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Here I go again

The Revolting Man

Staff member
Real Person
So while flipping through Psalms to find a passage to encourage a young woman I found this; Psalms 46: 10-17. So what do you think, would this be a great passage to read at a covenant wedding or am I taking this headship thing a little too far?
I'm confused, Psalm 46 has only 11 verses. Perhaps you meant Psalm 45, which is messianic, pointing to Christ and His eternal kingdom. Is not marriage here on earth a picture of the intimacy Jesus desires with each of us?
Z, no more 1 am posting for you, my friend. Whatever scripture you're refrencing, just be sure to invite us to the wedding.
Here I go again

again? do you do this often? ;) :D
I go off on tangents all the time Steve, the vast majority of the time I have no idea where I'm going. Okay DeeAnn, try Chp 45:10-17. Sorry about that all.

Yes Buppa, my understanding is that marriage is a beautiful demonstration of the relationship between God and the church. So while Psalms 45: 10-17 seems Messianic, it also uses marriage imagery and since that whole relationship is the template for marriage is seems to my admittedly rather frenetic mind that the passage has a duality, that it can be applied to marriage (since God wouldn't use a flawed analogy in His Holy Word, especially not to describe something so important and touching on Himself) at least as an inspirational passage if not a normative one. Just thinking out loud here. I discovered it early this morning so its not like I've put too much thought into it yet.