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Hello from the Northeast

Lupus Frater

New Member
Hello! I'm a happily married (for 7 years) father of 4 and I've been aware that polygany is Biblical for about 5ish years now. A little about me personally: I think most churches are dying or dead, they preach a neutered gospel at a minimum and are afraid to simply preach the word of God cuz of "muh feelz." I would fall under the Protestant umbrella but I don't have a particular denomination I would claim. I love the Greek language and I lean towards the Septuagint as the proper tradition we should be following for the OT (minus the apocrypha). I prefer traditional hymns over contemporary "Christian music" although there are some good new hymns. I think communion should be taken weekly.Christ is my King.

I think democracy is a sham, Donald Trump is a fraud and definitely not right-wing, women should stay home (not work a traditional job) and I would take a Godly monarch over the garbage we have now. I guess you could say politically I'm very "far-right" socially but I do lean "left-wing," as some would call it, on some issues such as economics and the environment.

I realized this turned into a jumbled rant but if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Well, jumbled rant or not, welcome to Biblical Families. It's the only place on the cyberworld planet you're gonna find (mostly) biblically sound dialogue among fellow adherents of polygyny. Best wishes.
Hello! I'm a happily married (for 7 years) father of 4 and I've been aware that polygany is Biblical for about 5ish years now. A little about me personally: I think most churches are dying or dead, they preach a neutered gospel at a minimum and are afraid to simply preach the word of God cuz of "muh feelz." I would fall under the Protestant umbrella but I don't have a particular denomination I would claim. I love the Greek language and I lean towards the Septuagint as the proper tradition we should be following for the OT (minus the apocrypha). I prefer traditional hymns over contemporary "Christian music" although there are some good new hymns. I think communion should be taken weekly.Christ is my King.

I think democracy is a sham, Donald Trump is a fraud and definitely not right-wing, women should stay home (not work a traditional job) and I would take a Godly monarch over the garbage we have now. I guess you could say politically I'm very "far-right" socially but I do lean "left-wing," as some would call it, on some issues such as economics and the environment.

I realized this turned into a jumbled rant but if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Welcome. You may find some diversity of thoughts here, but do not let that discourage you from benefiting the body. Where do you reside?
Welcome! I hope your wife will join in at some point.
Shalom and welcome.