• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.



Real Person
Ladies (Drum Roll Please)

We have finally gotten our privacy. The board of this board have graciously set up an email account at girlsonly@biblicalfamiles.org to allow us to have full and complete privacy from the men on the board.

If you write to this email address the email will be forwarded to me and to a couple of other women. One (or more) of us will respond and we will take it from there.

This is the beginning of our official "Women's ministry". Please let us know what you would like to have. I envision a newsletter in the future and we are open to suggestions of how to serve the larger population in polygamous families. But you DO NOT have to be polygamous to participate.

Okay, we look forward to hearing from you

Sweet Lissa
Great idea! This is all still in the growing stages and I am sure that we will develope it as we go along. Please make suggestions any time you want and we will take them all into consideration.

Sweet Lissa
A secret email agony aunt for people who are struggling with polygyny to get advice from others who are also in their own glass poly houses :?

Sorry but it sounds like a gossipy little sewing circle...sending in an email about whatever issues you may have so a couple of elitist chicks can have a yak about it amongst themselves and get back to you.

I don't think this has been very throughly considered, it doesn't sound like a community, more like a hierarchy.
A few months ago, we had a problem with some men accidentally posting on the women's forum. At the time, we considered whether to have a private place for the women so that women can have a place to talk without male intrusion. Some of the women on this board were quite offended by the fact that men read their posts and as a result, we have put this email system in place.

No one has to send emails to it. Anyone can that wants to. It is intended to be an opportunity to grow relationships and bond sisters together. Anyone can participate that wants to. The Ladie's forum won't go away.

Sweet Lissa
You can easily set up the ladies forum to be viewable by a specified group only. It can even be password protected, it's a simple edit that can be performed by an admin in the control panel.

The original post in this thread talked about a system where women could send an email to an address and that email would be discussed by a small committee one of whom would be designated to "get back to" the original enquirer. That is not an all in email chat, one of those already exists.

I'm not having any issues with marriage or poly in general, i just don't appreciate hypocrisy. People who endeavor to minister to others should at least be making a half hearted attempt to practice what they are preaching.
There is nothing in any of my posts that says we will talk about these emails amongst ourselves.

It says that the emails will go to a group of women and at least one will respond.

Sweet Lissa
I think that both ideas are good. I am sure there is a way to set the "Ladies Only" where only ladies could click on the subject and gain access. One of the problems I see with this is that some husbands and wives use the same name so either one would have to make up a new name and then the wife would only have access. I think in the" Men Only" section it should be locked for men only. Then the husband would have his own name and access to the Men Only section and the wife would have her own name and access to the Ladies Only section.

I have no problem with the email way either. I don't think any woman on here , whether living in a Covenant Marriage or wanting to find out more about it , would discuss personal emails amongst themselves and then give an answer.

I think the women on here who are living a Covenant Marriage are in fact practicing what they preach and are willing to let those of us on here to see them for who they really are .. warts and all... The ministry they have shows the servant heart they have. There is no rule book ,ladies, for living the Covenant Marriage lifestyle and the women on here are willing to share their triumphs, failures, joys, disappointments , to let all women on here know that we are not alone. Each woman on here has her own special story, her own battles she has won and her own struggles that she is trying to overcome. Just knowing that other women are going through different trials can help us all grow closer to each other as we pray for each other and as we share the real women we are and not just the women we want others to see.

Sometimes a woman may have a question or an observation and will not post anything because she doesn't want her husband or other men reading her post . It may make her feel that she is not honoring her husband if she asks or says certain things. Some of us are more open about what we think or feel and it doesn't bother us who reads it. This is still in the early stages so there is room for opinions and suggestions to how our Ladies Section should work.
Hello everyone! I will be helping Lissa out with the new women's ministry. It has been our desire for awhile now to find ways to help single and married woman alike within our Biblical Families family. As Lissa has already stated, we wanted to create a place where the guys wouldn't accidentally read a posting just meant for us ladies. We hope to give any lady wishing to write us individual attention, prayer, support and encouragement. The forums are great for getting information and encouragement from lots of ladies and are still an important part of BF. But we felt that the Lord would have us provide a more personal place for women who are in plural marriage or thinking of entering it. It is our hope to create relationships that will be based in Biblical truths and thus be encouraging and supportive of each other. As Lissa said it is a new thing for all of us and we would love to hear what needs you think could be met with this email site. For right now Lissa and I will be the only ladies receiving emails sent to girlsonly@biblicalfamilies.org. We will also be adding other ladies to this ministry as led. I am a first wife and Lissa is a second wife. We will probably both reply at times so you can get different points of view or two encouragements. We also understand that people gravitate to certain people, so if you prefer talking to one of us over the other that is totally fine. We are here to support the ladies at BF however we can.

We are not expecting an onslaught of emails to start, the forums are often enough support for most people. But we have run across several instances where a lot of hurt might have been avoided if the person had had someone to run things by, or pray with. And sometimes there are issues they wouldn't feel comfortable with sharing with the men on staff@bibilicalfamilies.org. We are not the all in all of wisdom by any means but we both have a desire to use the things that God has taught us to be a help to others in plural marriage. It is important to remember that each of us is ultimately responsible for all decisions that we make good and bad. God's Word is of course the only true wisdom for each of us and we should all strive to be educated women regarding His Word. But I do believe that we each need others to help us walk in that wisdom. How can we walk in the fruits of the Spirit if we don't experience them in those around us?

Melanie, I'd ask you to judge this fledgling ministry by it's fruits, once some of them have ripened. If you need someone to talk to in the future you are welcome to email me.

On a personal note, I do realize that most of you do not know who I am like you know Lissa. I have not been all that involved on the forums up till now. I do desire to be posting more but I believe my strength lies in one on one communication. I have been married to Nathan B for 21 years. I have grown up in the church and have been a believer since I was six years old. I still have lots to learn and I pray for God's grace everyday to run this race, which he has set before me, with His wisdom and grace.

Please let us know how we can be a help to you!

Hope for the future,
sweetlissa said:
A few months ago, we had a problem with some men accidentally posting on the women's forum. At the time, we considered whether to have a private place for the women so that women can have a place to talk without male intrusion. Some of the women on this board were quite offended by the fact that men read their posts and as a result, we have put this email system in place.

No one has to send emails to it. Anyone can that wants to. It is intended to be an opportunity to grow relationships and bond sisters together. Anyone can participate that wants to. The Ladie's forum won't go away.

Sweet Lissa

Sweet Lissa,

I didn't realize that men read the post in the ladies forum. I hope that I didn't offend anyone when we were talking about the purple burkas?

If you do get a newsletter going, I would like to be included in receiving one. Thank you for including people like myself whom are not in a poly relationship but believe it to be Scripturally based.

It seems like some of the guys on this site snub a person like myself, because I'm not part of a Bibilical Family. I'm respecting my husband's desire not to enter this type of relationship, so I'm honoring his choice.

How is your boss doing?


It is an unspoken rule that if the men read our posts, they pretend they have not. This is supposed to be our safe haven of sorts. So if anyone were offended by the "purple burkas" that is their problem, because they wandered into our domain.

However, no one was offended, because no one cares if we have a bit of fun.

But because of the fact that there are some women who dont' feel comfortable sharing their innermost feelings in the presence of men, we have created this new service. Your input if valuable wherever and whenever you put it in. As is everyone's imput.

Thanks for joining our group.

Sweet LIssa
In response to your post, may I ask you a question so I can understand where you are coming from.
What do you consider as legitimate credentials and intentions? If someone is already living the Covenant Marriage / Biblical Family way and is willing to help others gain more understanding and can be a sounding board for us to bounce questions of off, then that is more than you or I are able to do seeing as we are not currently living in or as a Biblical Family.
I do agree that you have to be careful in whom you put your trust in and whom you share the real you with. Both Julieb and Sweet Lissa are both Godly women and have knowledge they are willing to share with other women. I have met both of these fine women personally and they do have a viable ministry and a servant spirit that allows them to be the real women that we see and not just what they want us to see. We have a First Wife and a Second Wife that are willing to share from one or both perspectives. Though they may not be able to answer all questions they are at least able to share the knowledge and experiences they do have. What more could we ask for?
If you chose not to participate in the private email that is your choice. As one who is seeking to build a Biblical Family (with my best friend) , I, for one, who will be considered a First Wife, do seek the valuable insights that Julieb can give since she has been one for several years. I can also glean from Sweet Lissa , what a Second Wife has to deal with. (Knowing that I can sometimes be difficult , :eek: I can at least get a perspective of what my best friend will have to put up with, from Sweet Lissa's knowledge as a Second Wife)
Just my thoughts and a few observations.
On a side note, I hope you were not affected by the fires that have occurred in your country lately.
Wow, what a week this has been! Is it already Thursday? Can't believe it. The time sure is just flying by. Anyway, I just felt the need to reach out and touch you all, cyberly speaking. Happy Spring everyone!

Sweet Lissa

Are there any churches in Michigan that allow non-practicing polys to attend services or are the retreats the only way to fellowship with one another? If so, isn't lonely not to fellowship weekly with other Christians?

Most of us do attend churches, we just don't share the poly aspect of our lives with the people we see. It does make it hard to have relationships with people, but since you aren't practicing poly and you don't intend to for the forseeable future you should be okay. There are lots of people with different beliefs. Some speak in tongues, some keep the sabbath, some recognize the old testament feasts, some wear head coverings. They are all part of what makes us different and special. So if you want to worship, feel free to do so, just wait till you trust someone before you reveal this particular belief to anyone.

Sweet Lissa,

I love your open-minded thinking and appreciation for the differences in worship styles and customs. Your gentle guidance and advice is very Christlike--thank you. How is your home-group meetings going?

Unfortunately, I am not in a place where I have people to fellowship with on a regular basis. I have people about 7 hours NE of me and a young woman about 1.5 hours from me. We fellowship as often as we can, but it is difficult. We are hoping that in a year's time we will be able to put something together but right now, I just don't have any people close enough to me.

Sweet Lissa,

I guess this website is kinda like fellowship then for all of us then. :D

I watched a program about families that were separated due to work conflicts. They decided to stay connected long distance by picking Scripture readings and a time of the day that each member will read the same verse at that same time. Though they were apart they felt each other's presence while reading.

Hello Ladies, I am happy to have found this site. I know I will learn a great deal from all of you. I have just begun my jouney. Any advice will be greatly appriciated! God Bless, Angie
Glad to have you on board, literally. My biggest piece of advice is to ask questions. If someone says something that interests you ask more questions. Read the word and hold what is said here to God's word to make sure that it is Godly advice.

We are glad you are here. Stay awhile.
