• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Hello from Virginia


New Member
Hello from Virginia. I grew up in a baptist family if that makes any difference. I don't think I even knew what polygamy was until I was in my 20's. The older I get,(I'm 44) the more interested I've become. My husband and I are Christians and happily married, but like the idea of another wife. I have so many questions and not exactly sure where to start. We're financially secure and my husband is a "rescuer" I guess. We have a friend (my best friend of 20 years) that we'd love to have as his second wife, she's gone through a lot in her life and we'd like to share what God has given us with her. She's for the idea, but none of us know quite how to proceed. How do you deal with "what the neighbors say", what about the kids? Our children are grown and we now have grandkids, but the friend has an 8 yr. old. What about school for him? What about his friends? Any tips, advie, thoughts would be welcome. Thank you all for listening
Welcome to Biblical Families! Families in your position are one of our primary reasons for ministry. You have questions, but rather than start with answers (we have 4 school ages kids - and 2 wives, so have dealt with this question), I'd like to suggest that your family and friend would be well served getting some answers in person, and meeting those who have been in your place. I'll send you NC retreat info in a private email - which is coming up in just about 6 weeks - please pray if this would be a good choice for you at this time, to participate.
I would certainly second Nathan's counsel, if you are able. And welcome!

To that I would add that there is a wealth of information available here in the various thread archives, and that you are of course welcome to ask questions as well. Most importantly, however, be sure that all of you take the time to pray together, and study the Bible together as well, so that you may "walk in agreement" before Him.

May God bless you and yours,

Thank you both for the welcome. I'd love some info on the NC retreat. This has been an interesting trip so far.
Hi, I sent you retreat info on 2/16 via email at noon - maybe a junkmail filter ate it? I'll send it again as a PM on the board.

If anybody else asked for retreat info and didn't see it, please ask again, and then add me to your white-list if needed: "nathan@biblicalfamilies.org" (actually email was down that day, so I used my personal gmail.com account....)
Welcome to the board. Feel free to ask questions on the forums or of individual members. You may be surprised just how many Christian believers are open to the concept of plural families from a Bible perspective.

Welcome. I cannot give practical advice as we have not yet gone there, just heard from God that this is going to come. I would only say to pray and be obedient. Look forward to hearing more. I am certain that you will find the help you need here.

Be blessed,

Dr. Ray
Sorry for the late welcome. From work to Civil War re-enactments Chaplains Rose and I have not really had time to post much less read the board. You sound like us in that I too wish to add Chaplains rose's best friend to our family. They have known each other for almost as long as Rose and I have been married ( 29 yrs ). May the Lord grant to you that which you seek and again WELCOME.