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Help! I need better answers on Y! Answers


Real Person
Here is the question:

Christians: Don't these laws regulate multiple marriages?
Exo 21:10 If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish.

Lev 18:18 Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time.

Lev 20:14 And if a man takes as wife a woman and her mother, it is an act of shame; let them be burned with fire, all three of them, so that there may be no shame among you.

Deu 17:17 And he is not to have a great number of wives, for fear that his heart may be turned away; or great wealth of silver and gold.

Deu 21:15 If a man has two wives, one greatly loved and the other hated, and the two of them have had children by him; and if the first son is the child of the hated wife:

Click the link below to enter.

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 238AAqvUNB
Okay. Perhaps that'll help. :)
:D that was fun!!!
Everyone did a great job. I sure appreciate your efforts.

I will have to select a best answer in a couple days, and you can see that previously most contributor's had ignored the question. Even should your answer not be chosen be aware that your words will linger in cyberspace for a longtime, and stand as a witness of truth. MOP Christians for however long there is a Y!Answers will have their understanding challenged, and some of those will understand the implications of the question.

Remember that anytime you post something, the repercussions are long term. In the past you had to write a book, get a publisher, and pray that someone would seek out and find it, to get this level of exposure. With Google and other search engines ideas spread rapidly. Most people that are moved by your contribution will never comment to you. Remember the Word of God will not return void.

In that light let me encourage you to continue to post the truth everywhere. Y!Answers, Christian forums, or blogs. Share Christ crucified with the unbeliever, and then the other truths in God's word. Remember if you brings someone to Christ, you are creating a disciple, your opinion carries weight with them, and you can lead them into truth. With believers challenge the status quo...

Again you all did great, Thanks.

God Bless,

There was a question similar to this some time ago and a similar situation developed - it ended up getting removed as apparently it was offensive to some.
'Seeker of Jehovas' awnsers where by far the worst I've ever seen...

deut 17:17
the future king of israel is not allowed to have multiple wives

Wow, its amazing this person claims to have a relationship with YHWH when he should KNOW how God dealt with David and other Godly kings...

deut 21:15

is about a divorced wife and his current wive who have children and the childrens rights

the word is have not has as is married to more than one wiver

Wow, how far gone do you get?

Anyway, nice replies everyone, I enjoyed reading them, and I don't every the job of picking the best one. I love Brook's 'Sanitize our Bible's' comment. Cecil has his characteristic force and poinency. Scarecrow deals with surrounding contemporary and historical issues in a very nice way. Corey deals with the precedent argument nicely.

If I had to vote it would be for Scarecrows because non-Christians will read it and he deals with issues beyond Bible interpretation.
Thanks Tlaloc. I actually borrowed my points from an article Dr Raegean is writing. I got permission first lol.