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Healing testimonal, but its poly related too.


Its a funny thing to write a testimonial, but when things happen they should be told. About three years ago I was working to get things going for my family, buying a house, working a lot, the usual things. I was doing excellently health wise, I biked a couple K a day and swam a couple k about once a week. That year I was starting to notice myself tiring out more easily than usual, but I continued to work hard through it. A few months after that I was tiring much easier, I went to my family physicians about it and was told it was most likely the new baby taking a toll and got told to exercise more ( I have a good doctor, but the suggestion to exercise more did not impress me because of what I said above) In the following months I got a job closer and started walking instead of biking, but I still worked hard otherwise. I got progressively more tired until one day on my way home form work I collapsed in the snow, it was cold. Eventually I regained enough muscle control to pull myself home by my arms, but I couldn't use my legs.

After a couple days I gradually regained control of my legs and got to walking a little, and went to the doctors. I was sent to the hospital and given a fairly comprehensive set of tests, then sent home. I tried to continue to work and for a few weeks I managed it by doing very little else, but I did wind up having to call in sick quite a bit on mornings I would wake up unable to walk again. I got laid off and got unemployment for a little while. In the meanwhile I got passed on to a specialist who had a two month waiting list (on rush) and was scheduled for an MRI, but when I got to the actual appointment the specialist gave me a different, totally irrelevant test that returned no information that we did not already have. I became a stay at home dad, and even that was very difficult and I started to learn methods of predicting when I would not be able to walk, and when I would collapse. Even then it was difficult to go out in case of a random collapse.

For a couple years it was learning to deal with it, and going to specialist appointments that gave me run-around tests while being told by all local doctors that I needed an MRI for a definitive diagnosis. That aside I had a symptomatic diagnosis of periodic paralysis, and strong indications that it was fibro-mialga related. A lot of my time dealt with finding ways to cope with pain and cope with the inability to do things. Life was about staying the course, doing as much as I could, and learning patience and endurance. About a year and a half in to the paralysis I had the situation understood, I had methods of managing it and patience through it. While I never did get an MRI what I had was reduced to a number of fibro-mialga related things with no real treatment (the only treatment that exists deals with trying to kill the muscle pain or using heavy steroids to counteract the fatigue, the later is bad treatment and I believe it is worse than no treatment in almost every long term way)

Polygyny was one of the things I had been looking into with my wife for several years, we where sure of our convictions at that point, but this and that have been two things that have become irrevocably tied. It was not long after this that I started posting on the Biblical Families forum, when paralyzed computer use was one of my methods of dealing with pain and I was looking to talk to other Christians that I could relate too on that topic. Supernatural healing, or direct healing, was something I was well familiar with even at that point, and many people had prayed for that for me at a distance, but I wasn't pursuing it at that point because it wasn't the right time for me to pursue. Not long after that it struck me that it was time for me to recover, but I did not know how at that point so I looked into going for a paid MRI in Alberta and perhaps to look into experimental treatment or some such thing.

Around that time Mr. Mossie arrived at Biblical Families to deal with the Isaiah prophecy issue. He created that discussion and one concerning healing theory, which I entered. After some discussion it became apparent that legitimately understood healing, and had been part of it in the past. It was interesting as before that I didn't have holy healing on my mind for lack of people with the ability around, it seemed like an opportunity that opened and I took it and asked him for a consultation. He came back with a list of actions that lined up with reason and scripture, so I got too them one by one. I got stumped at finding someone to do an anointing, and tarried on that for a while, but I was told that even from the start if I was on the right track the pain would be gone. It was, and anyone who knows anything about what I had will say how incredible and helpful that was.

In the end it was my good Pastor that did the anointing, he is a baptist pastor, but he reads the bible as it lays and said even from seminary (which was ceasationalist) that if anyone asked to do the things scripture outlined he would. He did, I am better. I lost a lot of muscle and am still not swimming 2K like I used too, but I'm gradually rebuilding strength, and just being able to do that is a releif.

Now, thats not quite the end of it. More than a few observations need to be made, and I'm going to make a few here. First, God does everything as per his plan, he doesn't need us, if we did not praise him the rocks would sing right? What we do for him is his gift to us, like we where little kids he lets us help out for our sakes, and gives us credit for things he did the majority of. Thats a pretty basic description of what God working through us and gifts of God are about.

I want to tie that in to peoples attitude to spiritual gifts now. Perhaps not many people see it, but in the last decades people don't want to be associated with spiritual gifts. The first root of this is the snakeoil people that fake them, people with real gifts don't want to be confused or associated with liars in any way. The second, deeper root is that gifts today are idealized. Its only said out loud among ceasationalists, but its in the back of all our minds that the real gift of healing should be able to heal anyone, the real prophet should know basically everything, the real thing is 100% every time like a professional athlete. But wait, even pro's don't hit 100% on free throws.

The gifts are about being part of what God's doing. They come in much more powerful and wonderful forms than what my pastor or Mr. Mossie did in this example, but that doesn't negate what they where part of. My faithfulnes was integral to to Gods work in this case, that much is given. But Raymond Mossie's knowledge of healing is not the natural sort of understanding, weather he likes it or not its part of the gift of healing, he can say its on a low level or small, but it is what it is. There is no way to escape that he said do this and you will be healed and it happened just as he said. My pastors faithfull action and annointing was vitally nessisary to the procces just as scripture says, and it was a step of faith on his part to belive God and scripture over his training and his coleages (who are mostly ceasationalist). He annointed someone, they where healed, the fact is there. Both of these people would not like to be told they have the gift of healing, both would deny it, but one said do this and it happened, the other annointed and healed. We all know its about God, but God chose them to do it.
Great testimony Jair. I am glad that you proved that the truth about healing really IS from God. The Bible never records the devil healing anyone. Praise God for your healing!

However, I do want to clarify about the gift of healing vs. the truth about healing. The gift of healing is a gift from the Holy Spirit, (I Cor. 12:9) that allows one to heal another person with prayer, laying on of hands, anointed cloth, etc. I do NOT have this gift. What God gave me, He called 'The Truth About Healing'. This is very different. I used to apologize to people because I do not have the gift of healing, I only know the truth about healing. God rebuked one time and told me not to say that anymore. I asked Him why and He told me that what He gave me is more powerful. Then my eyes were opened to this truth. People who have the gift of healing can pray for someone to be healed and not really know the root cause of why they were sick in the first place. The healed person might then go back to the way they were living and either have the same sickness come back or something worse might happen to them, (see John 5:1-15). With the knowledge of the truth about healing, one can know what led to the sickness in the first place, so that the underlying spiritual issue can be dealt with, then they will not only be healed if they obey the Word regarding the situation, they really need never get sick again! If they do get sick, they can use this understanding to get healed quickly.

I think Jair can already attest to the fact that this truth opens one's eyes to how people get sick and gives the person who knows this truth the ability to 'diagnose' the cause of the ailment and offer an opportunity for healing.

Anyone who wants to know this truth and/or needs a healing, please feel free to contact me here or at perfection777@live.com or you can get my teaching on this subject at the following link - http://www.perfectchristian.110mb.com/truth_about_healing.htm.

Thanks again Jair.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray (Mossie)
I think I get what you're saying about the Truth about Healing and the Gift of healing and why the distinction is important.

Perhaps we can clarify if I say you certainly have the Gift of Knowledge concerning Healing, it is not at all natural and it is something put in you. I do not think you have the Gift of Healing Action. While I can see why you need to make the distinction I maintain that what you do is an element of healing in the same way the laying on of hands is. They are two parts of restoring things to order, and a healer at full development and power should be able to both identify and prevent and instantly heal. For the most part Christians only try to instantly heal and do almost no development into the field of understanding, thats why what you do is so important. At full growth and maturity you should be able to either do both yourself or work in tandem with another Christian with the other element of the gift (Either would represent a fully mature gift, as we are in harmony with all others in Christ when we are mature). Just like in my case, you did gnosis, someone else did action, and the healing was fully complete.

God bless you and thanks for you're help through that illness.

Good points all. I also believe in healing and that true healing is empowered by the presence of the Holy Spirit. I am not sure the gift of healing rests on a person for an entire lifetime, but may move around in the body of Christ (church). Faith and healing are real and many Christians shy away from anything to do with it as they are suspicious of individuals who claim to control such gifts (such as some television ministers)
I believe that God gives gifts without ever taking them back. This is why the Spiritual gifts and even the ministry gifts can be perverted. For example, most 'psychics' are really operating in an undeveloped or improperly developed prophetic gift. I have seen this on several occasions with prophets who were rejected by the church, as they did not recognize the gift, but the people of the dark side accepted it. I had a patient who came to me in this situation. Her prophetic gift was rejected by the church, (they though she was weird because she had dreams and visions) so she went to a group of Buddhists who took her, showed her kindness and helped her begin to dabble in the occult. She lived in Michigan and came to me for surgery in Overland Park, KS. I asked her how she found me and she said that her Tarot cards had spelled my name. I was excited, because if the devils in Michigan knew my name, then I was making a mark on the kingdom of darkness! (Acts 19:13-17). I did her surgery and ministered to her during the post-op period. When she left for home, she had rededicated her life to the Lord and she finally understood about the prophetic ministry gift that Jesus had given her before birth, (Jer. 1 and Eph. 4:11).

I would be most grateful to work with someone who had the gift of healing, because I believe that what I have could be much more effective. However, the truth about healing is primarily for Christians and they will rarely get an immediate healing, because they need to get things in their lives into order before they will receive the healing in its fullness. This is what I have seen on many occasions. The gift of healing is primarily for non-believers, because it is the flame that draws the moths. This is why the Spirit's gift of healing is usually connected with the ministry gift of an evangelist. The power of healing and miracles draws non-believers to Christ. Even in the day of Jesus and the apostles, many just wanted to see them do some miracle. On the other hand, the truth about healing is the carrot and stick that helps lead believers who are out of order and have a resulting sickness back onto the right path. This is my experience.

You are correct Jair, I do have the gift of knowledge. I can lay hands on someone's head and see what they have experienced in their life. I also know people's thoughts and often God will tell me things about people that I could not know so that it gives more power to my ministry session. People often break down and cry when this happens, but I have not seen it change that many people, though I find it amazing when it happens. I also use this gift when I tell people what their ministry gift is. Sometimes God speaks directly to me as to their gift and sometimes I just know. I have told several people on this site what their ministry gift(s) is/are. This is probably the most helpful thing I can do for Christians, because MOST of them do not know what their ministry gift is, so they really do not know what to do for God. Imagine if Jesus did not know that He was the Christ? Everyone should be advised of their ministry gift(s) within minutes of accepting Christ. Then they need to be advised as to how to grow up in the gift(s) and operate in them. That is the only way that we will get to the point of perfection and Jesus will come back...

Ephesians 4:7-16 -

7But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift. 8Therefore He says:

“When He ascended on high,
He led captivity captive,
And gave gifts to men.

9(Now this, “He ascendedwhat does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.) 11And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head,Christ 16from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

(The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

Be blessed,

Good for you that the devils know you by name, that means you are making quite an impact.

The breaking down and crying is great, but since its only the point of recognition I'm not surprised most do not move on to the point of change. But the ones that do change will be so worthwhile.

God bless you, good to hear all of this.

My sister lives in Michigan. :eek:

Gifts for life, even if misused? Talented singers sometimes start in the church and seem blessed by God and then turn their talent to the secular world and continue to do well. So it does make a degree of sense. But exercising these gifts from a Godless life would seem to me to tempt God to take action.