you believe My words?”

Paul warned (II Corinthians 11:4) about those who would come preaching "another Jesus whom we have NOT preached," and suggesting that people might "put up with it." He was right, and they have.

Whether it's "rude" or not, and whether you like it or not, this is the ghetto, where the concept was SUPPOSED to be that we can discuss things that Yahushua Himself said would "offend many." Like Him.

So, my answer: I profess a Risen Messiah Who came in the flesh to teach what He Himself had Written, prophesied, and - knowing the end from the Beginning - did. And, since He is coming back, "all" is not even remotely yet 'fulfilled.'

But, if some "another jesus" came to "do away with" His own Written Instruction, then, by His own Word, THAT one is a liar, and the truth not in him.

There is a reason why that same Paul said to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling," and why Yahushua Himself warned that - contrary to the 'say the prayer and forget the rest' pablum -

"wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and few there be who find it."
(Matthew 7:13-14)

There is a distinction to be made. And THAT, I contend, truly is a matter of "life and death," or "blessing and cursing."

And, by the way, lest any should "misconstrue," either by accident or by design, I am NOT saying that ANYONE "must" do anything! Just quoting His Word, and observing that all of us have a choice.
Just a quick reminder that we heavily moderate discussions on the open forum that imply people should or should not keep Torah. This statement dances right around on the line of that, although from a new member so it’s understandable.
Just a quick reminder that this is the Hebrew roots/Torah section. Expressing an understanding consistent with Scritpure that is Torah centric is not wrong.
Because you're positing a non-sequitur.

Being polygynist is not conditioned on keeping Torah.

Further, asserting that one cannot be a polygynist without keeping Torah is an Appeal to Purity form of logical fallacy also known as the No True Scotsman form of logical fallacy.

Your base position is that Torah Keeping is the only correct way to believe and act. Linking polygyny to this base position yields the illogical argument that anyone who is polygynist but who does not keep Torah is somehow doing it wrong.

Where the logic falls flat is when you apply it to anything else:

  • I don't understand being English and not keeping Torah.
  • I don't understand being a motorcycle rider and not keeping Torah.
  • I don't understand being Buddhist and not keeping Torah. ;)

This is an example of where I object to some Torah Keepers as constituting a cult or quasi-cult. I say this as someone who observes and practices far more things from Torah and Judaism than do most Christians.

While there may not be a formal organization of Torah Keepers with a charismatic leader there are other indicators of cultish behavior:

1. An Us-vs-Them mentality. This is illustrated by sometimes passive aggressive claims of superiority over others because of what or how you believe and act.
2. The above item is also illustrated by a persecution complex. This is easily illustrated in Israel where Orthodox Jews act out and assault people in public and then claim 'Discrimination!" by trying to defend their criminal acts as a religious liberty they deny to everyone else. In general some TK folks will behave improperly and then blame the consequences of their behavior on imagined religious oppressors instead of reflecting upon their improper behavior.
3. Orthorexia. Claiming superiority over others because of your dietary preferences. Liberal vegetarians and vegans exemplify this form of anti-social behavior.
4. A militant pressure to recruit others. One of the readers of this topic recently engaged me in a private discussion whose aim was to sway me towards obeying TK dietary laws. The logical problem for Torah Keepers in this much is that if your views are 100% accurate then you don't need me or anyone else to validate them for you.
5. Use of Fear and Intimidation. See the Orthodox Jews in Israel. They go on rampages where they attack men and women who don't dress the way they want them to in the hopes that their tactics will intimidate others into obeying their rules. Turns out that this kind of thing just pisses people off. Myself included.
6. An Elitist Attitude. Posturing as better or superior to others because of how you believe isn't one of the ways to win friends and influence people. Turns out that this kind of thing just pisses people off. Myself included.
7. False Tolerance. Inviting questions or discussions about theological topics as a means of advancing one's own viewpoint is deceptive and quite frankly it is a lie. And then once people accept the invitation to such a discussion they are received with hostility for failing to parrot one particular view.

There is some projection going on here. I was responding to the brother's statement and giving my personal take on it. This is a "Biblical Families" forum correct? I fully support "Biblical Families." Key word being Biblical. I believe that the Bible as written in its original languages and cultural context to be the truth and the ultimate authority. I also believe that Yeshua hamashiach, that is Jesus Christ is its author. I believe it when it says that "ALL SCRIPTURE is good for doctrine and reproof." My perspective was developed by reading the scriptures alone. So that is foundation that I am standing on when I explain the perspective that I see. I was a secular/atheist/agnostic person that was convinced by science in a university. Through the study of physics and engineering that the secular world view of how things came into being is wrong and the God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has it right. No one came and proselytized me or convinced to believe what I believe I came to it through what I believe was a direct challenge from יהוה. I am a Biblical fundamentalist not an Orthodox Jew. I am not here to tell others how to believe. I only said what I believe.

If you are going to call someone a cult member/leader you need to define who's definition of a cult you are going to use because Christians, atheists and people who specialize in cult activities have differing perspectives. Look at Steve Hassan's "BITE model of authoritarian control." Cults don't even have to be religious.

You threw out a lot of accusations about me. Non of my claims are passive aggressive. I believe what I believe and not you or anyone else is going to change that unless there is some really good evidence from the Torah the prophets and the writings that back it up.

I made no attempts to recruit anyone I was responding to what I perceived to be a fellow Torah observant brother.

I am not better than anyone. I am chief almongst those who have sinned. I am made from the same dirt as everyone else. I have to pray for mercy and forgiveness daily because of my failures.

Where did you get the idea that I have false tolerance? I am not tolerant of false hood. I will be kind to others but I don't accept much of what others believe or promote unless it is Biblical or scientifically verifiable. Even then I have to be constantly on guard because people tend to promote some tradition over the written word. I will consider everything I am told but I will hunt it down to see if it is true or not.

I try to model the Bereans as much as I can and stand for what the Bible says. Even if that pisses off narcissistic teachers that think that I should just accept what ever nonsense
Save for that it betrays an astounding lack of empathy and understanding. Would you be so patient and understanding were I to say something diametrically opposite?

Like, I don't understand someone being a Torah Keeper yet professing Christ.

It lacks empathy and understanding, in what way?

The antinomian (lawlessness) view is the standard view. It is not Biblical by any means but I don't hate you for holding it. It is a Catholic construct not a scriptural one. If John chapter one is true and Jesus is the creator and savior like the scriptures say, then he does not change. He also doesn't do anything without first informing his prophets.

Mal 3:
6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change, and you, O sons of Yaʽaqoḇ, shall not come to an end.

James 1:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.

Amos 3:
7 For the Master יהוה does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

If the messiah changed/did away with the Torah. Then he is a false Messiah. Sorry.

Also where is the prophecy that יהוה would do away with his word? The Messiah is the living word, Or else he is the man of lawlessness spoken of by Daniel the prophet in chapter 7 or maybe there is a misunderstanding of the new testament. Who did away with biblical feast days and replaced them with "baptized" pagan feast by the way?
OK - yeah, I'll bite. :)

The answer can only be given here in the Ghetto...
...but it actually comes right out of LAST week's parsha, (Shoftim, and "justice, JUSTICE, you shall pursue) and was something I addressed at greater length in the midrash. (So, this will be abbreviated; the audio goes into far more detail. For those that can find it - the link is Verbotten.)

Moses foretold a prophet "like unto Moses," and John/Yochanan the 'Baptist' was asked in John chapter one, "are you that prophet?" No, of course, was his answer.

But that "Prophet Like Unto Moses," by definition, would teach what he taught (and prepared the Way for), not "add to, nor subtract from," and meet ALL the criterion that was laid out. As Yahushua Himself said, in John 5:46-47,
"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.
“But if you do not believe his Writings, how will you believe My words?”

Paul warned (II Corinthians 11:4) about those who would come preaching "another Jesus whom we have NOT preached," and suggesting that people might "put up with it." He was right, and they have.

Whether it's "rude" or not, and whether you like it or not, this is the ghetto, where the concept was SUPPOSED to be that we can discuss things that Yahushua Himself said would "offend many." Like Him.

So, my answer: I profess a Risen Messiah Who came in the flesh to teach what He Himself had Written, prophesied, and - knowing the end from the Beginning - did. And, since He is coming back, "all" is not even remotely yet 'fulfilled.'

But, if some "another jesus" came to "do away with" His own Written Instruction, then, by His own Word, THAT one is a liar, and the truth not in him.

There is a reason why that same Paul said to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling," and why Yahushua Himself warned that - contrary to the 'say the prayer and forget the rest' pablum -

"wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and few there be who find it."
(Matthew 7:13-14)

There is a distinction to be made. And THAT, I contend, truly is a matter of "life and death," or "blessing and cursing."

And, by the way, lest any should "misconstrue," either by accident or by design, I am NOT saying that ANYONE "must" do anything! Just quoting His Word, and observing that all of us have a choice.
They were also killing the baby boys when he was born just like Moshe.
I have been a member of BibFam for almost 2 years. I just have not posted until today. Mark-C made a post that showed up in my email and I felt moved to post about it. Ki Tetzi has some amazing proof texts.
Just a quick reminder that this is the Hebrew roots/Torah section. Expressing an understanding consistent with Scritpure that is Torah centric is not wrong.
Of course not but we’re still keeping a lid on the Torah debate for a few more days. I think everything will be to everyone’s liking then.
Just a quick reminder that this is the Hebrew roots/Torah section. Expressing an understanding consistent with Scritpure that is Torah centric is not wrong.
Of course not but we’re still keeping a kid on the Torah debate for a few more days. I think everything will be to everyone’
There is some projection going on here. I was responding to the brother's statement and giving my personal take on it. This is a "Biblical Families" forum correct? I fully support "Biblical Families." Key word being Biblical. I believe that the Bible as written in its original languages and cultural context to be the truth and the ultimate authority. I also believe that Yeshua hamashiach, that is Jesus Christ is its author. I believe it when it says that "ALL SCRIPTURE is good for doctrine and reproof." My perspective was developed by reading the scriptures alone. So that is foundation that I am standing on when I explain the perspective that I see. I was a secular/atheist/agnostic person that was convinced by science in a university. Through the study of physics and engineering that the secular world view of how things came into being is wrong and the God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has it right. No one came and proselytized me or convinced to believe what I believe I came to it through what I believe was a direct challenge from יהוה. I am a Biblical fundamentalist not an Orthodox Jew. I am not here to tell others how to believe. I only said what I believe.

If you are going to call someone a cult member/leader you need to define who's definition of a cult you are going to use because Christians, atheists and people who specialize in cult activities have differing perspectives. Look at Steve Hassan's "BITE model of authoritarian control." Cults don't even have to be religious.

You threw out a lot of accusations about me. Non of my claims are passive aggressive. I believe what I believe and not you or anyone else is going to change that unless there is some really good evidence from the Torah the prophets and the writings that back it up.

I made no attempts to recruit anyone I was responding to what I perceived to be a fellow Torah observant brother.

I am not better than anyone. I am chief almongst those who have sinned. I am made from the same dirt as everyone else. I have to pray for mercy and forgiveness daily because of my failures.

Where did you get the idea that I have false tolerance? I am not tolerant of false hood. I will be kind to others but I don't accept much of what others believe or promote unless it is Biblical or scientifically verifiable. Even then I have to be constantly on guard because people tend to promote some tradition over the written word. I will consider everything I am told but I will hunt it down to see if it is true or not.

I try to model the Bereans as much as I can and stand for what the Bible says. Even if that pisses off narcissistic teachers that think that I should just accept what ever nonsense

It lacks empathy and understanding, in what way?

The antinomian (lawlessness) view is the standard view. It is not Biblical by any means but I don't hate you for holding it. It is a Catholic construct not a scriptural one. If John chapter one is true and Jesus is the creator and savior like the scriptures say, then he does not change. He also doesn't do anything without first informing his prophets.

Mal 3:
6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change, and you, O sons of Yaʽaqoḇ, shall not come to an end.

James 1:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.

Amos 3:
7 For the Master יהוה does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

If the messiah changed/did away with the Torah. Then he is a false Messiah. Sorry.

Also where is the prophecy that יהוה would do away with his word? The Messiah is the living word, Or else he is the man of lawlessness spoken of by Daniel the prophet in chapter 7 or maybe there is a misunderstanding of the new testament. Who did away with biblical feast days and replaced them with "baptized" pagan feast by the way?
Megan was making general observations about what she’s seen in the Torah community. They weren’t directed at any one individual.
There is some projection going on here. I was responding to the brother's statement and giving my personal take on it. This is a "Biblical Families" forum correct? I fully support "Biblical Families." Key word being Biblical. I believe that the Bible as written in its original languages and cultural context to be the truth and the ultimate authority. I also believe that Yeshua hamashiach, that is Jesus Christ is its author. I believe it when it says that "ALL SCRIPTURE is good for doctrine and reproof." My perspective was developed by reading the scriptures alone. So that is foundation that I am standing on when I explain the perspective that I see. I was a secular/atheist/agnostic person that was convinced by science in a university. Through the study of physics and engineering that the secular world view of how things came into being is wrong and the God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has it right. No one came and proselytized me or convinced to believe what I believe I came to it through what I believe was a direct challenge from יהוה. I am a Biblical fundamentalist not an Orthodox Jew. I am not here to tell others how to believe. I only said what I believe.

If you are going to call someone a cult member/leader you need to define who's definition of a cult you are going to use because Christians, atheists and people who specialize in cult activities have differing perspectives. Look at Steve Hassan's "BITE model of authoritarian control." Cults don't even have to be religious.

You threw out a lot of accusations about me. Non of my claims are passive aggressive. I believe what I believe and not you or anyone else is going to change that unless there is some really good evidence from the Torah the prophets and the writings that back it up.

I made no attempts to recruit anyone I was responding to what I perceived to be a fellow Torah observant brother.

I am not better than anyone. I am chief almongst those who have sinned. I am made from the same dirt as everyone else. I have to pray for mercy and forgiveness daily because of my failures.

Where did you get the idea that I have false tolerance? I am not tolerant of false hood. I will be kind to others but I don't accept much of what others believe or promote unless it is Biblical or scientifically verifiable. Even then I have to be constantly on guard because people tend to promote some tradition over the written word. I will consider everything I am told but I will hunt it down to see if it is true or not.

I try to model the Bereans as much as I can and stand for what the Bible says. Even if that pisses off narcissistic teachers that think that I should just accept what ever nonsense

It lacks empathy and understanding, in what way?

The antinomian (lawlessness) view is the standard view. It is not Biblical by any means but I don't hate you for holding it. It is a Catholic construct not a scriptural one. If John chapter one is true and Jesus is the creator and savior like the scriptures say, then he does not change. He also doesn't do anything without first informing his prophets.

Mal 3:
6 “For I am יהוה, I shall not change, and you, O sons of Yaʽaqoḇ, shall not come to an end.

James 1:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.

Amos 3:
7 For the Master יהוה does no matter unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

If the messiah changed/did away with the Torah. Then he is a false Messiah. Sorry.

Also where is the prophecy that יהוה would do away with his word? The Messiah is the living word, Or else he is the man of lawlessness spoken of by Daniel the prophet in chapter 7 or maybe there is a misunderstanding of the new testament. Who did away with biblical feast days and replaced them with "baptized" pagan feast by the way?
Thanks for the clarification. Cheers