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Holy Cussing


Real Person
One of Cecil's Bar-room Sermons coming up. :) And don't worry, it WILL turn out to be a marriage issue. ... :o

Long ago and far away (seriously -- Guam, early 80s), one of the first movies I ever rented made a huge impression via teaching this somewhat naive and sheltered PK the value of cussing -- sorta.

I don't remembere the title, but the plot was the rather eccentric professor who ends up overseeing the growing love between a rather delightful female, and a rather detatched, cerebral, perhaps arrogant student.

What struck me as so interesting was that the prof told the young man that he wasn't ready for a REAL relationship until he learned to say,"Son of a B....!" correctly. He then proceded to make him practice saying it, rather unsuccessfully. Of course, the movie resolves once he learns to say it right and in so doing comes into touch with his true feelings, then successfully gets the girl.

What does that little trip down memory lane have to do with much of anything, much less marriage?

Well, the Bible DOES say to get angry and sin not. And our Example, Jesus, DID use some fairly colorful language on certain folks. Which brought me to a thought ... (Didja read the post on Anger / Submission Comparison?)

Perhaps this is an equally true statement: To cuss is easy. (Just let your temper take over. Any 2 year old can essentially do it, complete with kicking heels, and lots of attention getting noise.) But to cuss at the right time, at the right person, for the right reason, and to the right degree? This is not so easy.

"Sounds logical. Any hints as to who and when and what the right time might be?" Well, as a matter of fact ...

The devil is one sorry lying SOB. That's pretty much all he brings to the table. Not much else, truth to tell. He's a defeated foe. He's subject to being cast out by any, ANY, believing Christian. He comes not except to steal, kill, and destroy. His works, including sickness and even DEATH, are subject to being over-ridden by any Christian willing to step up and speak up. ("Heal the ick, raise the dead, cast out demons...")

Unfortunately, he gets away with a LOT, cause we're either afraid of him, believe his lies, or are too durned polite about telling him to scram.

See, the Bible tells us to resist him and he will flee from us. But what happens? Let me pose a scenario ...

Jim and Suzy have come to an understanding of PM and accept that it is possible that God will choose to add to their family. Jim is strong, has studied the Bible, devil doesn't see much chance of slipping a lie into him, unless he can get through ... SUZY!

Suzy goes along ok for a bit, then finds herself assailed by "insecurities". "Does Jim still love me? Am I still attractive to him? Must not be or he wouldn't be on Biblical Families so much! How do I know he isn't courting somene behind my back? Maybe he is! Can I log in as him and read his PMs? I'd better get clingy and demanding and take his mind away from all that to 'SAVE MY MARRIAGE'. Oh my! WHAT AM i GONNA DO?"

Thing is, Suzy isn't truly insecure! She has no reason to be, and wasn't before PM came on the scene. Jim's crazy about her and she KNOWs it! Suzy's mind is being fed lies by the biggest liar of them all -- and she's accepting 'em.

Jim, in turn, is wondering, "What on earth? Why does she go into these weird fits any time she sees me posting on BF? And what if I AM talking to someone? We both KNOW that's my right as a husband, though I'll certainly bring her into the loop if anything starts getting serious -- even though , truth to tell, I'm NOT talking to anyone!" But instead of moving forward somewhere that God MIGHT want to lead him, he's spending all his time and energy trying to keep things on an even keel as the devil rocks the family to and froe with one lie after another.

Some cussing is DEFINITELY called for, IMO. Suzy, at the first hint of her "insecurities" needs to get thoroughly ticked, and say or yell, as needed, "You LYING Son of a B.....! Get out of here and go on back to hell where you belong. My husband LOVES me, and provides for me, and talks to me, and is attracted to me and is honest with me, and I'LL NOT HEAR ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR BLASTED LYING WORDS about it! Git! Scram! Out of my HEAD! Out of my HOUSE! Off of my PROPERTY! And don't come back!!! Go, you lying scumbucket!!!"

SOMEbody gotta RESIST the lying SOB, so he will flee! Politely ushering him to the door isn't going to work -- trust me. He'll just smile his evil grin and say, "Oh, I'm FINE right here." You may have to bring the name of Jesus into it, but either way, the message needs to be violently clear -- WE AIN'T BUYIN' THEM LIES!

Here's another fun scenario: One way or another, Betty enters the scene. Needs a husband. Makes friends with Jim AND Suzy. Might well fit into their family just fine, along with her six kids under the age of 8! (Just had to throw that in to make it interesting. :twisted: :D ) Ooo! Ooo! The devil sees a chance! Jim or Suzy either one, but he'll hit Suzy first because he remembers that in the garden Eve was deceived, and Adam got in trouble for accomodating her ("Hearkening to her voice" was God's term). It's still a good strategy. Feed the female a fib, get her to tell it to her hubby and plead his indulgence ...

First, he attacks Jim's business, putting the family finances on a rocky footing. The he starts whispering to Suzy, "Yeah, Betty's nice. Sure she needs a husband. Yup, both you and Jim could grow to love her dearly. BUT THE TIME ISN'T RIGHT. You can't AFFORD to add to the family right now. Your own kids need clothes for next school year, and glasses, and the dog needs heartworm medicine, and the car needs repair, and there are other bills to pay, and OH MY! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?"

Will Jim be wise enough to say, "There IS no time but NOW. God is our provider, and He can provide for us + Betty and her 6 ankle biters in our home as easily as just us"? And if he politely does so, will that do the trick?

I don't THINK so! You don't argue with the devil. He'll just come up with more logical sounding lies! You identify him as the lying SOB behind these thoughts and ideas, and tell him to SCRAM. SOMEBODY got to RESIST his skanky lying fibs!

And I do believe that at times like these, some colorful, heartfelt, angry Holy Cussing is definitely called for.

... Just the opinion of one ticked off Christian who's been watching these fibs from hell wreak havoc among good BF families.

Doc, Nathan, if the post is too strong, go ahead and delete it. But just for the record ... it's working for ME.

Yesterday morning I awoke in the wee hours in a dead panic attack. Uh-huh. Big burly 49 year old quivering, and hallucinating, and scared nearly stiff over finances and family and health and ... felt like I was gonna die! Then ...

"Why you lying SON OF A B.....! I shall NOT die but LIVE and declare the works of the LORD! And, He forgives ALL my iniquities and heals ALL my diseases, and (a number of other verses addressing specific points of terror and hallucination). You just take your lying a.. right on back outa here and leave me alone! I'm not listening, and I'll not HAVE it! My Father LOVES me, provides for me and mine, and YOU don't get to over-ride that, so SCRAM!"

This went on for a bit, but the panic disappeared and I went back to sleep giving thanks. Woke up in the morning with this whole business on my mind, and now y'all know all about it too. :)
Love it Cecil! Thanks so much for sharing. Praise the LORD that your panic went away and you were able to sleep!!! This is definitely a concept I will keep in mind as I am sure I have been the one in our family who has been the most susceptible to buying into the devil's lies these past few months.