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Hello from North Carolina

Yes I agree. Another preacher that taught polygamy, and taught it very simply, was William Branham in "Martiage and Divorce." It is the sermon that got me searching over 35 years ago. I think you can download a printed version. If not I can send you a printed version. He has no formal education and it is not grammerized, but WOoOW is it powerful.
It's good that sermon got you thinking, but I honestly couldn't get that far. Branham had some interesting ideas. Don't want to hijack an intro thread though. Maybe you'd care to post it somewhere and open it for discussion? It would be interesting. :)
Welcome! Sorry I'm so late with my greeting. I'm glad you are here and I hope you are finding what you are looking for among our members. :)
At this point we are absolutely convinced but would love to have someone at least present a solid argument against it and to be honest if that could be done, we too would be open to an altered viewpoint. But it hasn't happened yet and I don't believe it ever will.

I know right? It sure would be nice to have a convincing argument that everyone else is right so I can go back to being "normal". Haha.

There is a cost to stepping out of line. I think that is one of the things I like best about the polygamy group. If nothing else, they are definetly people who are not afraid to follow what the Bible says and not the crowd.