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Huckabee On Defining Marriage


Real Person
Mike Huckabee equates plural marriage to homosexual marriage:

http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id= ... dy;housing

He uses the old slippery-slope argument saying if you allow gay marriage, then watch out! polygamy is next! Beware! Beware! :o

Better read the Bible. Homosexuality is condemned as an abomination, but nowhere, nowhere, nowhere is plural marriage condemned in the Scripture.


Sadly, Huckabee is not the first Shameless Politico or even high-profile "Christian" to parrot that line (or to "call good evil, and evil good.")

(I did a whole radio show segment on a certain well-known Senator about eight years ago for the EXACT same claim!)

I have long contended that there is a SINGLE most important question that one can ask someone who claims to want to "represent" you, to "come in your name", to speak for you. Given that the Declaration of Independence is the Foundation upon which the Constitution for this Republic is based, that question is this:

"Where do my Rights come from?"

As the Founders unanimously agreed, there is only one correct answer:

"From our Creator," from the God of the Bible.

And we don't need a Huckabee or any other self-important impostor to "define marriage" for Him. After all, could someone who doesn't understand the difference between "abomination" and Covenant be any LESS qualified to rewrite His Word?

And if he actually honored his oath of office, or understood even a little about the principles which ONCE defined this Republic, he would not need to be told why there is specifically NO power delegated (Article I, Sec. 8) in the Constitution to say ANYTHING about marriage to begin with!
OK - what a pain (their registration and login hassles...)

(And I'll admit that the hypocrisy of his answer really bugged me. He not only conflated polygyny with gay marriage, but threw polyandry in there, too. While he wears 'religion' on his sleeve, he avoids the Bible like the plague!)

Here's what I posted:
(and, yes, I'm harder on those people who have taken oaths even than other 'teachers' who "reject knowledge" and are thus told that you "will be no priest for me", in Hosea 4:6)

by MarkNiwot November 25, 2009 12:57 PM EST

Sadly, Huckabee is even more ignorant of the Bible than he is of the history of this Republic.

There was a very good reason that the Founders delegated NO power whatsoever (Art. I, Section 8) for the central government to meddle with marriage. Look what they did to a "money" that was once as good as gold for just one obvious example!

Even the Bible-illiterate know that God allowed many of His servants to take more than one wife (Abraham, Jacob, Caleb, David, Josiah, Gideon, etc, etc.) but utterly forbade male homosexuality. (And while those verses are now 'verboten' in Amerika, Huckabee cannot fall back on that excuse! So instead, he gets it BACKWARD! Why are we not surprised?)

People who claim to be "Christian" but can't even read the Bible for comprehension should not try to redefine what He has already Written! And those who take an oath to the Constitution should always know better.
An interesting take on all this is the bias against women that monogamy laws show. Homosexuals have preferential legal status when it comes to poly ideas. For example:

If a bi-sexual male happily married to a woman decides to start a long term relationship with a gay friend living with them or in the house next door. That is gay rights.

If a heterosexual male happily married to a woman decides to start a long term relationship with a lady friend living with them or in the house next door. That is not legal.


A same sex married couple (legal in New York, California, Rhode Island, New Mexico and Washington, DC) decide to let a third gay friend live with them. And being gay and free, some of their home parties get a little frisky. Why aren’t they arrested for living in a polygamous gay home? If they were arrested city hall would be picketed the next day. Should anyone have confidence that there is such a thing as monogamous gay marriage . Not the people in this link:

http://americansfortruth.com/news/dan-s ... ogamy.html

People that believe in (yes you can be discriminated against for just believing it) or practice plural should have as much freedom and lack of persecution as anyone else.