• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Hello from Maia

I thought an online form would be better to discuss this, since in person can be...problematic since one cannot be sure of the other point o view.
This is a great place for those discussions.
Welcome! Hope you find some answers! Joining the lady’s chat is a good first step.
Welcome to the party.

If you have questions just jump in. Whether we necessarily have good answers or not, you will definitely get loads of opinions.
Hi Maia, welcome to Biblical Families. It's great to have you join the forum.
I thought an online form would be better to discuss this, since in person can be...problematic since one cannot be sure of the other point o view.
This is a great place to have discussions, ask questions, or to just search a topic and find previous information. Blessings
Hi, just wanted to say hello.

I am looking to learn more about these topics since I seem to function better in a lager group, well, let us say medium sized group.
Lager group, eh? Have you also explored any Pilsener clubs? Or Milk Stout Societies?


Welcome to BibFam.
Shalom and welcome.