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Meat Galatians: The Most Twisted Book in the Bible

Mark C

Seasoned Member
Real Person
Shaul/Paul starts the Book of Galatians by suggesting that he "marvels" at how quickly those who had come to an understanding of the Messiah began to turn away, "to a different gospel." (v 6)

Then he goes on to say that if anyone, even an "angel from heaven," tries to pervert what He taught, and preach a different gospel, "then let him be accursed."

Pretty strong language.

But he wasn't finished. He repeats it again. (v 9-10) Because it's about being a bondservant of the Messiah, not "pleasing men."

So - it's fair to ask: Why, then, do so many "translators" and "twisters," (II Peter 3:15-16) then proceed to go and do exactly that?

This is a BIG topic, certainly far too large for a single thread, much less post, or even an audio midrash/teaching.

But it MUST start with a careful reading, and the understanding that if he, Paul, had CHANGED what Yahushua taught, both in His Written Instruction, and then in the flesh, he would have been a liar (by his own admission) and not "bondservant" of the Most High.

I will, at some point, post a link to the Sabbath teaching from this past weekend which at least touched in part on the 'twisting' of Galatians. (Maybe it won't get nuked quite so fast this way by the ghetto gestapo - like the last several have been.)

Meanwhile, I will suggest a book on the topic, for those who really do want to see what "lies we have inherited from our fathers," and how Peter warned Paul would be twisted:

Galatians, A Torah-Based Commentary in First Century Hebraic Context,
by Avi ben Mordechai. It's almost 500 pages, literally verse-by-verse.

But if you can just begin to see through the obvious inversions in chapters 3 and 4, you're off to a good start.
If Paul added or took away from torah (and taught others likewise) - according to the Messiah's own Words - he will be "LEAST" in the Kingdom.

Sadly, it's what today's Christianity teaches, and they ignore the warning from Peter; where he says brother Paul's letters can be easily twisted.
The midrash for parsha "Ekev" (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25) is all about what 'follows' obedience to YHVH. And there's plenty in the reading that should 'raise eyebrows' - because it's without question NOT what has been taught in the 'church' which has changed so much of His Word wholesale.

Which is why the Sabbath Day midrash, following the reading in the first section, focuses on some of those specifics. Including Galatians. Because much of it has literally been "turned on its head." Even if Paul warned of exactly that.

I encourage folks to read especially the introduction and then point in chapter 3 that begins, "O foolish Galatians!"

And ask, given that many of these were pagans, attempting to "come out of her," just exactly what - and WHO's - 'law' [nomos] he was talking about? And just Who did Abraham believe?

Most of those people were ALREADY guilty of idolatry, and deserving of death. He was reminding them of what the Instruction is really all about.

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I will, at some point, post a link to the Sabbath teaching from this past weekend which at least touched in part on the 'twisting' of Galatians. (Maybe it won't get nuked quite so fast this way by the ghetto gestapo - like the last several have been.)
Just a quick reminder, we’re temporarily not allowing the promotion of personal projects; the only exception being @PeteR ’s for what should be obvious reasons.
"We" is a sick joke. YOU just arbitrarily make shit up, and YOU just don't like people being able to read what you don't want them to. Or listen.

Your arbitrary BS has one intended target, and everyone here sees through it.
Revolting: Show me? There’s no way to square that with Galatians.
Me: Make this a new thread. But let Pete start it, I don't want the censorship.
But Galatians is arguably the "most twisted Book" in all of the Bible.
So I did; started a new thread, and talked about the issue at length. In a midrash. Predictably:
Just a quick reminder, we’re temporarily not allowing the promotion of personal projects...
Read: Anything from people Us Superior Moderators Hate - like you, Mark.

WHY do we have a problem on this forum? Because Zec has EARNED the revulsion he self-promotes:

So I did; started a new thread, and talked about the issue at length. In a midrash. Predictably:

Read: Anything from people Us Superior Moderators Hate - like you, Mark.

WHY do we have a problem on this forum? Because Zec has EARNED the revulsion he self-promotes:

Deep breaths Mark, breathe. You’re free to post most anything you like, for instance, the endless vitriol and Nazi accusations you spew at me.

The simple rules being enforced right now don’t prevent you from holding forth endlessly on Galatians. Pontificate away. Just don’t attach links to your blog. It’s a long standing rule. I didn’t come up with it. I think it makes sense though.

You’ll note that I don’t post links to my videos either. Although there are a few of them here and there on the forum so maybe I’m being a little hypocritical.
Although there are a few of them here and there on the forum so maybe I’m being a little hypocritical.
More than a little. But it's what hypocrites do.

If people didn't find you revolting for it, you wouldn't be so obnoxious about it.
You’re free to post most anything you like,
Not true, and you know it. You'll edit or delete anyway.

...for instance, the endless vitriol and Nazi accusations you spew at me.
Nothing you don't continue to earn. But the historic references are apropos, although the vitriol is your own. As is the 'sneering.' By your own words.
Mark, are you saying in the podcast that the ten tribes were put away but not divorced?
Mark, are you saying in the podcast that the ten tribes were put away but not divorced?
Good point, @steve. And that one you have to look for.

Isaiah 50:1 asks it as a question, as in "WHERE is the 'sefer keretutah'...?"

It is only in Jeremiah 3:8 that He actually says explicitly, "Then I saw for all the causes for which backsliding Israel had committed adultery, I had put her away AND GIVEN HER a 'sefer keretutah' [certificate of 'divorce']..."
...and yet her treacherous sister Judah,"
[went out and did the same thing.]

Note that this is where they are BOTH referred to as harlots.
Aww shucks, I was hoping that He hadn’t given them the full divorce. It would have added an interesting twist.
Matthew 15:24
He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

Luke 1:33
and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

If the Northern Kingdom was acting like the other nations while they were living in the promised land - how much more “gentile” would they become after being sent to exile - mixing with the rest of the nations? Roughly 800 years passed between the certificate and the Messiah showing up. Therefore, in the 1st century, most likely the majority of the 10 lost tribes were the gentiles in Europe and Asia. There’s a lot of evidence of this. For example, the word “JA” (pronounced YAH) in the Balkan nations - means “I am - or me.” He told the apostles - “go to the lost sheep.” Where did they go? They went to Europe and Asia.

Ephraim is another name the Creator uses for the Northern Kingdom. Ephraim means very fruitful in Hebrew. Here’s what the Creator says about the population of the Northern Kingdom:

Isaiah 10:22 NLT
But though the people of Israel are as numerous as the sand of the seashore, only a remnant of them will return. The LORD has rightly decided to destroy his people.

Manasseh (this tribe was part of the Northern Kingdom) - means to forget in Hebrew. Here’s what the Creator says about the Northern Kingdom:

Jeremiah 2:31-32
Why then do my people say, ‘At last we are free from God! We don’t need him anymore!’ 32 Does a young woman forget her jewelry, or a bride her wedding dress? Yet for years on end my people have forgotten me.

Isaiah 1:3 NIV
The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.”

The Christians - I believe - are the 10 lost tribes of Israel. They are the Northern Kingdom. Even if they are not - gentiles are still expected to be washed clean by the Word and through Yahushua they can be grafted into the House of Jacob. But this major mis-understanding makes them think they are separate from Israel - and therefore - the Creator’s instructions don’t apply to them. Therefore they are continuing to do some of the very things that caused the exile in the first place; continuing to do some of the very things that caused the Son to suffer for our sakes.
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