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Happy Christian Polygamy

Doesn't Leviticus 18:18 apply to this family?
18'You shall not marry a woman in addition to her sister as a rival while she is alive, to uncover her nakedness.
diasōzō said:
Doesn't Leviticus 18:18 apply to this family?
18'You shall not marry a woman in addition to her sister as a rival while she is alive, to uncover her nakedness.

No, it doesn't. I do not have time to exegete this passage in the Hebrew for you, but let's just say the key word here is "rival".
I guess adding the "rival" (vexer) part would leave it open to a small percentage of sisters who would be able to marry the same man. Like this family.
freebird said:
I know those ladies. They are not 'Christian'. They are 'Independent Fundamentalists Mormon.' Wife One and Two married within one year of each other and the third came along after a failed polygamous marriage several years later. I LOVE those ladies. They are so gorgeous!

In Christ

Oh no! I should have done more homework! I certainly do not advocate "the principle".
Several years ago I visited the Fundamental Mormons. I came away dissappointed at how closed of a society it was. Although they may share many Mormon beliefs, not all Mormons are the same. Those in this clip seem much more modern and adaptable to society.