• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Hello from Ocala!

Hi Ocala, and welcome to Biblical Families. It's great to have you along for the journey.
Hello from Tampa!

Welcome to the group.
My family and I live on the outstrips of Tampa.
There are a growing number of families in FL. My family has a house up there in Bellview.

Hope to connect with another local family's for fellowship!
Welcome from Eastern WA. I spent five years in school at UF in Gainesville, so I've been to Ocala a few times. It seems like a nice place.
Welcome! We need more ladies who are in polygynous marriages to come out in forums and let people know that they are in favor of this.
Hey welcome to the forum! I was just in Ocala a couple of weeks ago. My folks live there, for the moment, but they’re about to move away.
Welcome Katerina! Great to have another plural family in Florida. My family lives about an hour south of Ocala. We sometimes have local get togethers of Fl families, we would love to meet your family. Let me know if you would be interested in joining in.
Hi all!I'm Katerina from Ocala, and I'm a second wife. I'm not actually new to polygyny, but I'm new to realizing there were others out there who knew God ordained this!
I'm likely to be mostly quiet (here more to hear than to be heard), but I'll be chiming in from time to time.
Welcome, and may Yah commend your life of following His ways and plans.
Shalom and welcome from Missouri