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Hi Everyone!


New Member
Hello everyone, im a 22 yr old male who is unmarried. I was raised in a plural marriage family and though it took me several years to come to the truth of it, I do have a very strong testimony of it. I know that it is a true principle of the Gospel. I am quite sure my viewpoints will be pretty different from most peoples here, but that's alright. I just thought I'd see this site and meet some people. Who knows, I might find my first wife here lol. God bless you all.
Welcome, Josh...may you find blessing here in whatever it is you seek.

Just out of curiosity, in what type of plural marriage tradition were you raised? (Messianic, patriarchal, FLDS, etc...)

Blessings in Him,

I'm FLDS. My Father was converted to the Church, then later to the FLDS faith where he met my mother and one other woman. He was already married to his first wife, and they both converted together. However, I am not associated with the FLDS group in Texas under Warren Jeffs. That group and ours used to be together until my Grandpa was placed as prophet. That along with some other issues such as 14 year old girls being forced to marry, ultimately let to a split of groups. I do believe that the Church under President Monson is still the true Chuch on the earth and that it always will be, I simply believe it's out of order at the time and has gotten rid of several ordinances and has changed things which weren't supposed to be changed. I am a VERY strong believer in my faith, and the study of mormon doctrine, history, and principles is actually my hobby lol. But yea, you may actually know my Grandpa. He was Rulon C. Allred and he got murdered by another mormon fundamentalist group leader named Ervil Lebaron. Actually it was two of his wives that killed him though. So yea, I was raised in a Plural Marriage family and through years of study I finally gained a very strong testimony of it all. So though I don't understand the hardships of it due to my not yet living it, I do have at least somewhat of a knowledge about the Principle itself and how it relates to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God bless everyone and have a great day.
Hey Josh, welcome and participate. If you are on Facebook or Twitter, we have groups on there as well!

Welcome josh,
May the Lord bless you and may this board be a blessing also.