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Anyone recommendations for makeup brands without a smell or light scented, natural perfumes? I can't even use essential oils. For makeup I currently use Maybelline Green tinted oil makeup, it's very light, doesn't have much of a smell at all and it's cheap but it doesn't last very long in the heat.
Anyone recommendations for makeup brands without a smell or light scented, natural perfumes? I can't even use essential oils. For makeup I currently use Maybelline Green tinted oil makeup, it's very light, doesn't have much of a smell at all and it's cheap but it doesn't last very long in the heat.
For a natural perfume, you could try coconut oil. I use it that way. It smells very strong, lasts a long time, and this is embarrassing but it works well as deodorant for me. 😅
It also has a real healing affect on the skin. I had to use a lot of bleach for cleaning at one point and my hands were raw enough I thought the skin would just die off like a sunburn, but I used coconut oil to soothe my hands and it ended up healing them. From then I was sold.

I also want to know about makeup. I have been looking it up how to make them online but I don't have a lot of the ingredients. Except cocoa powder. Apparently that's used a lot.
Girl, it's so bad that even the faint smell of coconut oil irritates me 🤣 It does work great, though; I use it on my pet's skin, ears and paws to heal rashes during the summer.

I never thought of making my own makeup; i'll have to look into that. My skin has actually improved from using this Maybelline Green makeup along with different serums at night. Here's what it looks like if you ever want to try it; it's only like $6 at Walmart and feels super light on the skin!